At this moment, Qin Shou and the others in the herd have become blood gourds!

The overwhelming herd of beasts with iron hoofs can only fight back while facing the oppression of the prison golem!

The giant Hua Ling was wrestling with a group of golems, and Ye Xinghe was trampled crazily by the elephants!

Qin Shou roared, and huge icebergs emerged, flying the tops of the elephants into the sky, eyes full of pain!

(#)??口??(#) "Nan Shen is really Qin Shou, so why not, is this going to kill me?"

"Pffw~ My ribs are all broken, who can cure me, hey!"

(???Yi??‵) "It's fine if you scold Nanshen, don't take me with you?"

Everyone is going crazy, is this really a hell-level trial?

Practice until you die?

At this moment, I saw the leader of the golem roared wildly, the huge elephant body over 100 meters high, with its front hooves raised high, and its trunk raised high!

A phantom of a golem over a kilometer suddenly appeared in the air, and its iron hooves stomped hard towards the ground!

The sound of the sonic boom was deafening, Qin Shou and the others looked up at the sky, and the sky was covered in darkness!

With horror in his eyes, he couldn't help but said anxiously:

(??口??(#) "It can't be done, it can't be done, people are going to die!

At this moment, a space Rubik's Cube suddenly formed, and Qin Shou and others under the iron hooves were directly transferred to another place!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao, Wu Liang and Xiong Er rushed towards the golem like vicious dogs!

Especially the small dimple, which rushed the fastest, and even used Tianxing!

It's like trying to steal monsters!

However, Jiangnan in the sky grinned, jumped down from the space barrier, and fell freely!

The strong wind stroked his long hair, and the next moment he suddenly appeared under the iron hooves of the prison-suppressing golem!

"Warp saw blade!"

I saw the warp bubble formed in an instant, surrounded by a high-speed rotating saw blade!

Before everyone could react, the huge golem's body was split into two!

Blood poured down like a waterfall!

Qin Shou, who had just been transferred out, looked back and saw two halves of the golem!

Golem:? ? ?

I cracked?

What's the situation? Damn, Vientiane was cast immediately, and the animal body that was cut in half recovered frantically!

But at this moment, Xia Yao's Extreme Day Cloud Swirling arrived, combined with 36 consecutive flashes of Xiaoyue Steel Claws, the elephant's trunk was cut off!

As soon as he dodged over, what greeted the golem was a giant incandescent sun flame!

With a sound of "Boom", infinite flames splashed, and the huge body of the golem was directly bathed in the raging flames, and the surrounding elephant herds were blown away!

But Wu Liang, who fired General Chijia, a savage charge fell from the sky, and rushed into the flames!

It hit the golem's remnant body heavily, and the powerful impact smashed the golem into the ground, and the magma shot out!

Jiang Nan was in a hurry: (? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey, don't be beaten to death, and save it for Qin Shi to train them. Take a breath and let it take it easy!"

The dimpled pretty faces that just rushed up were all twitched together!

(???~??) "I still haven't shown it?"

The baby's unique skills are completely useless, hey!

The golem is crying all the time, I may not be human, but you guys are real dogs!

This is simply humiliation, the anger in his chest was burning, and he struggled to stand up!

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows towards Ye Xinghe and the others:

(??????) "What are you doing in a daze? Go on?"

At this moment, Qin Shouhualing and the others are all twitching, how perverted are you special meows?

In the face of such a powerful spirit beast, they are rushing forward, and the effort of turning around has been beaten to blood?

Is it human?

Are we really born at the same level?

"Lai Lai, what a leg! Fight hard!"

Looking at this scene, Ziyuan was also full of shock: "How terrifying would this group of people be if they went to heaven?"

Fat Ju licked his arms and kept washing his face with his arms!

(?????) "I thought it was from the previous era, meow? Nanshen went to heaven? Well, it's equal to 100 Ziyuan sisters to the 99th power, right?"

Zi Yuan:? ? ?

I'm fine with a hundred, but you're a little too insulting to me if you add a second!

You don't even know how useful this Fate Witch is!

Just wait and see, there will be good things later!


Colleague here, in the gap between dimensions, an unknown place!

There is a continental plate of millions of square kilometers floating!

There is a layer of air film like an egg shell on it!

On the continental plate, there are already the prototypes of Lingxu, with mountains, rivers, green grass and green trees!

There are even spirit beasts!

It's just that it still looks a bit barren, there are raging space cracks everywhere, and the space is extremely unstable!

And a gigantic beast with a size of hundreds of kilometers is lying on the continental plate, rolling boredly!

The whole body is like jelly, extremely solid, and the three glazed horns on the top of the head are extremely conspicuous!

Where the huge body rolled over, everything was crushed!

Although not as big as Xing Cheng's older brother, he is much older than Xing Cheng!

At this moment, the Creation Beast is rolling, opening its mouth wide, absorbing energy, turning it into creation particles and injecting it into the land plate!

From time to time, the eyes like the sky lake look towards the gap between the dark dimensions, as if expecting something!

At this moment, in the boundless darkness, a giant black crab swam over!

It is so huge that it carries a rock island on its back, and its body exudes extremely terrifying spatial fluctuations!

Although the size is already exaggerated, but compared with the creation beast!

It's about the size of a claw!

When Genesis Beast saw the Cancer approaching, it was so excited that it rolled over and got up!

Excitedly squatting on the ground, winking at Cancer!

The giant crab crashed directly into the air membrane, and smashed heavily on the continental plate!

The two beasts exchanged glances, not knowing what they were communicating with!

Afterwards, the two beasts played a game!

I saw the giant crab and the creation beast with one claw behind their backs, and then they shot at the same time!

The giant crab showed its claws, while the creation beast clenched its claws into fists!


Scissors against rock, rock wins...

Cancer's face turned black!

However, the Creator Beast excitedly raised its fist high and smashed it hard at the giant crab's carapace!


Like a doomsday bomb exploding, a rock pit several kilometers in size was smashed out on the spot!

The giant crab vomited bubbles after being smashed, and put his hands behind his back again with a dissatisfied face...

After more than a dozen times, the giant crab that has been punched more than a dozen times has smashed through the continental plate!

Teleport back dangling!

"Pangpang, can we play another game? I can only play scissors when I step on a horse, does this seem to be wrong?"

"I never hit you before?"

The Creator Beast looked up in thought, thinking it made sense!

So I drew an X-shaped grid on the mainland with my fingers, and drew a circle inside to serve as a well, and took down two hills as chess pieces!

Looking expectantly at Cancer, Cancer also grabbed the two hills as pawns, apparently suffocating the cows for fun!

Rock-paper-scissors, the Creator Beast won, it came out first, and as soon as it moved a step, it suffocated the giant crab to death!

So excitedly raised his fist and hammered the crab again!

Cancer: ...

You take off your pants and fart, you?

Just want to hit me, right?

"Stop! I'll go out first!"

The Cancer is about to move the mountain, and violent spatial fluctuations come!

I saw a triangular cone-shaped scout ship suddenly appearing in front of the air film at an astonishing speed!

The Cancer and the Genesis Beast both looked at the scout ship in bewilderment, not knowing what the hell it was!

The next moment, 01 and 02 rushed out from the scout ship, eyes full of excitement!

(??1?????)?: "Damn! I really found it! I've been wandering around the dimensional cracks around Blue Star these days!"

"Kung fu pays off, doesn't it?"

(?2 ?° ?? ?°): "Don't let it run away, it will be hard to chase after it runs away, first control it! Hurry up and notify Master Karl!"

"Tell him to bring someone here quickly, where is Xu Ding?"

The next moment, I saw that 01's whole body was wrapped in the source quality armor, and a virtual nail made by Huanyu Jingyuan was pulled out from the scout ship!

Due to the isolation of the source quality armor, it can still withstand it, but it is very inconvenient to hold it!

But Chuangshi Beast looked at the nails in their hands, his big eyes were full of panic, obviously it was brought back bad memories!

I turned my head and wanted to leave!

01 grinned grimly: "Where are you going!"

While speaking, he rushed straight to the continental plate!

On the other side, on the huge warp starship!

Karl is cruising on the bridge, and he looks a little irritable!

(?°?得°?) "You're on a horse! Why hasn't there been any news after so long?"

As soon as he finished chanting, the glazed corners began to flicker, and the coordinates sent back by 01 were received on the main console!

Carl's eyes brightened: "Haha! Did you find it? Hurry up! Start the warp drive, charge up quickly, and go to the coordinate point!"

At this moment, energy surged on the warp starship, and the tail warp engine began to increase its peak power!

The space around the giant starship begins to distort!

Everyone in Igor hurried over!

"What's the situation? Found the trace of the creation beast?"

Cooper said excitedly: "It can be regarded as found, great!"

Karl licked his lips and sneered, "The Creation Beast, which has been lost for more than three thousand years, should return to the hands of Saint Star!"

"This time we must..."


Before he finished speaking, everyone's eyes were on Cooper!

I only heard the sound of gurgling in his stomach!

With disgust in his eyes, Cooper raised his hand and slapped himself!

(乛乛乛?) "This damn human body still needs to eat? It's so low-level that it's disgusting!"

Igor sighed: "How can I fix it? Let's deal with it first, and there is no other body for you to drive God!"

Cooper felt a chill in his heart, and I couldn't change it, I...


At the same time, at the golden ancient city of Yingguo, Jiangnan looked at his snail shell in astonishment, and it began to flicker!

There were bursts of gurgling sounds from inside!

Jiang Nan swallowed. Cooper, wouldn't he use his appendix to call me?

Appendices... Appendices?

Listen carefully, the sound of Gululu has its own unique rhythm, is it the Virginia code?

Hiss~ Saint Star found the trail of the Creation Beast?

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