Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2142 Tarot's plan?

Tarot stopped doing it at that time, and couldn't help but patted his thigh and stared:

(??? Mouth??)? "You are the boss? Then why should I go? We have to be your younger brothers when we co-author? Why?"

Jiang Nan took it for granted:

?( ?′??`)? "Because I have big fists, because I am more bully than you, because I can make the gang of bullies bigger and stronger, and create greater glories!"

"Where I am in the south of the Yangtze River, is it my life to be the boss? It's the same in this Styx Death Prison!"

Tarot opened his mouth, and his face turned red. In fact, Jiangnan is indeed more vicious than himself!

After all, I am still a figure now!

(?ˇ得ˇ??) "Originally, I wanted to cooperate, let you join my plan, and take you in the car!"

"Who knew you were going to be the boss right after you came up? What's the future of following you? I'm going to lead my brothers..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan said lightly:

(? ̄??  ̄??) "Jailbreak, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Tarot was shocked immediately, and his expression changed instantly!

And Samo and Borden were also trembling, vigilantly guarding their surroundings, for fear of being discovered by others!

Tarot stared: (??????) "Shh! Keep your voice down, don't be heard by those jailers! How do you know what I'm going to do?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "As for the one who is hiding it? A person who has been in prison for more than 40,000 years, who cultivates crazily without leaving home, can guess what you want to do with his toes?"

"Absorbing the Styx crystal is also to resist the spiritual impact of the Nether tribe, right? During the previous battle, the resistance effect seemed to be pretty good!"

"Besides, I heard all about your conspiracy with Suo Na through Hei Gang's mouth. Don't forget, when you conspired, you were against Hei Gang!"

Hei Gang had a dark face, that's why he chatted with the toilet for half the night!

Tarot was embarrassed!

=????(??? ????)…

Nima! Conspiracy all exposed? When I was discussing with Suo Na, did Jiang Nan hear it?


He wants to die now, okay?

(?)?д??) "Since that's the case, then I won't say much else! How about it? Join my bully gang, and you can be equal to me! Brothers are united, let's break out of prison together!"

"I'll take you out of Ascension!"

Jiang Nan looked disinterested!

(? ? ?) "It's just you? Prison escape? Want to bring everyone with you? Get some sleep and sleep, dreams are full of everything!"

Tarot stared and said: (???~??)? "You don't believe I can do it? Originally, according to my plan, I was 90% sure. If you join, we will join forces! This matter will be settled Okay?"

Jiangnan hugged his shoulders: (??? ) "Hey~ Then tell me about your plan!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Tarot immediately regained his spirits, looked around immediately, and then whispered:

(?)??3??) "Now, my physical fitness is not weaker than that of Gang Chacha and others. I have absorbed Styx crystals all the year round. My brothers can withstand even the mental shock!"

"On a dark and stormy night, I will secretly release the bloody miracle acrylic to create chaos! Let Bing Chacha and the others have no time to care about anything else!"

"And I led the bullies to help a group of younger brothers escape from prison. The defenses of the Styx Death Prison couldn't stop me at all. I went all the way through the Styx Death Star and rushed into the Styx!"

"How is it? Are you interested in joining us!"

Jiangnan: (° ? °〃) "And then?"

Tarot stared: (? Mouth? `) "What then? Didn't they all escape?"

"You mean how to escape from the Styx star field, right? Remember the submarine mode of my bully gang? We can use this form to survive in the Styx for a long time!"

"Travel along the Styx River? Then kidnap the jailer and force him to take us to use the Styx River Star Road, we can always get out!"

"Besides, didn't you take advantage of Chacha? It's really impossible to let him take us away?"

Jiang Nan covered his face: (づ﹏ど) "It's over? Is this your plan?"

Summer and Borden were also full of excitement:

(?????(???┏?┓?? ??) "Boss Nanshen! Just join in! There must be something interesting!"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Wang Youzhi patted Jiangnan on the shoulder with a dark face:

?(??????)? "Brother! Listen to my advice, why don't we take them with us when we leave?"

"It's probably useless if you take it out? It won't work, right?"

Tarot asked anxiously: (▼ヘ▼?) "What's wrong with me? I told you all about the escape plan, can you add me or not?"

Jiang Nan tilted his head and spat:

(|||乛3乛)?o·? ˉ? "Damn! You call this a plan? You're insulting the word plan, you! You just came up with such a plan?"

"Isn't this just reckless? You have avoided all the key issues, and you haven't solved any of them, you? You don't want to think about it because you can't figure it out, right?"

Tarot was out of breath: (`へ′?) "Nonsense! This plan was decided after careful consideration by me. Why doesn't it work?"

"You can insult me, but you must not insult my IQ!"

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "I also want to insult your IQ! But you have to count? Let me ask you! How did you escape from the eight million light-year Styx star field?"

Tarot said confidently: "Didn't you say it? Hijack the jailer, no matter how bad it is, let Chacha..."

Jiang Nan's face was dark: "How do you know that the jailer leads the way and won't take you into the encirclement that the Nether tribe has arranged in advance?"

"Do you have a distribution map of the Styx River? The jailer can take you wherever he wants, and he can take you around! The Styx River is the world of the Nether Race!"

"They are like ducks in water in the river, you use the bully submarine to compare speed with the Nether in the Styx? What a fart you are!"

Tarot blushed: "Then...then..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??????) "Just what? Have you considered encounters? Indeed! You can fight, but how many people are there in the Nether tribe? How many people will be dispatched? The number of a group is comparable to that of you prisoners ?”

"Do you understand that they have home court advantage? A fight will kill you all! Even if you can suppress Gan Chacha, Jiu Lan, do you think they are the only ones in the Nether clan who can fight?"

"How do you know that the Nether Warden won't make a move? Can you beat Tun Xing?"

Tarot blushed when asked, and couldn't help scratching his head:

?( ??yi?) "I...I..."

Jiang Nan continued: "The Styx River Star Road is in the hands of You Ming, and he will stop it if he says so. How do you go?"

"Even if you escaped by chance, how will you face the pursuit of the Nether Race and the suppression by the law enforcement forces of the Law Society? Have you made any plans after you get out of prison?"

"Do you think Styx Death Prison will let you break their zero escape record and slap them in the face?"

"A group of fugitives from Styx Death Prison, unaccompanied in the starry sky, and listed on the most wanted list, how can they survive without being recaptured? How will the brothers' livelihood be solved?"

"Your stepping horse is also called plan! Damn! Chong Feiyu has escaped from prison more than 10,000 times in more than 1,000 years and has not escaped. Up to now, he has been squatting here honestly. How can you succeed? "

Wang Youzhi leaned on his chin:

(? ?° ? ?°) "I feel that Tarot's plan will fail when the acrylic is released..."

Tarot couldn't even say half a word of being scolded, covering his face with six hands!

Isn't that meow the beginning? Fail at the beginning? Is it so cruel?

Sona patted Tarot to comfort her!

(?)′-﹏-`) "Sorry! My elder brother embarrasses me!"

At this moment, Summer and Borden were also said to be listless, and they thought it was quite a show!

It turned out that this was a fart jailbreak plan, clearly a punishment package!

Tarot tugged at his hair in annoyance, his eyes complicated!

"I want to go out, even if I die, I will go out, I absolutely can't die here, my father's mission has not been completed!"

"The Rage Gods must not disappear in the starry sky!"

Samo looked downcast:

(???┏~┓???)? "I still have more than three thousand years in prison, and I can hardly remember the appearance of the starry sky outside..."

Borden gritted his teeth:

(?????|||) "At least you still have a number! When I get out, I'm going to die, I'm going to be an old man!"

Suo Na's eyes flickered: "Since Boss Nanshen is talking about this, he must have a plan, right?"

"How about listening to it?"

At this moment, the expectant eyes of several people all fell on Jiang Nan!

I saw Jiangnan said lightly: "I can tell you clearly! Even if I rely on my own strength, there is no possibility of escaping from the eight million light-year Styx star field!"

"The Death Prison of Styx is not bragging. It is not without reason that no one has successfully escaped from prison for so many years!"

As soon as this remark came out, the three of Tarot became even more sluggish. Did even Jiangnan say that?

Only Suo Na's eyes flashed, Nan Shen just said that relying on his own strength alone is useless!

But he didn't say that he couldn't go out. Did he have other considerations when he put in all his efforts to go out?

I saw Jiang Nan said lightly: "Of course! Although it is more difficult, I still have a way to get out!"

The light of hope suddenly burst out in Tarot's eyes!

(??? ??)? "Really? You have a way to get out? What's the plan? If you can take us out together! I'll listen to you, the position of the boss of the bully gang is not bad for you !"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't bother with any plans! You can't understand what I said! I didn't say I want to go out by myself, but I took you with me!"

"It won't be too boring on the road! I've said it from the very beginning, I'm here for vacation!"

"Recognize me as the boss! Be my younger brother. In three months, I will take you all out of the Styx star field, and rediscover how bright the starry sky outside is!"

As soon as these words came out, Samo and the others almost dropped their jaws!

Σ(???┏口┓???|||) "Three months? Take everyone out of prison together? Are you kidding me?"

Isn't this special meow farting kung fu? Can it be done?

The bragging batch doesn't brag like that, does it?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "How long have I been in?"

Borden pinched his fingers: "Less than half a month?"

"Who's talking about the Styx Death Prison now?"

Summer said with a dark face, "You..."

The gang of bullies is not working well, but Ging Chacha made it right, and Jiulan held hands with Jiangnan~ Chong Feiyu even failed to take down Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan is not good at speaking, who else is good at it? And these are all done by Jiangnan in half a month!

Jiangnan Tanshou: ?( ?′??`)? "So... three months is very short? If it weren't for me to wait until the outside is almost finished before I can go out, I won't stay for half a month!"

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