Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2123 Something is really wrong with this soap

At this moment, Wang Youzhi's body was not only covered in blood, even the ground was turned bright red by his impromptu street dance!

I was so anxious, do I want to be so slippery? Can't even stand up?

She was fine just now, right?

(?°?亮°?(#) "Still in the mood to stand there and make fun of me? Why don't you hurry up and help me?"

Chong Daxun swallowed: "Hold on! I'll go right away!"

While speaking, he walked towards Wang Youzhi's side!

However, the goose worm was shocked to find that the surrounding scenery hadn't changed at all!

When I looked down, my legs were walking in place!


I was stunned for a long time and didn't go out even a millimeter! Damn!

Wang Youzhi stared:

(? ò Yi ó) "What are you doing? Who are you playing? Come here quickly?"

Still on the spot?

Chong Daxun was also anxious: "No! I..."

At this moment, Chong Daxun ran wildly, but even though his legs ran out of the phantom, he still didn't move!

There was a "squeaky" sound on the ground!


All the prisoners and jailers stared dumbfoundedly at the worm who was dancing ghostly on the spot!

(*???) "Fuck? Is this product stuck in some kind of air wall, or stuck in a bug? It hasn't moved for a long time?"

"Sure enough! Sure enough! This world is a game. We are all character models. There is a bug in this game!"

Chong Daxun was so anxious that one of them couldn't stand firmly, so he fell down on his front!

But all the hands and feet of the worm lying on the ground were in battle, and the crazy dog ​​couldn't move even a bit!

?(?Yi?|||)? "No! It's too slippery! I can't get through it?"

But with just such a slight fall, the christian dragon broke its skin, and the skin bled crazily, scratching the blood all over the ground!

Wang Youzhi's heart trembled violently!

knock! Could this be a side effect of that broken soap?

In the first half an hour, the frictional force actively applied to him by the outside world dropped to zero, so he formed an unbreakable physical golden body!

No matter how you hit, you can't hit yourself, but the friction you exert on the outside world is not affected?

So if others can't hit you, you can hit others?

The effect is completely reversed once it passes?

Become that the frictional force that oneself actively exerts on the outside world becomes zero?

Is that why the world is so smooth?

Because for Wang Youzhi at this moment, besides himself in this world, Quan Temiao is a physical golden body?

However, the friction force that others actively exert on oneself will not be affected?

This shit! ! !

Thinking of this, Wang Youzhi's face turned pale!

So now others can hit me casually, but I can't hit others?

The point is, you can't run away even if you run! How to run this?

And why did it break the defense after falling? Is Lao Tzu's skin so fragile?

At this moment, even Ye Hua who swung that punch was dumbfounded, staring blankly at his fist!


Hit... Hit it?

Just when everyone was wondering what was going on!

But everyone could smell the strange fragrance emanating from Chong Daxun and Wang Youzhi!

Or manly!

This taste is so good, people simply can not refuse! Become desperate, want to get!

At this moment, in the eyes of all the elders, the blood-covered worm is particularly charming!

Every move is full of endless masculinity, which makes people's heart beat faster, the deer bumps wildly, and can't help swallowing saliva!

(???﹃?) "Ah~ how could it be like this, the masculine scent of the big scorpion is so fragrant, it makes me intoxicated, obsessed, and I want to hold it in my arms and take good care of it!"

"The dark carapace, the ugly but unassuming appearance, the bloody appearance is simply too manly!"

"Maybe this is my true destiny? No way! I can't resist this damn attraction!"

At this moment, countless jailers and prisoners were drooling at the sight of Chong Daxun!

His eyes were red, and with an intoxicated expression on his face, he couldn't help but approach him!

One brother seemed to react, raised his hand and slapped the prisoner next to him!

(??? Mouth??)? "Brother, wake up! That horse is a Zerg! It's so ugly, how can you do it?"

"Forget about the Zerg, he's still a dung beetle?"

The prisoner was sobered up by his mouth, and broke out in a cold sweat!

(?)???????) "Yes... yes? No matter how bad I am, I won't be able to treat the Zerg..."

However, under the strange fragrance of the goose, he couldn't help but sink again, and ran towards the big worm like a goose box!

(???﹃?) "What about the Zerg? Look at his big biceps, trapezius, quadriceps! Who can take this?"

The big worms are so scared that they are about to piss!

?(|||? Benefit?)? "What are you doing? What are you all doing? I'm a Zerg! Zerg, hello! I'm so ugly, you won't cry!"

"Calm down! Calm down! There is no turning back when you shoot the bow?"

However, no matter it is a jailer or a prisoner, they are all fascinated by the strange fragrance emitted by the worm!

Even though the worms are already ugly, the attraction to them at this moment is fatal!

Chong Daxun's eyes were filled with terror, and tears flowed down his face. He could imagine what a brutal scene it would be when all these people came over!

Just thinking about it, Chong Daxun doesn't want to live anymore!

Can't help struggling crazily:

?(?Yi? ;)? "No! Don't! You don't want to come here?"

However, no matter how much the worm struggled, phantoms appeared in both hands and feet, and they just didn't move!

With zero friction and no external force to help, it is just a dream to move!

This is the most suffocating thing!

I can't run away even if I want to!

Wang Youzhi's face turned even paler, what the hell is this?

If this goes on like this, the account of Chong Daxun will really be useless!

The scariest thing is that he still has to be a spectator?

Is it so cruel?

('-Yi-`;) "Big scorpion! You are suffocating! Die! Die now!"

What the hell is this strange fragrance? Something wrong with the scent on your soap?

Seems to have a fatal attraction to other people?

that myself...

At this moment, Damon behind Wang Youzhi was completely intoxicated by the strange fragrance!

Looking at Wang Youzhi with eyes full of love!

(??? ??) "Brother...Brother Dazhi? Can I give you a hug?"

Wang Youzhi:? ? ?

give me a hug? Are you hugging him seriously?

Looking at Damon's body as strong as a mountain, Wang Youzhi's eyes were bloodshot!

Shouted in horror:

?(#?口?)? "No, no, no! I warn you, don't come here! I have the eyes of the devil! You, you, you..."

But Damon didn't care, he just wanted to hug Wang Youzhi, hold him in his arms and take good care of him!

Wang Youzhi was so frightened that he burst into tears:

?(;′??口??`)? "Help! Help! What kind of broken soap!"

He struggled crazily, but he stayed where he was, and could only watch Damon walking towards him step by step!

ヾ(;′??Д??`)? I really want to escape~ but I can't escape~

(? ??????????? )? This is undoubtedly the most painful torment~

(?? Mouth?) What kind of devil soap is this~


Wang Youzhi, who was in a hurry, blew air outwards crazily, relying on the reaction force of the blowing to move!

He has used all kinds of tricks, if he can make two farts now to increase his movement speed, he would be willing?

Wang Youzhi wanted to die already, he was careless, if he had known earlier, he wouldn't have used this thing!

This side effect is too devilish, right?

Can't run away even if you want to, so you can only accept it passively?

This old Jiangnan critic is really kind-hearted!

At this moment, I heard bursts of exclamations from the bathhouse!

The sound of slipping and falling can be heard endlessly, and half an hour has passed!

The side effects of the wrong soap are starting to explode!

Those prisoners who enjoyed the unbreakable physical golden body just now have become slippery existences!

Street dance in place, ghost step dance, slippery as if standing on ice...

There were fallen and struggling figures everywhere, and the whole court was staggering!

His head was broken and bleeding, and his body was covered in blood!

The originally tough skin would break at the touch, like a delicate porcelain doll, covered in blood!

Those who didn't know thought they had experienced some kind of tragic battle!

Not to mention, every prisoner who has used the wrong soap exudes a charming strange fragrance!

Make people intoxicated, unable to extricate themselves!

Samo and Borden were sweating profusely on their foreheads, and Yahweh, who was holding them down, suddenly couldn't hold back!

One of the two of them lost his footing, and knelt down on the ground with a squeak!

Ye Hua, who had been beaten and swollen three times, was full of ferocious eyes, and slowly stood up from the ground!

There was a sinister smile on his face!


Satsuma sweated profusely on his forehead:

=????(??? ????) "Aha~ahhaha~Brother Hua? Misunderstanding! It was all a misunderstanding just now! If you have something to say, talk it out!"

Yahweh:! ! !

"Misunderstand your uncle!"

He raised his foot and kicked on Sam's back mound, and when he heard a sound, Samo screamed like a human-shaped curling jug, and slid out in a kneeling posture!

∠(?口? 」∠)_=З=З=З

I don’t know how many prisoners with slippery feet flew along the way, and the prisoners in the whole bathhouse seemed to be a pile of curling stones colliding with each other!

can not stop at all!

I saw Yahweh took a deep breath, and felt the smell of the fragrance, and my heart was restless!

Looking down at Borden, he licked his lips!

(?????? ?)?"are you ready?"

Borden:! ! !

No, no, you can't do this, you!

He used both hands and feet, and used all four body modes. He just slipped on the spot and couldn't even run away!

I saw Borden squeeze out a dry smile:

_(┐「?﹏??)_“Brother~ Can you tap it lightly? "

At this moment, all the jailers who had been beaten up by the prisoners got up from the ground!

All with bruised noses and swollen faces, all the prisoners in the bathhouse looked red-eyed and clenched their fists!


Under the influence of the strange fragrance, the prisoners were even more attractive to them than their anger!

But no matter which one, it's not a good thing, right?

Wang Youzhi covered his face!

It's over!

really! Appropriate fragrance washing to attract the opposite sex! Excessive fragrance washing to attract the same sex?

I only heard Jehovah roar, "Brothers!"


"It's time to attack! Fight to your heart's content! Fight however you want! Fight however you want! Do you hear everything clearly?"

All the jailers should be in unison!

The eyes of the prisoners at this moment are full of despair!

It's okay to be beaten, the problem is that the current situation is more terrible than being beaten!

However, at this moment, the handle of the door was blocked outside, and there seemed to be no movement inside!

After calculating the time, it was more than half an hour!

It should be almost the same, right?

If the fight continues, I don't know how many people will be killed or injured. Enough is enough, just let those prisoners have a long memory!

So at this moment, Ding Chacha opened the door of the bathhouse!

A strange fragrance rushed over, looking at the scene in the bathhouse, Ting Chacha froze in place...

=????(??? ????)…

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