Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2500 The counterattack of the siege army

Why do humans seem not worried at all? Do you have such a big heart?

What Ye Yuanwei and Du Lingyu don't know is that no matter what kind of adversity they face!

As long as Jiangnan is present, he is the pinnacle of stability for all human beings, and there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome!

Human beings have faced even more difficult situations. It's just a siege by five races, and they are all in the top ten sequence?

This is a fart, what?

I saw Jiangnan grinning, swiping the God-killing knife, and the infinite scarlet flames blazed wildly, with high fighting spirit!

(???????) "Since that's the case! Then don't ink! It's over, let's see who is the last one to win, and who is the turtle in the urn!"

While speaking, the small leather whip sticks out, splits 10 giant eyes, and ejects blazing star pupil cannons as propellers from them!

With the blessing of air speed, go straight to the mechanical army to kill!

Under suppression, warp speed, teleportation and other displacement, space conversion skills will become difficult to use, or even be forced to stop!

However, skills like void barriers, space chains, wormholes, palm kingdoms, etc. can still be used normally!

However, the power is more or less suppressed by the suppressed void!

But for Si Ji, this is enough. The mobility of the sealed space system is enough to greatly reduce their combat effectiveness!

Jiang Nan wants to try, how capable are these anti-mechanical prosthetic bodies!

Only then can we determine how to play later!

However, the siege and killing coalition forces will not give Jiangnan and the others a chance to fight alone!

The mechanical army, the sea of ​​insects, and the galaxy army all rushed forward!

I don't believe there are so many people, maybe there are less than 20,000 people in the Qima Legion!

Before Jiangnan could get in touch with the mechanical army, a huge spirit-binding force field had already been jointly launched using the spirit-binding ore marrow!

But Jiangnan is not empty at all, maybe he would be restrained by this method before, but now Jiangnan has the realm of absolute life and death in addition to black holes swallowing stars!

Under the expansion of the field, Jiangnan is the only god in it, and will not be restricted by the spirit-binding force field at all!

Under the sudden collision, Jiangnan raised his big hand high, and a giant saw blade took shape, and slashed down at the mechanical prosthetic body!

However, an astonishing scene happened!

I saw that the power of the mechanical prosthesis was fully turned on, and the gravitational core loaded on the chest burst out an extremely terrifying gravitational repulsion field!

The air-cracking saw blade was pushed off the track by gravity, and cut towards the other side!

You must know that strong gravity has the ability to distort space!

And the silicon base is also using this to defend against Jiangnan's space technology!

But in the next moment, Jiang Nan raised another hand!

"Hold the Kingdom!"

The space with a radius of more than 10,000 kilometers was directly compressed into a small glass ball by Jiangnan!

Covering many mechanical prosthetic bodies, even the gravitational core is useless!

"The kingdom is destroyed!"

With a firm grip of Jiang Nan's big hand, the space inside the glass ball was completely annihilated, but the second before being annihilated, those mechanical prosthetic bodies had already chosen to explode their cores!

But inside the glass ball, it still can't affect Jiangnan!

As soon as he turned his head, the space wormhole opened, and Jiangnan's big hand was already aimed at a star anti-mechanical prosthetic body!

"The kingdom expands!"


The mechanical prosthetic body was directly dismantled along with the expanding space!

At the same time, under a volley of firepower, countless antimatter bombs shot towards Jiangnan like a volley!

"Space wormhole? Nothing in the void!"

All of the six space wormholes unfolded for a moment, the entrance of the hole rushed out, and the space inside became untouchable!

I want to use this to avoid the bombardment of the antimatter explosion!

However, the silicon base was obviously prepared. Three beacons were ejected from the antimatter shell, and they were linked together to form a small mechanical wormhole!

From the other end, the inner space of the Void came directly!

The antimatter projectile just shot into the mechanical wormhole, passing through the unsolvable defense formed by the six-sided wormhole!

Come straight to Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan, who was in the void, couldn't help but feel a little astonished!

Σ(°△°|||) Damn? Flower work?

However, at the next moment, all the antimatter shells fired one after another broke free from the force field and were exposed to the starry sky!

I saw Jiangnan holding his knees and tightening into a ball in an instant, and the infinite blood vines derived, wrapping himself layer by layer, and the acrylic armor on his body also exploded crazily, turning into a huge blood crystal egg!

At the same time, the six-sided space barrier breaks into shape, turning into a square for absolute protection!

One second before the antimatter bomb released its energy, Jiangnan used a dimensionality reduction strike!

Protection must be done, after all, dimensionality reduction attacks can only be blocked from one side!


Fiery white light shines on the battlefield, and violent energy ripples spread out in all directions. The wild power makes people fearful just by looking at it!

Many mechanical warriors are constantly scanning the vital signs of the explosion center with their mechanical eyes!

The next moment, a huge two-dimensional plane suddenly expanded from the center of the explosion, swallowed up all the energy, and spread in all directions!

But all the mechanical warriors are equipped with gravitational cores, forming a close-fitting gravitational repulsion field!

The expanded two-dimensional plane can't break through the repulsion field, and when it touches the mechanical prosthesis, it can't be two-dimensional!

In a daze, he pushed all the nearby mechanical prosthetic bodies out!

Jiang Nan rushed out from the center of the explosion in a panic, and the acrylic armor on his body was blown apart!

There are still scars from the explosion fragments on the cheeks, and the blood is eye-catching!

Acrylic joked: "The trick has been broken, what do you think?"

Jiang Nan grinned:

(¬?¬?) "Hey~ if the old trick is not broken, where does the new trick come from?"

I have to admit that there is something wrong with Siji's anti-Jiangnan model. I have restrained myself in various abilities and even combo skills!

Even the newly added gravitational core makes it impossible to kill a large-scale dimension reduction strike!

Although single-handed attacks are still not Jiangnan's opponents, but combined with firepower suppression, the effect will be terrifying!

Under the suppression of emptiness, many methods in Jiangnan are restricted!

To be honest, fighting with silicon base is so uncomfortable and uncomfortable!

As soon as Jiangnan appeared, the silicon-based and chaotic bodies launched another wave of mental attacks, and Jiangnan's head was buzzing!

Immediately, huge white nets were launched by the mechanical warriors, heading straight for Jiangnan Gai!

Trying to capture him, the special net is extremely tough and can absorb various forms of energy, which was specially developed for Jiangnan!

At this moment, Du Lingyu rushed to the Jiangnan side with an atomic transmission, and his eyes were full of bad luck!

(#`~?) "I hit your side! Go hit me!"

"Atoms speed up!"

After speaking, with a wave of his little hand, Jiangnan's body suddenly glowed with a faint blue light, and even flashed with electric arcs!

(? Mouth?)? "Hey hey~ you..."

Before Jiangnan could finish speaking, he was shot out with a whoosh!

And Du Lingyu said with air: "The atom collapses! Go to hell!"

All nets are broken down into the most basic atoms, and the chain structure is completely destroyed!

It's not just Du Lingyu who is changing opponents, they all do the same with human gamma bodies!

Are you against me? Well! Is it over if I don't fight with you?

Did I go to the head office with anti-others?

Your method may be able to target me, but if it is someone else, it may not be effective!

However, it is a pity, how could the silicon base not think of this?

When Du Lingyu changed over, I saw those star anti-mechanical prosthetic bodies switch their battle forms instantly!

Turning into the anti-apocalypse mode, a hexagonal energy shield emerges from the outside of the machine!

It can absorb the impact of conversion energy, and the nuclear shield is turned on, so that the Apocalypse can't directly destroy the materials that make up the mechanical prosthesis!

Then turn on the hadron jet to suppress it!

These star anti-mechanical prosthetics are equipped with all-star anti-modes, which can be switched freely!

No matter how you change your opponent, what you are facing is always against you, attacking your weaknesses!

The Gamma tribe is also aggrieved. Their death radiation is useless to the silicon base. They are mechanical life, but they don't have cells!

And the bombardment of gamma energy will be absorbed and transformed by the gamma crystal shield on the surface of the mechanical prosthesis, and instead used to attack them!

The Dark Cosmic Body is once again confronted with day matter and day energy, an annoying group!

The human side is also full of displeasure!

Originally, it was Reincarnation of Life and Death and Eastern Mythology resisting the attack, but Odin and the others went to break the formation!

But since the silicon base is placed in the formation, it is not afraid of your attack, but even so, you still don't give up if you don't try it!

As expected, Odin Badr and the others returned without success!

Even the innermost gravitational repulsion field failed to break through, and Martin alone could not compete with the masterpiece of the Galaxy army!

Not to mention that the formation has five or six layers!

Silicon-based, they may be destined not to have a domain because of the characteristics of life!

But from another point of view, this enclosure can already be regarded as a silicon-based domain!

Failure to break the formation, ability to be suppressed, silicon-based all kinds of reactions, and the sea of ​​​​insects are not covered!

Now there is no other way but to fight!

The besieged coalition forces also directly organized a wave of counterattacks because of the advantage of the venue!

It seems that it was premeditated, and the chaotic body at this moment directly launched the long-planned attack!

"Chaos returns? The energy is out of control!"

At this moment, the entire Chaos Clan, including all the imperial gods, shot together, and a strange wave bloomed, covering all of them in Jiangnan!

The enveloping range is so large that it is appalling!

Under the suppression, Jiangnan Xiao Chuihuo and the others completely lost the ability to dodge!

The energy in everyone's body was uncontrollable and completely out of control, and they became irritable!

A violent energy explosion emanated from his body, blasting out bloody flowers!

Humans, Apocalypse, Gamma, and even the Dark Cosmic Body cannot avoid it!

Energy out of control is also a unique skill of the chaotic body!

If it's just that, it's fine, but the problem lies in the fusion field!

The fusion field requires extremely meticulous control, and once there is a mistake, it is bound to collapse!

And the backlash caused by the collapse is also extremely terrifying!


Unsurprisingly, the reincarnation of life and death, the Eastern mythology, and the Western Divine Realm collectively collapsed under the influence of out-of-control energy, blowing up into auras all over the sky!

Everyone has been severely injured, but the attack of the besieged army is far from over!

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