At this moment, Jiangnan, both body and soul, are crying!

I just shouldn't drink that broken chicken soup!

The little soybeans in my hand are almost crushed!

At this moment, Ye Yuan's eyes brightened, looking at the dumb sack in his hand, an evil idea was born!

Now Jiangnan is in a big crisis!

If you can put him in the sack at this moment, let him "bang bang bang bang" in it!

What a beautiful thing?

(??? Mouth??)? "Jiangnan! Jiangnan! Jiangnan..."×N!

At this moment, Ye Yuan seemed to be incarnated as a repeater, a roll call device, chanting Jiangnan's name frantically!

As long as Jiangnan puts up a sentence, he will be useless!

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "Ahahaha! Jiangnan, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Jiang Nan spat out a mouthful of white foam from the poison, rolled his eyes, and his body began to shake!

But still insist on not eating small soybeans!

If this is put into a sack, I will be doomed!

Grinding his teeth, he said:

(?°? ? °?) "Don't be too happy! Don't forget to drink chicken soup for the soul!"

"Father's happiness, you can feel it later!"

"Our society is dead! You want to live in vain!"

The smile on Ye Yuan's face suddenly froze!

=????(?Yi?????) "Damn..."

Before he finished speaking, his complexion turned black and his lips were blue!

A big mouthful of black blood was spit out!


Ye Yuan:? ? ?

Turning his head to look at the holy light radiating from him, it is still golden!

The side effects obviously haven't happened yet, so how could he vomit blood?

I... Is this poisoned?

Jiang Nan was taken aback, what the hell? what's the situation?

Made me vomit blood? I have such a strong?

And why do you feel that there is less toxin in your body?

In the dark, Jiang Nan felt as if he had grasped something important?

Is it possible...

(? ?° .? ?°) "Brother Yeyuan! When you feel that you are stupid and frustrated, repeatedly cheated, and useless, don't despair! Because at least your judgment is still right!"

Ye Yuan stared: (′???)σ "You are on a horse... Puff!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he spurted a mouthful of black blood several meters away, his face turned blue, obviously poisoned!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Sure enough, the poisonous chicken soup was poured out, and the toxins in my body were reduced a lot!

Difficult...Could it be possible to detoxify yourself by instilling poisonous chicken soup into others!

Transferring your toxins to others?

Goose box?

(????) "This chicken soup is so poisonous that only my little soybean can cure it! You can't handle it at all! But don't worry!"

"Now you can't handle it! Wait a still can't handle it! Ahahaha~"

Ye Yuan's face was extremely dark, and when he raised his head, he spurted a three-meter-high column of black blood!

[Resentment value from Yeyuan +1007! ]

[From Yeyuan...]

?(?Yi??)? "I'll get you done right now!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Jiangnan with a ferocious face!

Jiangnan quacked straight music, a teleportation went straight to the Teletubbies who were chasing Xing Cheng and sucking farts!

Pulling by others is better than pulling by yourself!

Ye Yuan just wanted to chase Jiang Nan, but suddenly, his side effects of chicken soup also exploded!

Covered in black and purple, foaming and rolling his eyes, he fell to the ground and kicked his legs!

At this moment, he can be said to be more poisonous than poisonous!

And Jiang Nan has already caught up with Fat Bulaji, holding his shoulder seriously!

(??????) "You can't be fat~ You must have been smoothed by life, so you have become so round and chubby, right?"

"If you must put a number on the value of your life? Then you are only worth five dollars!"

Don't get fat:? ? ?

(●??????●) "I'm not...puwa~"

Before he finished speaking, his face turned black, and he vomited blood on the spot, Jiangnan directly stuffed him with a handful of small soybeans!

A brand new antenna rocket was born!

And the toxin on Jiangnan's body became lighter again!

The rest of the fart-sucking Teletubbies looked terrified, what's going on?

?━=????(??? ????)

The boss of Nanshen scolded his elder brother and vomited blood after saying a few words casually?

And Jiang Nan came to Wuxi Baji again, patted his shoulder and said:

(?? .? ?)? "My money was robbed, my family was wiped out, and I still have to work for me. If I don't do well, I will be threatened and skinned. You must think that such a life is very hard, right?"

Wuxi twitched the corner of her mouth:

(¬?¬?) "Are you so embarrassed to say you?"

Who do you think I became like this because of?

Jiang Nan grinned:

(??????) "Don't worry brother! Life may make you suffer for a while, but as long as you get through it, it will make you suffer for a lifetime, and you will get used to it!"

No West Baji:? ? ?

_(???」∠) "Puff~"

[The resentment value from Wuxi Baji +1008! ]

His face was blue and black, he was out of breath, he vomited blood, and his eyes became hollow!

The boss of Nanshen killed Bao and killed his heart, ah?

Seeing that Xi Baji was so poisoned that he spit on him, Jiang Nan cheerfully stuffed him with a handful of small soybeans!

After starting the rocket, he ran towards Maca Dula again!

Maca Dula:! ! !

?(?Yi?;)? "No! I don't want to listen, you don't want to come here, you?"

I saw him covering his ears and running away crazily!

But where did you run across the south of the Yangtze River? After all, he was caught up!

At this moment, Ye Yuan also struggled to get up, and wiped the white foam off his mouth!

Seeing that half of the toxins on Jiangnan's body have been eliminated, and he hasn't eaten the little soybeans yet!

What's the situation? Is it possible that cursing people can detoxify?

Can swear, who wants to have diarrhea?

Ye Yuan roared angrily, holding on to his viciousness, imitating Jiang Nan, and caught a Teletubbies named Waibi Papa, and exported it crazily by his shoulders!

(?ˉ?口ˉ?) "I'm just ~%?...;# *’☆\u0026℃$︿! Beep beep***..."

A burst of telegrams spread frantically, and under the pressure of death, they output as much as possible, and all kinds of obscenities are spread out!

Hope to detoxify!

And Jiang Nan laughed straight:

( ?° ?? ?°)? "Makadula, don't be afraid, what's wrong with following me? How can being a star thief be better than being my lackey?"

Makadula gritted her teeth: (??????)? "Don't look at me like this! I also have dreams, as long as I work hard, I will definitely become bigger and stronger, I..."

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Dream? What dream? Did you dream about it? Did you really dare to dream about it?"

"Sometimes you don't work hard, you don't even know what despair is!"

"Are you envious of me? But don't look at the surface in everything, don't look at my smooth sailing on the surface, in fact, you don't even know that I am also smooth sailing behind the scenes, goose box~"

Maca Dula:? ? ?

?(???口??)? "Ah! Let me go! I'm going to die! Let me die! There's no point in living!"

"The world is not worth it wow! Puff wow~"

After stuffing a handful of small soybeans, amid Macadula's desperate wailing, another antenna rocket was born!

On the other side, Ye Yuan hugged Wai Bi's father, and scolded him dryly!

But Waibi's daddy is holding his nostrils indifferently, and there is no wave in his heart:

(乛??乛;) "That's it? Is there anything else you want to say to Dad? Go on, Dad, listen!"

Ye Yuan:? ? ?

Why doesn't it work? By the way, why does I feel that he is taking advantage of me?

Jiangnan quacked straight music: "Brother Yeyuan! You can't do this, can you? Killing treasures requires killing one's heart?"

"Human~" If you don't force yourself, you don't even know how hot you are! "

Ye Yuan's eyes were wide open, and another mouthful of old blood spit out!

[Resentment value from Yeyuan +1008! ]

How can he detoxify by cursing? Why can't I?

As everyone knows, Ye Yuan's basic swearing skills are all swear words, which can't touch his heart at all!

The Teletubbies who are star thieves haven't heard any slang words?

These are little kisses!

Not only that, but he was also poisoned by Jiangnan's poison. Ye Yuan could hardly bear it anymore, and felt like he was going to burp at any time?

Jiangnan laughed straight:

(????? ) "Don't hold on anymore, as long as you promise me that you will settle all accounts and settle all grievances in the past, I will give you little soybeans to eat!"

"Don't worry! Everyone is running! It's all for survival, no shame~ No one will laugh at you, pfft~"

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Ye Yuan!


[Resentment value from Yeyuan +1009! ]


( ? °皮°)? "I would rather die than surrender! I would rather die than surrender!"

Then, with strong willpower, Bibi Dabi continued to output!

I don't believe that scolding him doesn't hurt him!

Jiang Nan was relaxed, and his eyes fell on Olivia in the blink of an eye!

Can't help but teleport to her!

Olivia couldn't help stepping back with horror in her eyes:

(?ˇ﹏ˇ??:) " don't want to come here?"

After scolding several Teletubbies until they vomited blood, this is the first time she knows the power of language?

No... But as long as I know what he wants to say in advance and have a mental preparation in advance, I won't break my defense, right?

Look at my god's whisper wow!

At this moment, Olivia's eyes widened and she predicted wildly!

Next second!

??o·(? ??????????? )?o·?

I saw Olivia crying violently on the spot, her whole body was poisoned, and she vomited blood and wiped her tears frantically!

[Resentment value from Olivia +1003! ]


Her big eyes are full of despair!

In a split second, most of the poison on Jiangnan's body was cured!

Jiang Nan was stunned. She didn't say anything yet, so she broke her defense by herself?

Is it so easy? If I knew it, I would have found her long ago?

It seems that knowing the future is not a good thing, right?

Olivia is not only a danger warning girl, but also a useful detoxification girl?

Seeing Olivia crying so sad, Jiang Nan couldn't bear it!

So he stepped forward to comfort him and said:

( .? ??)? "Don't cry, just smile! Guliang who loves to laugh, luck is never bad~"

"It is always more crow's feet than others!"

Olivia: ??o·(? ???????????? )?o·? "Wow!!!"

While she was crying with her mouth wide open, Jiang Nan stuffed her with a handful of small soybeans:

(????) "Pull it, baby boy~"

At this moment, Jiangnan's face is refreshed, and there is only a trace of poison left!

So I turned to the Titan Rockets who were scurrying around!

( ?° ? ?°) "Hmm~ Nina seems to be running a bit slower than Nita? How can this work?"

So a teleport rushed over!

( ??~?? ) "Nina Nina~ Do you know why women have been so unlucky since ancient times?"

Nina is confused: ?(┘?┏~┓?└)? "Why?"

Jiangnan: (???????‵) "Because no one cares how long ugly people live, Jie Jie Jie~"

Nina burst into tears:

?(┘??┏mouth┓??└)? "Ahh!"

For a moment, it seemed as if the second-level acceleration was ignited, and its flying speed suddenly surpassed her brother, becoming the fiercest Titan rocket!

Jiang Nan looked at the Shura field in front of him with a free and easy face, his eyes were full of salvation!

?*?( ??? ???)?*? "The crisis is over! Goose box box ~ Yes no la ~"

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