Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2190 It's all left over from my play

You Ming kept his word, and afterwards he really sent Jiangnan half a warehouse of Styx crystals!

Now Jiangnan is completely free from worrying about using the crystal, and he doesn't even hide it!

All sent to Tarot Samo and their gang of bullies to help the younger brothers to use it!

Let them improve their mental strength as much as possible, after all, they will be their own team after they go out!

Of course, the stronger the strength, the better!

Ever since Jiangnan was imprisoned, Tarot and the others are getting better and better day by day!

It's just that the accommodation conditions are a bit poor, although the Styx Death Prison has not disintegrated!

But it's not far from being scrapped!

In the following days, Jiangnan's routine is very regular!

Soak in the Styx bathroom whenever you have time, while improving your physical fitness, at the same time absorb a lot of Styx crystals to enhance your mental power!

Although you can't improve your level here, you must at least improve your physical fitness and mental strength!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.\\ncom

Moreover, Jiangnan also discovered that the improvement of mental power will increase the tolerance limit of his evil spirit secret art backflow!

With such extravagant consumption of crystals, the limit of 43% is no longer the limit!

Jiangnan is still looking forward to when he can achieve 100% pouring, and what kind of effect it will be!

Not only Jiangnan is practicing, but all the members of the Bully Gang are also actively improving themselves. It feels like all members are preparing for battle!

As for the prison escape, Jiang Nan didn't mention a word, and led everyone to practice hard in the Styx Death Prison. The thieves who live a small life are very excited!

On the contrary, Chong Feiyu was a little impatient, why didn't he start to act?

Every time I went to urge Jiangnan, Jiangnan said that the time hadn't come yet, and told her to wait a little longer, the angry Chong Feiyu ground her teeth!

Perhaps it was because Jiangnan really ignited the heart of freedom. Chong Feiyu, who has been waiting for more than five thousand years, is now tormented by waiting one more day!

It's not Jiangnan dragging. I made an appointment with brother Jian for three months, so I couldn't run away ahead of time!

Brother Jian has to be given some time to operate the activities. It is not so easy for Dimensional Star to fully roll out!

needs time!

Anyway, I had a pretty good life in the prison of death, with a bunch of younger brothers, enough resources to manage, and I could eat whatever I wanted!

But since brother Jian told himself that he would definitely be able to do it in three months, Jiang Nan didn't stay any longer!

As soon as the March period comes, I will escape from prison with my brothers!

If brother Jian hadn't finished the online work of Star Airlines when he went out, it would be a big deal to go back and squat for a while!

Presumably Nether is also willing to accept it!

Seeing that Jiang Nan had no intention of taking any action at all, Chong Feiyu remembered the matter of subduing his subordinates!

Damon accepted it, but acrylic hasn't joined the group yet? So I started to push Jiangnan to go!

However, Jiang Nan looked completely indifferent, and never went to find Acrylic!

Chong Feiyu even suspects that Jiangnan is indulging in a happy life without worrying about food and clothing, and is starting to show up!

Jiang Nan is not in a hurry, and she is not in a hurry, the big deal is that once the agreed time comes, won't it be over if he eats Jiang Nan?

Is the emperor not at a loss?

You Ming originally thought that Jiangnan could stop for a while and live a peaceful life in prison!

However, it turns out that You Ming is completely overthinking! Styx koi is completely addicted, okay?

Every three to five days, it will come once, and hit the Styx death star madly with its head, begging for feed!

If you don't give it, you will hit a star!

The Nether is so big that one head is two big, and it's not easy to discuss, and it can't be pushed away, and it can't be beaten!

Even feeding it a huge amount of Styx crystals, it won't go away after eating it, and it must drink vigorously!

The Death Star of the Styx River has been knocked over by it, and the speed of repair is far behind the speed of destruction!

With such a way of doing it, what planet can bear it?

Sooner or later, the Death Prison of the Styx will be destroyed on the head of this stinky fish!

Every time the Styx koi come here, You Ming has to ask Jiang Nan to come out and feed Dali, otherwise they won't leave at all!

However, the more you feed, the more you will be finished, and it has even become a habit!

Jiangnan didn't do it in vain, and the exchange of Dali 2.0 also requires resentment points? Every time a little is saved, the skin is dried and all the fish are fed!

Naturally, it's a matter of eating and drinking with You Ming for a while, what else can You Ming do? I can only bear the humiliation and arrange for Jiangnan!

Who made myself not feed the fish vigorously?

For You Ming, such a nightmare day lasted for more than a month!

Styx Death Prison is getting dilapidated day by day, all of which were hit by koi!

He even began to look forward to Jiangnan leaving, didn't he say he was going to escape from prison? Why don't you leave?

Once Jiangnan leaves, the koi will not bother him, and the Styx death prison can be saved, right?

Every time he thought of this, You Ming rubbed his face, no, no, how could he have such a dangerous thought?

Letting Jiangnan leave, wouldn't that fulfill his wish?

But if I go on like this, I really don't know how long I can bear it!


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and now it has been two months and 27 days since Jiangnan was imprisoned!

At this time, the Dimensional Starflight, with the cooperation of humans and the Apocalypse Clan, has almost completed the laying of the entire starry sky area!

Even including the strategic locations of some races, only a few big clans are still struggling to prevent Dimensional Star Airlines from penetrating into their home star field!

But this is harmless. Under the general situation, those big families who resisted will not last long, and will eventually admit and accept the fact that Dimensional Star Airlines already exists!

The situation is finally opened, and human beings can be regarded as relying on the Dimensional Starflight to gain a firm foothold in the starry sky!

Of course, how complicated and arduous the process is, it’s not for outsiders to understand, I’m afraid I can’t finish talking about it for three days and three nights!

Yang Jian spent money wildly, threatened and intimidated, tried his best to make tricks, gave up profits to pave the way, too many, and even broke out several conflicts. After all, he fulfilled his promise to Jiangnan!

It also let the Tianqi people see Yang Jian's wrists, human methods!

Even three days earlier than the agreed time!

Early this morning, Yang Jian received a summons from the Sacred Law Society, saying that they wanted to hold a meeting on the development and trade of Xingkong and discuss it together!

Yang Jian sneered, as soon as the Holy Law Society raised his ass, he knew what was going to happen!

It's nothing more than a boycott meeting against Dimensional Star Airlines!

There is nothing to be afraid of, the raw rice is already cooked!

Dimensional Starship already exists, and some people have to accept it if they don’t want to!

Yang Jian naturally went to the appointment on time!

The third meeting room of the Holy Law Star Palace!

All the heads of embassies of all races stationed in the Holy Law Star Palace were present!

The top ten Sequences are sitting at the main seat, and the other families present are nothing more than star-breaking planetary destroyers, half-swallowing stars!

And Siji was attended by Muke, which directly raised the level of the meeting!

Human beings are at the bottom seat, there is no way, who makes human beings the bottom one in the sequence?

But now, no one thinks that the number one from the bottom is worthy of the name, after all, human beings already have a certain right to speak!

Holding Star Road in your hand is holding the right to speak!

Tiffany, who belonged to the first light of the Bose tribe, spoke immediately!

"I'm sure you all know why everyone is called to this meeting this time! The launch of the Human Dimension Starflight has messed up the starship transportation industry and the passenger transportation industry!"

"Chaos happened frequently, and some people even reported that their starship was attacked by dimensional creatures in the dimensional wind tunnel!"

"At the end of the day! Can the dimensional star flight of human beings guarantee safety? The star road is the bridge connecting the starlight islands, and the foundation of the civilization of all the races in the starry sky!"

"Human beings act like this, using the star road to profit for the race. It is shameless. If it is not controlled, the starry sky civilization may suffer from it! After all, if the foundation of a tall building is unstable, the higher the building, the lower it will be. The worse it gets, haven't we learned enough lessons?"

"In this regard! What do the representatives of the human race want to say?"

Yang Jian sneered: "Heh~ are you really direct enough? Dimensional creatures attack passengers in the dimensional air duct?"

"What? Just relying on your mouth? What about the evidence?"

Muke's expression remained unchanged:

(〃?_?) "Evidence? If you want evidence, I'll give you evidence!"

During the conversation, the mechanical eyes began to project, and the projected picture was exactly the video of several passenger starships being attacked by dimensional creatures in the dimensional wind tunnel!

The starship was torn apart and scrapped. I don't know how many passengers died, including members of the Ten Thousand Races!

The screen was shaking, and the scene was extremely bloody!

As soon as the video came out, there were bursts of discussions in the conference room, and the faces of the representatives of the Wanzu became cold, and there was a hint of worry in the depths of their eyes!

Wenger sweated profusely on his forehead, wow! When did it happen? Release at this time? Obviously prepared for it?

What's the matter? After all, Wanzu still doesn't trust Dimensional Wind Dao very much, after all, the whole process is a leap in the gap between dimensions!

Once the distrust in the hearts of all races is ignited by the Sacred Law Society, then Yuan Xinghang will be...

Yang Jian's expression remained unchanged: "Ah~ You are talking about the attack on the Yonghe? In fact, there have been seven similar incidents since Dimensional Star Airlines went online!"

"The high-level human beings attach great importance to it, and have launched a comprehensive investigation into these seven incidents, tracing the source!"

"We found the wreckage of the starship of the Yonghe, and found a substance called rosemary on the coating of the starship's shell. Oh~ Maybe some people don't know what it is!"

"Diehunxiang was first used on the dimensional battlefield to make dimensional creatures go crazy, arouse animal nature, attract dimensional creatures to gather, uniformly bombard and kill them, and expand the results of the battle!"

While speaking, Yang Jian took out a series of investigation documents and patted them on the table!

"As for why the Dimensional Soul Fragrance appeared on the coating of the Yonghe! And why it happened so coincidentally to leave the Dimensional Star Navigation, I don't need to say more!"

"There is no need to explain. After all, there is a high probability that the excuse is that the Yonghe used to participate in the war in the dimensional battlefield. It was accidentally contaminated. It was not intentional. After all, there is nothing wrong with such a lie!

"The other six cases were either actively provoking dimensional creatures, killing their companions, causing conflicts, or not following the regulations, driving out of the dimensional wind tunnel, and hunting dimensional creatures!"

"Oh, by the way, of course there are also those who use specific sound waves to deliberately attract dimensional creatures to attack! Ai-chan?"

I saw the Ai-chan mechanical prosthetic body coming from the same company and immediately played the audio-visual video!

It was the scene of the captain in the attack conspiring with a Hidden Eldar, and it was the attack that conspired!

At this moment, discussions in the conference room suddenly broke out, and the representatives of the Yinling clan couldn't hold back their face and couldn't help but cover their faces!

Yang Jian said: "Actually, we human beings have also found out who the Hidden Spirit Race is, and used means to ask who is behind the scenes. If you are interested, I don't mind broadcasting the interrogation screen!"

"It's just that if this is the case, some people will lose face!"

"To be honest, this kind of splashing of dirty water is not done once or twice. It's all left over from my playing. When I do it next time, can my hands and feet be cleaned? That's a bit of a challenge!"

"You must have saved the videos of the other six attacks, right? The editing should be very tragic!"

"Why don't you let it out? Let's check it out one by one! It's fine if you pour dirty water into the pot, after all, you don't like us humans. It's normal to play tricks! But using the lives of thousands of passengers as a price for tricks, isn't it? A little unreasonable?"

"Right? Guys?"

While talking, Yang Jian's eyes fell on Tiffany and Muck. Although he didn't say it was done by them, he was pouting at them every word!

Tiffany's face was ugly and her eyes dodged, but Muck was expressionless, with a poker face!

Wenger's eyes are bright, old Yang Niubi? Did you expect them to do this? Are you ready? Even the pits have been dug out?

I was so stunned that I had nothing to say!

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