North China Longyuan Headquarters!

In the No. 3 Arms Reserve!


A cry filled with no misery resounded through the audience.

It makes the listeners sad, and the listeners cry!

I saw the red dragon kneeling on the ground, his face sluggish!

The huge reserve is empty!

Not even a root hair is left!

An old man dutifully dragged the ground, rubbing the self-leveling ground with shine!

"Why is it gone?"

"No? That Osprey I parked in the hangar?" m.9biquge.\\ncom

The library manager scratched his head: "A young man just came and moved away! Say you let it go!"

The red dragon exploded: "Jiangnan! I'm riding a horse..."

Are you a bandit?

Did you move the plane away for me? That is the newly developed Osprey!

how did you take it...

[The resentment value from Zuo Haitang +1000! ]

[From Zuo Haitang...]

Changhong Airport, on a plane bound for Madagas Islands, Jiangnan is so happy!

After silver, the size of his heterodimensional space has skyrocketed to 50 cubic meters!

Can't fit your little plane?

This time to go to the Sahara Desert in the Philippines, Jiangnan can only go to the Madaga Islands first!

Then the runner crosses the Gili Strait and reaches the Philippine mainland!

Think of a way to rush to the war zone!

After all, where the current situation is chaotic, and there are anti-aircraft missiles deployed, the passenger plane will not be there!

Jiangnan is the master, and the three of them are naturally cheap and affordable economy class!

Lynx sat by the window, Jiang Nan sat in the middle, and Bai Qianxun was next to the aisle.

At this moment, she looked nervous, her hands tightly grasping the armrests.

"Nan... Nanshen, can't we go there by boat?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "From here to the Eastern Hemisphere? When you arrive, the zombie world war has already started over there, right?"

"By the way... you're not afraid of flying, are you?"

[The resentment value from Bai Qianxun +1000! ]

"You are talking nonsense!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Fuck! You are still a Long Yuan! Afraid of flying? What do you do with skydiving?"

Bai Qianxun said in awe, "I still...have to skydive? No one told me that I still have to skydive!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Lynx rolled his eyes: "Xiao Bai is afraid of heights! It's been so many years, and I haven't overcome it yet?"

Bai Qianxun glared: "Bah! Nonsense! No!"

The next moment, the plane takes off and pulls up!



Looking at the handrail that was pulled down by her, Jiang Nan covered his face!

you ride a horse...

This can't cost me money, can it?

Bai Qianxun's face turned red, and she quickly shoved the broken armrest into Jiangnan's arms!

Then pretend like nothing happened!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

What the fuck?

Does it flow like water?

It can only be received in a different dimension when people are not paying attention!


This thing is already bad!

right! That's right!

"By the way, how did you become Long Yuanjun?"

Bai Qianxun said angrily, "Fear of heights! What's wrong with fear of heights? I can fight!"

The lynx nodded rarely and said, "It's very good at fighting!"

Jiangnan looked up and down, can he be recognized by the Bobcats?

Emotional Xiaobai is not just a little garbage?

Or a fighter in a small garbage?

The plane entered the stratosphere, Bai Qianxun finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, the well-dressed flight attendants began to distribute the in-flight meals!

"Hello sir, what would you like? Potato and beef rice? Or braised eggplant rice?"

Jiangnan: "That's delicious?"

The flight attendant smiled: "It's not very delicious!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

what the hell!

Is this airline so real?

Hey Hey hey!

Does your boss know what you're talking about?

"Then beef and potatoes!"

"What would you like to drink, sir?"

"Orange juice is good!"

Jiangnan opened the lunch box and was about to take a bite!

I heard a particularly beautiful flight attendant in the back holding a bottle of Lao Ganma, a small spoon in one hand, and a smile on her face!

"Sir! Do you need chili sauce? It's delicious!"

After saying that, look forward to Jiangnan!

"Then... how about a spoonful?"

What the hell!

Is this airline service so good?

What the hell is chili sauce!

I saw that the flight attendant deducted a large spoon and sprinkled Jiangnan on the meal!

It even spilled out a heart shape!

Then take out the napkin and put it on the small table in Jiangnan!

She said softly, "Save it to wipe your mouth after eating!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, looking at the heart-shaped chili sauce on the rice, this is a bit great!

After digging his head and pulling the meal, Jiang Nan picked up the napkin to wipe his mouth, but was stunned!

I saw that it was a string of micro-signals written on the napkin!

The lynx pursed his lips: "You guy, do you usually go out like this?"

So attractive to girls?

Bai Qianxun looked at Jiang Nan, then glanced at the stewardess again, glaring at her!

The flight attendant noticed the gaze, and then her pretty face flushed.

Jiang Nan: "Then she can't let me pay for the handrail, right?"

Bai Qianxun: ? ? ?

Is that the point?

What is your brain circuit?

This trip really took a long time, Bai Qianxun looked uncomfortable there.

Jiangnan took a sip of the orange juice!

Elegant posture!

Look at you, you have never seen the world, you have never been on a plane!

Can't help saying: "There's a wrench next to the seat!"

"Break it off and adjust the angle of the backrest to make it more comfortable!"

Bai Qianxun frowned and groped for a while!

"Um~ that? Is that this?"

next moment!

Jiangnan's back suddenly lost its support!

It was so unexpected!

The whole person leaned back and lay directly on the seat!

The glass of orange juice I was holding in my hand made me smear my face without taking two sips!

Jiangnan:  …


you tell me!

Did you ride the horse on purpose?

Are you jealous of my handsome, handsome appearance?

What are you doing with me?

Yours is over the aisle!

The eldest brother in the back row was stunned, why did he make a name for himself?

The atmosphere was very embarrassing!

Big Brother: "So what! Brother, do you want paper?"

The lynx covered her mouth and endured the discomfort: "Pfft... uh!"

Bai Qianxun sat upright, pretending that nothing had happened, and was still reading a magazine!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

You definitely did it on purpose, right?

Finally made it to the Madagas Islands!

Jiangnan did not delay, and went directly to the port to find a cargo ship across the Geely Strait!

Seagulls cry! Blue waves rippling!

The three Jiangnan people stood on the deck, blowing the cool sea breeze!

There is a heavy weight in my heart!

At this moment, the ship is basically full of foreign faces, and people from all over the world can see it!

And oriental faces like the three Jiangnan people still attracted the attention of many people!

Especially big beauties like Lynx and Bai Qianxun!

At this moment, a tall man in a beige suit came over!

Wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar!

He did not hide his spiritual energy fluctuations at the peak of silver in the slightest!

Speak in pure Italian!

"Hey! Brother! Bring two girls alone? Are you here to play?"

"Let me have one?"

As he said that, he took out a circle of banknotes from his trouser pocket and threw them into Jiangnan's arms!

Both Lynx and Xiaobai looked at this man with a dull expression!

Jiang Nan grinned and shoved the banknotes in his pocket!

Then he waved to the man in the suit!

The eyes of the man in the suit lit up, is this a drama?

Can't help but feel hot!

As soon as I took two steps forward, I found that I couldn't move!

He looked fiercely ferocious!

At this moment, the Void Chains have bound it to death!

I saw Jiang Nan stepped forward and grabbed the man by the neck!

Turn around and run two steps, grab the whole person and throw it away!

"Let's go!"

"Ah ah ah! Mom makes Fake~"


The man in the suit flew out more than 70 meters like a javelin and plunged into the sea!

Jiang Nan clapped his hands, took out the money in his trouser pocket nonchalantly, and began to count...

Lynx: ? ? ?

Bai Qianxun: ? ? ?

Is it so neat?

I thought that a small lesson would be enough, let him know that it is amazing!

As a result, you directly throw people into the sea?

Didn't say a word the whole time!

Want to be so rude?

But this way of dealing with things, why does it make people's heartbeats speed up inexplicably!

[The resentment value from Luo Fei. Jessie +1000! ]

[The resentment value from Luo Fei Jessie...]

Jiangnan was stunned!


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