Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2312 Mysterious Sea of ​​Energy

Chong Bishi's hair stood on end, she immediately liberated her domain, turned into a green light, and rushed out of the domain!

In a blink of an eye, its original positions were all occupied by a large number of two-dimensional fragments, and the entire field was expanded!

If it wasn't for Chong Bishi's timely running, it would obviously become a part of the starry sky scroll...

At this moment, Chong Bishi's complexion is extremely ugly, this body of hers can't be cut off again!

Otherwise, once the worm emperor is reincarnated and enters a period of weakness, Chong Feiyu will never give herself a chance to recover!

He will definitely be beheaded one after another until he kills himself!

damn it! How did this two-dimensional horse become Jiangnan's helper?

Or was it a random shot?

For angering it by starting a war within Paradise?

However, things are completely different from what Chong Bishi imagined!

The two-dimensional horse did reach some kind of py deal with Jiangnan!

Divide half of the body for Jiangnan to absorb skills, so Jiangnan spares his life, and he also needs to help Jiangnan and the others fight insects and bishi, and flow scholars will do!

Jiang Nan considered that he would disappear in the future, and Chong Feiyu would face a one-on-two situation, because he didn't know how powerful the emerging Chong Feiyu would be!

So it is always right to ask for more helpers!

The two-dimensional horse can only agree, because if the fight continues like this, the three big swallowing stars will let go of their hands and feet in the realm of heaven!

It won't be long before the realm of heaven will be smashed and collapsed!

After all, Mailiu Shi is not ordinary tough!

This is also in the interests of the two-dimensional horse, and Jiangnan also said that as long as he is obedient, he will make it bigger and stronger!

One side is to die, and the other side is to agree to Jiangnan's conditions. Even a two-dimensional horse can understand how to choose!

I saw that the expanded field of Chong Bishi merged with the vortex of two-dimensional fragments, and went straight to Mai Liushi!

The two-dimensional horse has learned a lot this time, and hides his body far away!

Mailiu Shi was anxious: "Damn it! I didn't kill you little red guy before, but you still bit me back?"

"Want to make me two-dimensional? Do you have the ability? Bowen pulsation? Gravity is enhanced! Repulse!"

When the two-dimensional debris vortex moved forward, it encountered extremely strong resistance, and was even pushed back by the force field!

However, Chong Feiyu would not let go of this opportunity: "I'll help you! Fairy Torrent!"

The thick fairy light turned into a torrent and poured fiercely into the vortex of two-dimensional fragments!

The two-dimensional vortex that got the infusion of energy began to expand wildly, and even pierced the force field directly, spreading towards the main body of the pulse flow!

Milius:! ! !

"You bitch! Base head bitch! Gravitational barrier!"

It can only set up gravitational barriers, trying to prevent the spread of two-dimensional debris, and at the same time use gravity to pull itself out of its original position!

The situation has become even worse, the pulse star is the star of the Tianchen clan, and the pulsar with a diameter of 30 kilometers is the main body!

Even if it is swallowing stars, once the two-dimensional debris is contaminated on the star, the whole star will be two-dimensionally unfolded!

By then life will be gone!

Chong Bishi's face darkened:

(?????????????????????????)?? "You scold her for not taking me!"

Chong Feiyu sneered:

(¬~¬) "How do you know he's not scolding you?"

"Fairy Silk Binjue! Don't try to escape! Both of you are going to die today!"

Infinite silk shoots out and wraps around the pulsar, trying to pull it into a two-dimensional debris vortex!

"Damn it! The magnetic field is split!"

For a moment, Chong Feiyu cooperated with the two-dimensional horse to attack Mailiu Shi and Chong Bishi!

The fight was called back and forth, and the whole paradise was disrupted!

The star-swallowing battle can tell the winner, but it is extremely difficult to tell the difference between life and death!

After all, which existence that climbed up to the star does not have the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box? Life-saving capital?

Most of the star-eating stars in the starry sky, except for the starry sky war at the end of the era, almost rarely died in battle, and a little more died of old age, even if they couldn't beat them, they would run away!

Although it was a two-on-two situation, due to the cooperation of the two-dimensional horse and the rampage of Chong Feiyu, the advantage was entirely on Chong Feiyu's side!

But what I have to admit is that Milius and the others did hold back Chong Feiyu!

It will take some time for the summoned Flying Rain swarm to rush over, and this gives Langmu Motuo's iron soldiers Atiya and the others a chance!

After all, the arresting army is still there, and there are even biochemical thermonuclear fighters, and nanomechanical bug swarms!

This kind of configuration still has an absolute advantage against acrylic and others!

Regardless of whether Jiangnan can come back or not, as long as he holds this group of people in his hands, it is equivalent to grasping Jiangnan's handle and grasping the future in an instant!

Lang Mu licked his lips: "Time is running out! Give me all the energy! If you don't show some achievements back, I can't explain it!"

"Go together!"

The arresting army immediately launched an action against Acrylic and the others!

But Acrylic and the others felt their hearts sink. In this case, let alone hide in the domain of Chong Fei Yu to seek protection!

In the star-swallowing battle, a battle aftermath came, and he didn't know how he died!

And although we don't know what's going on now, we must protect the evil flames in Jiangnan!

I saw Wang Youzhi raised his hand high:

?? *???

Acrylic black face:

(????????????????)?? "You have an accent, don't you? The field is expanding... the world!"

A new round of war is about to kick off, and Zhong Yingxue is looking at the burning evil flame with worry!

It's been so long and nothing has happened. What exactly is Xiao Nan going through?

Shouldn't it be really lost?



It is still the dark sea of ​​energy. When Jiangnan opened a black hole for the first time, he came here!

In the sea of ​​energy, the space is violently expanding all the time! This seems to be the origin of everything, the beginning!

Perhaps the vast starry sky world was born from here!

Jiang Nan's body cannot exist inside the black hole, it has been decomposed, and now Jiang Nan exists entirely in ideology!

On the sea of ​​energy, countless light spots gather and rotate, forming a picture like a kaleidoscope!

Time becomes meaningless, countless possible pasts, presents, and futures exist at the same time, turning into scenes of light and shadow, spinning endlessly!

Just like rows of thick books on the bookshelf, each page may be a past, present, or future!

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a god above everything, a bystander!

But Jiangnan knows that the longer he stays here, the more he wants to explore the reality that does not belong to him, the easier it is to get lost in it!

The faster the consciousness dissipates, it will eventually become part of the sea of ​​energy, and it will never go back by itself!

So as soon as he came in, Jiangnan, who had experience, frantically searched for the page that belonged to him, the present that is happening now!

It was found by Jiangnan directly, without even making any effort!

Perhaps it was because of practicing the secret technique of Sha Qi, Jiang Nan ended too many lives, and his own power was extremely strong!

There are causal entanglements with too many people, so when the evil qi is poured back, the more you pour, the more convinced you are of your own existence!

This allows Jiangnan to clearly distinguish where he came from and where he should go back!

But having said that, Jiang Nan even has a feeling that he can break into any page!

So what will happen if you break into the past, present, and future that do not belong to you?

Will he die? Or can you change something in it, rewrite some key nodes? Let the situation develop in a completely different direction?

At this moment, what Mira said once woke up Jiangnan!

While playing with time, time is also playing with you...

Jiang Nan immediately gave up his dangerous thoughts. The second time he came, he didn't understand many things!

What if I play myself to death?

Still have to play it safe! Come on safe! Can't risk it!

Those who have a family and a job can't afford to play like this!

Jiang Nan, who no longer hesitated, went directly to his own reality without saying a word!

On the way, Jiangnan glanced back curiously, and this glance made Jiangnan feel confused!

On another page, a red-eyed black hole appeared in the sky above the Northern Corona!

Dozens of planets were torn apart, forming a huge accretion disk, and even a dome bubble structure, which looked like it was about to jet!

Jiang Nan was full of ignorance!

what's the situation? that's me? The Northern Corona? Did I just dismantle the Northern Corona?



This is the future? Or a possible future? After all, there are many pages side by side with this page!

Before Jiang Nan figured it out, he had already rushed into his own reality!

And at this time, the black hole shook, and two red glows lit up...

At this moment, Jiangnan felt like he was no longer a human being, but a black hole!

He is able to control the black hole with his own will, and because of the Sha Qi secret technique, he is extremely sure of his own existence, so his will will not dissipate, let alone get lost!

Jiang Nan was stunned, so now I'm in the black hole? wrong! I am a black hole myself!

Where are the sea of ​​energy just now, and those pages on the bookshelf?

And this moment is also the time when the black hole was awakened by the starry sky Rubik's Cube bombardment!

So Jiangnan can control the black hole's movement, turning, and devouring speed just like controlling his own body, and even made him anxious, and made a showy operation of teleportation!

As the duration continued to lengthen, Jiang Nan gradually understood the usage of black holes!

Needless to say, driving a black hole to drive people around is quite cool!

Thinking of the black hole jets he had just seen on the pages of the book, Jiangnan sucked up the Rubik's Cube and wanted to try it out, but the accretion disk wasn't big enough at all!

I was thinking about saving it again, but it was made two-dimensional by the two-dimensional horse, and the wish of the black hole jet was shattered!

And as the time of manipulating the black hole got longer and longer, he played a duet with Milius later!

Jiangnan's will has finally reached its limit, and he feels very tired and unable to maintain the black hole anymore!

So the black hole just dissipated!

The burning flames are more like the fire of Jiangnan's will, acting like a lighthouse!

Positioning for Jiangnan!

Because at this moment, Jiangnan has the same feeling as last time again, and he and reality are blocked by an invisible transparent barrier!

It's clearly close in front of your eyes, but you can't break through that transparent barrier and return to reality!

No matter how Jiang Nan struggles, roars, punches and kicks, the reality will not give him any feedback, as if he does not exist here!

And if this dangerous state lasts for a long time, Jiangnan's body parts and various organs will dissipate, unable to re-condense, causing extremely serious Taoist injuries!

Last time, Jiangnan has already experienced it deeply!

This time we must find a way to overcome, break the barrier and return!

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