Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2194 Brother Nether's atmosphere

Jiang Nan stood up abruptly from the bathtub, is it over? What's the end of it?

Why am I dying?

This action of Jiangnan immediately made Jiulan's eyes widen, and she took two steps back in shock!

Σ(っ ° 口 °;)っ

I already know that you have a lot of background, so you don't need to show it to me, okay?

People will become weird if they watch too much!

Jiulan closed her eyes and tilted her head:

(≥ ﹏ ≤ ?) " cover up a little, you?"

Do you want to be so frank?

Jiang Nan pulled his clothes on casually, frowned and said:

(???~??)???? "What the hell am I going to die? Is it really scary?"

Jiulan wiped away her tears:

(? ?????? ~???) "Just now, Master Nether gave me an ultimatum, saying that the human dimensional star flight has been completely launched, and the patience of Emperor Reward has been exhausted!"

"Let me interrogate you again, make a tragic video, put it in the starry sky, attract humans to act, and rob the prison! Maybe someone close to you can be caught!"

"In this way, you will have your weakness, which can be used to pry your mouth open, and the Holy Law Society will also have a reason to sanction humans!"

"And no matter whether this matter is successful or not, Master You Ming doesn't intend to keep you anymore. You'll be alive in a few days!"

As she spoke, Jiu Lan had tears in her eyes!

However, Jiangnan's eyes widened, and his face was surprised, as if a thunderstorm hit his head on a sunny day!


Shunpo rushed to Jiulan and grabbed her shoulder!

( ?? ? ?) "Really! Are you telling the truth? The news is true and accurate?"

What the hell? Dimension Star is already fully online? It's only two months and 27 days?

Brother Jian really got it done? move so fast? And it was three days earlier? Niubi!

Jiulan wiped away her tears:

(? ?????? ﹏???) "Really! Master You Ming just finished talking with Di Chou on the phone, saying that he can't do anything!"

"I can only take this opportunity to see if I can ask Dali's recipe and chicken soup, and then assign this job to me!"

Jiang Nan's expression is weird, is this old boy You Ming good at messing around?

As soon as the front foot finished talking with Di Chou, the back foot told me the news?

He knew that Jiulan was close to him, telling Jiulan was equivalent to telling himself!

Now Jiulan in Jiangnan's eyes has completely turned into a microphone!

Jiang Nan laughed in his heart, don't you need to stay?

The Dimensional Star Navigation is already online, and I don't have to stay in Styx Death Prison any longer, I can leave!

It's quite tactful for You Ming to open one eye and close one eye?

Jiu Lanchou said: ( ??~?) "What should I do? If this continues, you will die! about you tell some of the secret and stabilize their patience first!"

"I'll go back and beg the warden for mercy. After all, I'm his goddaughter now, so I should be able to talk!"

"I...I don't really want you to die!"

Jiang Nan was startled: (??ˇ_ˇ?) "Daughter? What do you mean? You Ming is your father?"

Jiulan raised her hand and gave Jiangnan a shudder:

(???Dish??)? "What father? Godfather!"

"I don't know what's wrong with Master You Ming? He praised me for my excellent work before, insisted on accepting me as his daughter, and even advertised it widely, so I agreed!"

"Hey! Don't change the subject, what's important now is not this, it's..."

Jiang Nan's expression became even weirder:

( ′? ? ? `) "So your current identity is the goddaughter that You Ming cares about very, very much, right?"

Jiulan is speechless: (︶~︶〃) "It's just a name, I don't care about it very much, what do you think?"

"Hey, hey, don't think too much, she's the serious kind of daughter-in-law, and I have nothing to do with Lord You Ming in that respect!"

Who would like a middle-aged uncle with thick chest hair?

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, good guy! Brother Nether is so atmospheric?

Escape from prison and take your daughter with you? Ok, Ok!

Is this a big gift?

Jiu Lan anxiously said: (???﹏??)? "What should I do now? If you continue like this, you will die! Aren't you full of tricks? Think about it, is there any other way?"

Jiang Nan didn't speak, but just looked at Jiulan with the eyes of a fool!

(?_? ) Did she not understand?

Be fooled by yourself?

I have been sold out by others, so I still have time to worry about others?

Jiu Lan's eyes dodged: ('? ? ? `) "You...why are you looking at me like that? Don't...don't think too much, I'm not that worried about you!"

"It's just... just... Oh right! Eight Nether Forms! I haven't learned all the eight Nether Forms yet. I think it's a pity that you are dead now, that's all!"

After speaking, he looked at Jiangnan with confidence!


Jiang Nan's heart was slightly warm, and he couldn't help snickering, but his complexion was pale, and he let out a long sigh!

(??? ) "Hey~ I know! Everyone has their own destiny! Maybe my end?"

"My life is wonderful enough, I have no regrets!"

At this moment, Jiangnan's eyes were full of melancholy, but there was a carefree smile on his face!


Jiulan became anxious and shook Jiangnan's shoulders wildly:

(??????? mouth???????) "Don't give up, you? What about your ambition? What about determination? What about grand plans? Are you willing to die here?"

"Do something? I have persisted until now! Why can't I work harder? What if..."

Jiang Nan smiled wryly: (?ˇ?ˇ) "I'm tired and have no chance. Perhaps from the moment I entered the Styx Death Prison, the result was already doomed!"

"Don't worry! I won't make it difficult for you! Tonight, at the old time, in the room of the unconscious, have a final interrogation with me!"

"At that time, I will teach you everything I know, and I hope you will think of me when you use the Nether Eight Styles again. Thinking of this time, there is such a person who taught you this!"

"As long as I haven't been forgotten, I have never left, I have always been here!"

Jiulan stared at Jiangnan in a daze, for some reason, tears couldn't stop falling, her nose was sore, and her teeth were clenched!


His eyes were full of disappointment, he bit his lower lip tightly and said:

(? ??????????? ) "I see, I will wait for you there! See you soon!"

After speaking, he turned his head and walked out in a daze, muttering in his mouth:

(???????﹏????????) "It's not just these...Damn it! Woo~"

Jiang Nan quietly watched Jiu Lan's leaving back, and couldn't help covering his chest in pain!

(︶优︶????) "Hiss~ This... is this the feeling of being condemned by conscience? I haven't experienced it for a long time, Goose Box~ Am I a bit too bad?"

Seeing Jiu Lan leave, Hei Gang smiled wryly and said:

(●?╭╮? ● |||) "Is this the end? Boss Nanshen, I will think..."

Jiang Nan rushed out of the cell without looking back:

?(? ? ?;)? "Miss your sister! Tell Tarot, Sona! Tell the brothers of the Bully Gang to get ready and act tonight!"

"I'm going to get the last passenger on board!"

After speaking, the person disappeared, and Hei Gang froze in place!

action? Action tonight?

What's the meaning? Are you finally going to get real?

He's Lai Lai!

Hei Gang was so excited that he suppressed his black face into a red face, danced for a while, and hurriedly conveyed the order excitedly!


On the Jiangnan side, Wang Youzhi was called to find Chong Feiyu together!

The two didn't need to say anything at all, Wang Youzhi looked at Jiangnan's crazily raised mouth, and knew what this guy was going to do!

(????????) "It's done? Has the time come?"

Jiang Nan laughed and couldn't help giving a thumbs up!

Wang Youzhi: ( ?° ?? ?°)? I understand!

The two came to the door of Chong Feiyu's room together, she was still checking with the handle of the hammer, and she couldn't help being stunned when she saw Jiang Nan coming over!

(??~?? ) "Why did you two come to see me? By the way, I just saw Xiao Jiujiu was unhappy, so why don't you try to persuade me?"

Jiang Nan looked guilty, she just "persuaded" her, should she be even more sad?

( ?° ? ?°) "Ahem ~ Do you still remember the promise we made when we first met?"

Chong Feiyu was startled, and then looked Jiangnan up and down!

"Remember! Why don't you remember? I just didn't expect you to be so active and choose to send yourself to my door to feed me?"

"Let's talk! Based on the friendship between the two of us in the past few months, I will give you a chance to choose, steamed or braised? Sashimi is also good~"

While speaking, he cast another glance at Wang Youzhi!

( .?﹃?)? "With side dishes? Yes, yes! The young man is very enlightened!"

Then he licked his lips, as if the next bite would bite him!

Wang Youzhi: (?_? )

I'm just a side dish, right? wait! Wait for me to go out!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, God Meow Sashimi, can you stop being so cruel?

"Am I Jiangnan the kind of person who doesn't count? I mean..."

Chong Feiyu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes sparkled brightly, is it about to start?

Apart from anything else, when he jumped up, he kicked his legs backwards, kicked the sandbags straight through the Styx Hell, and flew into the Styx River with one kick!

Can't help but excitedly said: (??????)? "The time has come? Are you ready to take action? Are you going to take me out?"

"Tell me! What do you want me to do? Although the emperor has no bottom line, it is okay for me to violate the bottom line!"

Jiang Nan was speechless: "Don't get excited, we have to act, but before that, we need to get the acrylic done. After we go out, we need his combat power!"

Without saying a word, Chong Feiyu pulled Jiang Nan and rushed towards the monstrous cell!

Go up and kick the door open!

Although the Styx death prison was in dilapidated condition, the acrylic cell was not affected much!

The iron pupa was still standing in the middle of the cell, but there was an extra handprint on it!

It is ghostly!

Originally, Acrylic thought it could be clean for a period of time, but since You Ming left, the death prison has been shaking every three days!

He didn't know what was going on outside, and he was very upset by it!

Who would have thought that the door would be kicked open today? Is it the Jiangnan who took the lead even in his dreams?

Acrylic suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Jiangnan!

(? °? Pan °?) "Be brave! If you have the courage, let me out. If I can't kill you, I will..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Nan took out a horse-drawn pen and drew on the iron pupa!

At that time, the iron chrysalis was coded, and the whole iron chrysalis became a mosaic!

Just hearing a "boom", the crystallized mosaic shattered to the ground, and the acrylic, which had lost its restraint, was powerless and knelt on the ground with a slap!

Acrylic: ? ? ?

Jiang Nan: ?( ?′??`)? "What's wrong with letting you out? Please start your performance!"

Chong Feiyu raised her face, and with her small fists, she shielded Jiangnan behind her, and even removed the silk suit from Acrylic's body!

Acrylic: (? ? ??) Ah this...

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