Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2039 Robbing a planet?

At this moment, on the southeast side of the Zhoushen Starfield, the coordinates are 741261...

The starship is out of the state of warp speed, and the Zhoushen Arsenal is completely presented in the eyes of Jiangnan!

It is said to be an arsenal, but in fact this is a planet that has undergone deep transformation!

The size alone is already worth three or five Jupiters!

The entire planet is the main body of the Zhoushen Arsenal, which continues to produce forbidden weapons for the Dark Universe!

And now the gigantic planetary railgun is completely out of action!

Even though the Jiangnan starship was so close, the alarm system was still not triggered!

At this moment, Jiangnan and the others are standing on the deck of the starship with their hips akimbo, all wearing sad frog hoods on their heads!

Momo trembled:

(?﹏?.) "Really...really didn't make a mistake? Is this the Zhoushen Armory?"

"So we're going to rob a planet now?"

Did you misunderstand the meaning? Hey!

Robbing planets? Would this be a little too crazy?

Jiang Nan waved his hand:

(︶?︶?)? "There is always a first time for everything. If you get it this time, you will have experience next time!"

Wang Youzhi scratched his butt and said:

(¬?¬) "Why is it so troublesome? Just ask Dawei Tianlong to come over and take this planet away, and drag it back to the lost country, it's over!"

"Anyway, Noah has already spoken, otherwise we have to move slowly by ourselves!"

Olivia: (|||??3??) Pooh~

Are you really robbing the planet? Is it okay to just move the entire arsenal?

Jiang Nan shook his head: "No, this is going too far, you have to leave a shell! Besides, Dawei Tianlong's appearance here is too conspicuous!"

"Let's go down the process!"

Love Sauce:? ? ?

Leave a shell? Not too much?

I saw Jiangnan immediately said: ( ?° ?? ?°)? "Ai Jiang! Control the starship to directly crash into the Zhoushen Arsenal, and say hello to them!"

"Let me know, tell the factory manager that we are coming to rob, and tell him to prepare!"

So under the control of Ai Jiang, the starship rammed straight towards the Zhoushen Arsenal!

Hearing a loud "boom", the starship plunged headfirst into the ground, causing a violent explosion, and the flames soared into the sky!

Loud noises and vibrations spread throughout the arsenal!

At this moment, the guards of the dark space body in the arsenal looked at the huge flame and the corners of their mouths twitched!

Damn! Are these robbers so powerful?

Just hit the planet with a spaceship when you come up, suicide robbery?

Although everyone noticed the intrusion, none of the guards went to check the situation. After all, they had already received the order to "be robbed"!

At this moment, in the factory director's office, there is a dark body sitting, but Pei Xi seems a little restless and restless at the moment!

Looking at the slogan "Safe production has been in production for 1047 years" hanging on the wall, my face is pulled down!

I didn't expect to receive an order to be robbed today!

What is this all about!

I hope these robbers will be merciful and leave me some money...

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a loud "boom", and Director Pei's heart skipped a beat!

Is this coming? What's so loud?

His body suddenly disappeared into the factory director's office!

At the same time, in the production workshop of the arsenal, several sad frogs teleported to the end of the production line, and immediately spoke:

(?°?д°?)? "Jiangyang Thief is here! If you have any good treasures, give me all of them!"

Wang Youzhi was full of momentum, threatening:

?(▼д▼?) "If you want to survive, keep the money for your life! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Olivia said fiercely: (??? Mouth??)? "It's time to kill!"

In the huge workshop, the voices of several people echoed!

I saw countless dark universe bodies standing on the production line, each of them was astonishingly imposing, and there must be thousands of them!

At this moment, all eyes fell on the people in Jiangnan!

(?_? )(?_? )(?_? )…

Momo sweated profusely on his forehead, this really a shame? How many of us are there?

However, the menacing robbery did not get any response from many dark universe bodies!

Just glanced at it, and went back to work on the production line, completely ignored!

In fact, I was crazily cursing in my heart, where did these green toads come from?

Is this the legendary robber?

The air fell into silence for a while, and the few people were completely ignored!

Wang Youzhi's face was dark:

(??? Yi????) "Why is there no response at all? Don't you know how to respect our profession? Are you sure you didn't turn on stealth?"

And Jiangnan was completely shocked by the production line in front of him!

Countless parts were assembled along the production line and turned into containers for starburst bombs, and then the dark cosmic bodies controlled the dark matter to flow out, aggregated and compressed, and finally poured into the starburst bombs!

In a short time, a dark matter starburst bomb can be produced!

And this one can blow up the planet and sell five billion star points!

The Zhoushen Arsenal is in production around the clock. How much value can be created in one day?

How many forbidden weapons should the dark universe have in stock?

At this moment, Jiangnan finally had the most intuitive feeling of the strength of the top ten big clans in the sequence!

If the real gangsters start a race war between the big clans, it will definitely destroy the world, okay?

Jiang Nan looked at the production line, and the halazi was about to flow out!

It came directly to the end of the production line. The newly produced dark matter starburst bomb has not waited for the dark space body to be boxed!

He was snatched from him by Jiangnan and stuffed into his own alien space!

The corner of the dark body's mouth twitched, it cast a glance at Jiangnan, and continued to give birth...

Jiangnan Goose Hehe laughed, he just snatched five billion?

(? ?° .? ?°) "Momo! Come here and grab it. It's still hot. They've produced it. You can just pack it in a sack!"

(? Mouth?)? "Hurry up, all of you, the tempo is too slow, speed up, hey hey~ Don't whisper to those dark cosmic bodies, what fish are you fishing for during working hours?"

While talking, he gave Momo a bunch of sacks, and asked her to grab the production line...

The dark cosmic bodies can't help but start to collect grievance points, are you here to rob or supervise the work? Damn!

At this moment, Jiangnan is completely immersed in it, and went to other production lines to observe it!

This one produces a completely different weapon!

It is a grenade emitting holy white light, small and portable!

The production rate is much slower than the dark matter starburst bomb!

Feel free to grab one and check it out:

( ??~?? ) "What kind of weapon is this?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Jiangnan: "This is a holy collapse grenade, do you know how to make it for me? Pay attention to transportation safety and don't bump it!"

"A holy collapse grenade can even collapse an entire planet into nothingness. It is an extremely dangerous taboo weapon!"

When Jiang Nan turned his head, he saw the plump An Zhou body with his hands behind his back, telling the production line with a serious face!

"Yes! Director Pei Xi!"

However, they still ignored Jiangnan and the others who were carrying out robbery!

Jiang Nan was stunned. Does this even have a product explanation?

"Momo! Let's grab this production line too!"

"Oh~ ok... ok!"

At this moment, Momo couldn't take care of her anymore, so she could only open the sack and put it at the end of the production line!

People (⌒﹏⌒;) "I'm sorry, I can't spare my hands, can you put them in the sack by yourself? Crab~"

The dark universe vomits blood, and it’s fine to rob our fruits of labor. Do you want to be so polite?

But I can only throw it into the sack angrily!

There are several production lines, but Momo is so busy that she is sweating!

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes: "This is how much we can grab? It's not enough to fit your teeth! Isn't there an arsenal here?"

The veins on Peixi's forehead are throbbing violently. Isn't that enough for you to get stuck in your teeth? Do you know how many star points this thing has?

Are you star devouring giant worms? Gap so big?

(??Yi???) "Ahem~ You guys do it first, I'm going to inspect the inventory of the arsenal!"

With his hands behind his back while speaking, he went straight to the arsenal!

Olivia covered her face, how could she still lead the way?

The gate of the arsenal opened slowly, and Jiang Nan couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

Without further ado, rush in and just move!

Dark matter starburst bombs and holy collapse grenades are all stacked in boxes!

This wave directly grabbed more than 30,000 pieces!

Compared with this, the thousand drizzles released at the Black Label Conference are nothing!

Even the Eternal Star Shield has snatched more than a dozen, and the Jianyu Near Defense Star Ring has also made 21!

And Director Pei was going crazy watching this scene, he almost got it!

What are you doing with so much? Is it useful? Are you going to blow up the galaxy with this thing?

In other words, it’s fine if you grab forbidden weapons, but what are you doing grabbing the floating mecha and cart used to carry goods?

Fuck! Do you also pick alloy land?

Have you guys eaten any good pork?

At this moment, Ai-chan let out an exclamation:

?(? ???????)? "Master! Master, what is this?"

I saw that Ai Jiang immediately lifted a disguise curtain!

The giant device inside is exposed!

It is a super-large mechanical device with six bases, and a retractable probe underneath!

And above it is a huge vent, which looks like a metal volcano from a distance, like a planetary engine!

Jiang Nan was amazed: (*???) "Oh, what is this? A weapon?"

Director Pei's eyes were red, and he rushed over to stop Jiangnan with his arms outstretched, shaking his head frantically!

?(′?Yi?)? "No! You can't grab this! This universal propulsion engine is used to propel the planet, not a weapon, and it's useless if you take it!"

This thing is not comparable to those tattered star bombs. Since the establishment of the Zhoushen Arsenal, a total of three units have been successfully produced!

The probe below is used to absorb the energy of the planet, combined with the ejection of dark matter, it can burst out an extremely terrifying thrust!

This thrust is not as simple as slowly pushing the planet, but can accelerate the planet to an extremely terrifying speed!

If a whole planet is smashed out at super high speed, that's a cannonball that can explode everything, okay?

Pushing stars is like playing, it's Percy's bottom-of-the-box treasure!

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