Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2125 Can't Grab Love

Obviously! Before leaving, Gingchacha had already explained to Jiulan!

Dali's matter was exposed, and if the Nether tribe didn't ask why, they wouldn't let themselves go!

For the next time, I should spend all of it in the torture chamber!

However, since Jiangnan threw out his strength, he was naturally prepared to be exposed!

After all, this is the means to make oneself more valuable to the Nether Race!

It won't make the Nether Warden press himself to death in a bad mood!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(??????????) "Since you have already opened your mouth, I will not hide it, so I will provide you with a copy!"

While speaking, he stretched his hand behind him!

(???~??) "Still watching? Turn around!"

Two blushes rose on Jiu Lan's pretty face, she suddenly realized something, she couldn't help turning around, and took a sip!

But under the cover of mental power, he can still peek at Qing Jiangnan's actions!

I saw that Jiangnan took out a whole barrel of Dali 2.0 directly from behind and put it on the ground!

Jiu Lan's expression became extremely frightened!

Can you imagine the shock in your soul when you "eyes" see a person take out a bucket the size of a water dispenser from his butt pocket?

Are human farts in different dimensions? so amazing?

I saw Jiangnan leaning on his chin and watching with a pensive expression, and then he seemed to remember something!

( ?° ? ?°) Uh~

He sneakily opened the lid of the bucket and spit in it!

Then he sniggered with an evil look on his face, and even picked up the bucket and shook it!

Jiulan: (?_?|||)…

Still spit in? You think I don't know?

Are you a child? Are you? Do you want to be so bad?

Jiang Nan smiled brightly:

(??? ???) "Okay! You can turn around! Hey~ This is the potion of strength!"

Jiulan stared curiously:

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "This... is this thing really so magical?"

Ting Chacha said that it can improve the physical fitness of the person who drinks it to an abnormal level!

And it can also improve physical fitness and mental strength by absorbing the energy of the Styx?

Jiang Nan laughed straight: "Of course? If you don't believe me, don't you know after a sip?"

Nine Blue: (????)

You tricked me into drinking it just after spitting in it? I bah!

No matter how miraculous this vigorous force is, my old lady will not drink it in one sip!

I saw Jiu Lan took Dali angrily: "Is it really possible to hand it in like this? Will it not cause any trouble to you? You are not afraid..."

Jiang Nan smiled: "Don't worry, this will be my bargaining chip to continue living!"

Jiulan's eyes flickered. Although I don't know what Jiangnan is thinking, it is clear that Jiangnan has his own plans and considerations!

"Then the formula of Dali is..."

Jiang Nan looked solemn:

(?????) "This is the ancestral formula of my Jiang family. I took it out today, and I have already made a decision against my ancestors. This formula adopts..."

Nine Blue: ?(?_? )…

"Stop! You don't need to talk, I won't ask!"

Shente Meow's ancestral formula, Jiangnan is full of words, and he has already been blinded by the expression of this sentence!

Jiangnan: (??????)

Jiu Lan got up: "I'll take you back to the cell. To be honest, you should be more honest. You commit crimes every day. How many times have you been beaten since you came in?"

"I don't want the Lord of the Human Era who has done such a feat to be beaten to death in prison!"

"That would be a pity..."

Jiangnan's eyes are full of hope: (?? ?° ? ?°) "That~"

Before she finished speaking, Jiu Lan hit Jiangnan on the head with a thump!

"Don't count on me! I will only follow the rules and never betray my own race!"

Let go of Jiangnan? Of course she wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

The two walked in the corridor one after the other!

Hearing the sound of barking from the cells on both sides, the whole men's prison area was filled with a strange smell!

Jiang Nan sniffed lightly, and couldn't help swallowing, feeling his heart beating faster!

what's the situation?

However, Jiu Lan held her nose and frowned tightly, with a look of disgust!

(?ˇ~ˇ??:) "What does this smell like? A bunch of stinky men, it's disgusting, hurry up, I don't want to stay here any longer!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

The two returned to Jiangnan's cell just like that!

As soon as Jiang Nan entered the room, he saw Hei Gang sitting cross-legged on the ground, blocking the door of the cell!

Before Jiang Nan could speak, Jiu Lan seemed to see a pile of poop!

(? °? Yi °?) "Go to the side, what are you doing sitting at the door? Get out of the way!"

While speaking, he kicked Heigang's back mound!

Hearing the sound of "咻", Heigan slid like a bouncy ball in the cell, and all of them slipped out of the phantom!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened, should I knock? Is it so smooth?

Jiu Lan was also startled, what is the reason? But I didn't think too much about it!

Instead, he closed the cell door, told Jiang Nan to rest honestly, and left with a strong hand!

She also has to report back to the Nether Warden!

Jiang Nan was dumbfounded when he saw Heigang gliding crazily in the cell!

This is obviously used wrong soap ah?

I saw that Jiangnan looked at the right time and grabbed the slippery black steel!

"Gangzi? What's the situation? Hey~ Why are you covered in iron juice? Jiu Lan's kick just now wasn't that hard? Did you kick me like this?"

"Or did you say you were beaten in the bathroom? Are you talking?"

Jiang Nan kept shaking Heigang's shoulders!

But Hei Gang's face was serious at this moment, and he didn't say a word, but Jiang Nan's expression froze!

Feeling the strange fragrance from Hei Gang's body, Jiang Nan couldn't help swallowing, and his heart beat faster!

If there is love at first sight in this world, then this must be it, right?

Hei Gang's dark steel body, full of iron juice scars, and that dignified expression!

In an instant, Jiangnan felt his heart flutter, and the faces of the two were getting closer!


The air in the cell seemed to be heating up!

Jiangnan:! ! !

no no no! Am I crazy?

Hei Gang is from an old man, right? Isn't Xuexuelang extinguished?

How could I have such an outrageous idea?

Besides, no matter how bad I am, it’s okay to draw a wife? How could you be attracted to Heigang?


However, under Yixiang's strategy, how could Jiangnan resist!

Ah~ But Gang Zi is so handsome and stylish, and he smells so good!

Who can bear this?

The cheeks of the two are close again!

Black Steel:! ! !

Boss Nanshen! You don't want to do this, you!

He was so frightened that he almost cried, but his current actions are completely out of control!

Are you still being counter-accused by Tarot now?

At this moment, Hei Gang opened his mouth and said:

(●°?д°?) "Fuck! This bastard Jiangnan! If it wasn't for him, why would I end up like this?"

"I'll just ~%?...;# *'☆\u0026! I'll kill him sooner or later! Pick out the eyeballs and use them as a bubble!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hei Gang froze!


Hey Hey hey! Tarot! What bad things are you saying behind Lailai's back?

It's okay for you to whisper behind your back, but I said it face to face?

I saw Jiangnan's smile gradually getting warmer!

(?°??°?) "Snap off my eyeballs as a slap? Are you brave?"

Hei Gang burst into tears, no no no, I didn't say that, I didn't mean it?

(●? Mouth?) "Big idiot criticizing Jiangnan! I..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Jiangnan hit Heigang's face with a nail fist, hitting him so that he slid crazily in the cell again!

[Resentment value from Black Steel +555! ]

Although I know that Heigang didn't say it, but I still want to fight to relieve my anger!

Tarot is very brave! How dare you speak ill of me behind my back?

But the feeling just now was too scary!

I almost murdered Heigang, so I can't guarantee it at the end of the day!

Is this also a side effect of something wrong with soap? Is it so scary?

It's better to find Dazhi and ask about the situation!

Looking back at Heigan who was still gliding crazily, he couldn't help but turn dark!

"This kid is useless, he is useless!"

So Jiang Nan didn't bring any black steel, took out a bull pen, opened the door and went straight to Wang Youzhi's cell!

He held his breath along the way, not daring to look directly at the prisoners exuding a strange fragrance!

Just raise your hand to pay the toll, fanning them like a spinning top!

Laughing to death, can't stop at all!


Wang Youzhi's cell!

"Damn! Why can't I catch it, it's too slippery! How can I fix this?"

"Hey, hey, he slipped away again? Isn't this too difficult to operate?"


Accompanied by the tooth-sucking sound of opening the door, Jiangnan opened the door and entered the house!

But the next moment, the whole person froze at the door!

Door?_? ????)

I saw the two of them covered in blood, the worm slithering on the ground, while Wang Youzhi was chasing after...

●█?█▄ … ?(?benefit?;)?

The two tossed wildly in place, but they just didn't move!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??Yi???) "What are you two doing? Did I ruin your good deed?"

In the past, I was spoiled by other people's good deeds, but I didn't expect to spoil other people's good deeds today!

(?? ??? ?) "Sorry... I'll come in in 3 minutes, just pretend I haven't shown up, three minutes should be enough, right?"

Close the door while speaking and leave!

Wang Youzhi:! ! !

(? Yi?)? "What a good thing! Hold on! Hold on! You fucking hold on! God damn Jiangnan! Three minutes for anything!"

"You come back to me! Things are not what you think, I...we just want to stop skating! There is no other idea, hehehe~"

[Resentment value from Wang Youzhi +777! ]

[From Wang Youzhi...]

Jiang Nan swallowed, the strange fragrance exuding from the two of them was equally astonishing!

To be honest, Jiang Nan is afraid that he will not be able to hold back?

I couldn't help holding my breath, closed the door and entered the house!

"What's the situation? How's the bathhouse going? Is there something wrong with the soap?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wang Youzhi became furious!

Fortunately, both Wang Youzhi and Chong Daxun had side effects, and they couldn't catch each other!

Just like the love that can't be grasped, the harder you grasp it, the farther and farther it will be!

We have been chasing each other in the cell until now, otherwise, what would happen to the matter?

"How dare you say that? You old bastard, you don't pay for killing people, you?"

"There's something wrong with the soap? It's easy to use! But there's something wrong with the soap. It's okay to use it up!"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (??w???)

How does this look like a ghost with the product introduction?

"What's the situation? Tell me about it specifically?"

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