Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2331 Can we talk now?

The wormhole on the northern corona has just been assembled, and the lithographic star field is ready!

The reason why the mechanical wormholes were reassembled was because the diameter of the original wormholes was simply not big enough to support this blow!

Even through the mechanical wormhole with an exaggerated diameter, you can't see the whole picture of the weapons on the Lithographic Starfield at all!

You can only see the boundless and magnificent mechanical devices, and you can't see the edge at a glance. Countless mechanical warriors work together!

Energy storage has already been completed!

You know, the silicon base can create forbidden weapons with the power to swallow stars!

And the owner of Level A authority has the ability to mobilize this weapon resource!

If there is no absolute power deterrence, Siji will not be able to sit in the second rank!

I saw the iron soldier wave his hand!

[┐???????┌]┘"Mechanical Era?? Strong nuclear force and high beam energy chaos cannon! 300% power overload! Lock on the target! Launch!"

With the big hand of the iron soldier falling!

At the other end of the mechanical wormhole, a bewitching purple light lit up, and a feeling of extreme danger surged in my heart!

next moment!

I saw the boundless and thick high beam energy chaos cannon fired directly from the other end of the mechanical wormhole!

And it spreads out in a bell shape, like a giant trumpet!

The diameter of the gun column was so terrifying that it was impossible to see the head with the naked eye for a while. At a glance, it looked like an endless sea of ​​purple energy!

Along the way, the void is distorted, and thunder and lightning!

Even if it is touched by the purple light, whether it is a planet or a star, it will all explode into the most gorgeous fireworks in the starry sky!

This shot smashed up countless planets in the Northern Corona, and went straight to the black hole!

Mai Liushi stared: ?????????

This shot is enough to destroy the galaxy. Once it explodes in the center of the galaxy, no planet can withstand it!

Obviously, the iron pawn is fully fired!

Tie Zu's expression remained unchanged: "It will pass soon, please bear with it! You two are swallowing stars, such an attack will not be unbearable!"

"If the power is small! It's useless in black holes!"

Mai Liushi yelled at Chen Mu, and Siji went crazy, did he even beat his own people?

What else can I do? I can only carry it!

"Bowen Crystal Shield!"


The thick artillery column blasted down directly, enveloping all three of them, Jiang Heidong, who was turning around three times!

The formidable power wiped off a layer of skin from the surface of Milius' star, and the entire pulsar was burned into crimson red!

But not a trace of energy crossed the black hole!

The incomparably terrifying bombardment was collected by Jiang Heidong, eaten up and wiped away, and the accretion disk lit up with a brilliant purple-orange light!

When Jiang Heidong saw the opened mechanical wormhole, it was as if he had been injected with chicken blood!

Hurricane towards that side, even dragging Mai Liushi and Chen Mu over there!

The three-person turn suddenly changed the direction of travel!

The debris of stars along the way was all picked up by Jiangnan and turned into accretion disks, which became bigger and bigger!

At this moment, the onlookers in Beimian were paralyzed!

What is the scene of gods fighting in front of you? Hey!

Although Jiangnan wants to dismantle the Northern Crown Star Capital, if he doesn't care about it and dismantles it by himself, he won't be able to dismantle many of them by now, right?

You are so good, the silicon base is shot down, the black hole is nothing, the straight-line distance between the mechanical wormhole and the black hole!

All the planets were blown up with one shot, hey!

You demolished more than Jiangnan! Wow!

The fragile northern crown star city can't hold so many swallowing stars at the same time!

As everyone knows, the Emperor's Remuneration, Tie Zu and the others are no longer concerned about the Northern Crown Star Capital!

But is there any way to crack Jiangnan's black hole swallowing stars!

Everyone knows what it means if there is no means to restrain him!

Tie Zuan watched the black hole and the girl rush towards the mechanical wormhole, why didn't he know Jiangnan's intentions!

It's obvious that you want to go to the Lithography Starfield to dismantle a wave?

What's up? A northern corona is not enough for you to dismantle?

Tie Zu's mechanical voice echoed: "Mailius! Chenmu! Hold it?"

Chen Mu had just been bombarded, so naturally he didn't have a good face, and couldn't help saying angrily: "You can do it!"

Tie Zu squinted: "Change the attack method!"

After the order was issued, the mechanical wormhole immediately switched the link port!

On the other side of the wormhole, the giant cannon was replaced with a spherical mechanical device, and the pitch-black muzzle aimed at the black hole!

"Neutron Star Cannonball! Fire!"


In the muzzle of the mechanical device, a neutron star with a diameter of 25 kilometers was accelerated to a terrifying sub-light speed!

Spinning wildly, it blasted directly through the mechanical wormhole!

This is also a kind of taboo weapon, and everyone marvels at the horror of silicon-based technology!

Can a neutron star be fired as a cannonball?

I saw that the neutron star shells carried terrifying kinetic energy, blasting through the accretion disk!

But when approaching the event horizon, it was still torn apart by the powerful tidal force and turned into a part of the accretion disk!

Mai Liushi said angrily: "What did you launch on horseback? A neutron star? Are you polite?"

Milius' body is a neutron pulsar, so he naturally has a special affection for neutron stars!

It's no wonder Mailiushi feels better when he sees the iron pawn firing the neutron star like a cannonball!

The iron soldier ignored it at all: "Neutron star shells! Bursting!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The accelerated neutron stars came one by one, as if they didn't want money!

Some were torn to shreds by the black hole, and some exploded directly. The Jianghei hole was not unaffected, it was nothing more than a slower speed of travel!

And with the supply of iron pawns, the area of ​​the accretion disk has become larger and larger, and Jiangnan feels a little bit better!

Tie Zu wants to destroy a black hole in this way? Not enough!

Seeing the black hole getting closer and closer to the mechanical wormhole, all the terrifying and forbidden weapons in the Iron Pawn database were eliminated one by one!

Most of them are useless against black holes!

Silicon base has indeed never stopped exploring black holes, but Temiao will not be idle to develop forbidden weapons that specifically destroy black holes?

Facing the charging black hole, the iron pawn seemed helpless!

This seems to be a word question for which the correct answer can never be calculated!

"Close the mechanical wormhole! Never let Jiangnan enter the lithography star field!"


The mechanical wormhole ring exploded directly, and the channel was closed, but this also meant that the silicon base gave up continuing to attack the black hole!

Jiang Heidong was not surprised by this operation. In fact, if he used teleportation, he might be able to break into the lithography star field by surprise!

But Jiangnan had already used it last time, and Jiangnan didn't want to use it this time, just to do a controlled experiment!

See if the teleportation last time cost me anything!

This time Jiangnan is not only showing his strength, but also familiarizing himself with the process of exploring how to use black holes to swallow stars!

At this moment, everyone who is eating melon in the hole in the void is full of excitement!

The eight big swallowing stars work together, and they are even helpless against the black hole swallowing star of the boss of Nanshen?

This is too fierce ah?

Should I say it or not, this cup is supposed to be rounded up by Jiangnan!

Such a feat, even ordinary swallowing stars can't do it?

Although in actual combat, Jiangnan does not have the ability to kill Tun Xing, but the black hole Tun Xing alone is enough to make these gangsters helpless, helpless?

Chong Feiyu looked at this scene with a pale face, sweating profusely on her forehead:

(????w??????) "If I were outside, I would have died long ago? The eight star swallowing stars teamed up, let alone the ordinary star swallowing, the second one can't stop it?"

Wu Liang was amazed:

(.??v??v??.) "Does Brother Nan want to kill everyone?"

Sona looked excited, scratching his heart and liver:

(??≥Yie≤)?? "It's coming soon! It's going to be created soon, it absolutely matches the bgm of the boss of Shangnan God! Burn it, my soul of rap!"

The kindness and prosperity are all dumbfounded. What kind of ghost scene is this where gods fight? You won't see it for the second time in your life, right?

Both Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's eyes glowed with brilliance, although they were still worried about the price Xiao Nan would have to pay!

But I have to admit, Xiao Nan at this moment!

Really handsome!

Wang Youzhi rubbed his little hands excitedly:

(People???????????????) "A group of good teammates, this is it? How big is the accretion disk after such a short effort? It should be enough, right?"

At this moment, I saw two red lights in Jianghei Cave looking at Qianbenzakura, flickering non-stop!

After receiving the signal, Qianben Sakura was shocked. Has the time come?

Oh ~ don't care! Die or die!

I saw Qianbenying no longer hiding, but standing majesticly at the entrance of the hole in the void, with her waist akimbo, her chest raised and her head raised!

(??????????~?????????) "Hey~ you guys! Don't be so busy! Look at me! Look at me! Daisy Sakura is going to speak!"

The several swallowing stars present all looked at Qianbenying, their eyes were bright!

Qianbenying resisted the urge to pee in fear, cleared her throat and said:

(????°????°) "Didn't you want to see the methods of Jiangnan? Now you have seen it! I have also played and used all kinds of unique skills!"

"Is it so difficult for you to admit that you can't destroy a black hole? You can't kill Jiangnan when the black hole is swallowing stars! This is a fact!"

"So can you talk to me now?"

Many swallowing stars have different expressions, but none of them look good!

indeed! The cruel fact is right in front of you, swallowing stars is indeed powerful, it is the pinnacle of the starry sky pyramid, but the black hole in the starry sky is also known as an unsolvable starry sky behemoth!

Black holes are the centers of major galaxies, and there is a supermassive black hole in the center of a general large galaxy!

Swallowing Star has the power to destroy galaxies, but facing black holes, it still cannot be destroyed!

Jiangnan's black hole swallowing stars can indeed pose a threat to swallowing stars, but now he absolutely does not have the strength to kill the star swallowing boss!

In the same way, the star swallowing boss can't crack Jiangnan's black hole swallowing stars!

It's like a fishbone stuck in your throat, you can't swallow it, you can't pull it out!

Mai Liushi sneered: "Don't listen to her, talk? What are you talking about? How long can the black hole swallowing stars in the south of the Yangtze River last?"

"I'm afraid it's because I can't hold on anymore, so I want to talk about it. Just hold the black hole! When the black hole swallows stars is released, it will be the time when Jiangnan dies!"

Emperor Fu's eyes turned cold!

Qianbenzakura's expression remained unchanged:

(??°??~°??)?? "This fat ball! Please don't be so naive? Why does Jiangnan have to release the black hole state in the starry sky?"

"He won't go back to the gap between the dimensions to solve it? Can you two escape the gravitational range of the black hole now?"

"Jiangnan insists on going back to the gap between dimensions, can you two really pull it together? Or will you be pulled into the gap between dimensions by Jiangnan?"

"Do you want to come in and try what will happen if this happens?"

Wang Youzhi waved excitedly:

(????????)?? "Brother! Don't be shy, pull back? I don't mind two more Star Swallow figures!"

Mai Liushi and Chen Mu trembled, their faces turned black!

If you really want to be pulled into the gap between dimensions, then there will be nothing!

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