Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2533 The strongest pit kill

You know, thirty kilometers in diameter is already the limit of a neutron star, and the matter has been compressed into a quark fluid!

As long as it goes one step further, it will turn into a black hole, and neutron stars may also evolve into black holes!

There are many black holes in the starry sky that evolved from neutron stars!

The Celestial Mailiushi is a neutron star of extreme size, and he can also continue to increase his mass, thus evolving into a black hole!

But it's just that he has a hunch that once he evolves into a black hole, his star soul will be annihilated and his will will be dissipated!

That's why he didn't dare to take that step for a long time, so in order to break the secret of the black hole, he went to trouble Jiangnan in the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine!

But the silicon base has no such concerns at all!

The principle of this large-scale neutron star accelerator collider is to collide multiple extreme-sized neutron stars together and fuse them together!

Break through its mass limit, thereby causing gravitational collapse, and evolve into a starry sky behemoth! black hole!

Not to mention that in this war terminal, ten neutron stars of extreme size collided at the same time!

Where does innocence know the secrets?

It was cut off with one knife!

And at this moment, a strange scene happened!

There was a flash of light in the void, and a high-dimensional slash from nowhere suddenly appeared in front of Wu Gui!

Slashed down on his neck!

It appeared extremely abruptly!

Wuzui was stunned for a moment, he recognized it at a glance, it was his own Instant Slash!

The innocence of the future passes through the four dimensions, and cuts a knife towards the present!

For future innocence, it means cutting from the present to the past!

Wuzui watched Shun Zhan slash towards him helplessly, and couldn't help but have question marks all over his face!

Why should I behead myself? Is it possible?

His eyes instantly fell on the terminal of the war, and a sense of danger that made his hair stand on end came to his heart!

Something is wrong!

Not guilty:! ! !

(?Yi??) "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Its body retreated violently, doing everything possible to stay away from the end of the war!

The rest of the bosons simply didn't notice what was going on!

Isn't it to destroy silicon-based war terminals? Why are you going to withdraw?

However, it was already too late, at the same time as the innocence retreated!

In the collider, 10 neutron stars have collided fiercely together, surpassing the limit of gravity in an instant, unable to maintain their own shape, and collapsed suddenly!

The next moment, the huge war terminal collapsed instantly, and a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the starry sky!

The powerful gravitational field enveloped the entire Shenji Battalion!

The boundless pitch black seems to be able to swallow everything!

Even though Innocence had retreated early, half of his body was still covered by the expanding black hole!

One shoulder, chest, one thigh, and even half of the head were swallowed by the black hole!

One of the ten colored glazed corners is gone!

In just an instant, Wu Zui couldn't feel that half of his body anymore!

This is still on the premise of retreating in advance, otherwise, with the slash just now, the innocence will definitely not be able to escape the envelope of the black hole, and will be directly sucked in, completely disappearing from the starry sky!

It was that extremely crucial instant slash that saved half his life!

I saw innocent eyes glaring, holding the knife with one hand, and swung the knife forward fiercely, slashing into the void, it was an instant slash!

Make up for the knife just now!

In fact, the instant slash of innocence has changed the outcome of the future to some extent!

The instant slash before, I'm afraid that the innocence who was hit by the trick knew that he was dead, and the instant slash was performed before being completely swallowed by the black hole!

Cut to the past!

The innocence of the past was reminded by the instant slash, he retreated violently, the future changed, he saved half his life, and at this moment, he made up for that slash!

But it's only half-life, it doesn't mean that you can escape alive without guilt!

The preparation of the silicon base is much more than that!

I saw the 10 giant donuts floating around!

It's not an energy tower with a protective force field at all!

Quantama is a small neutron star accelerated collider!

This is guarded by the Shenji Battalion in the center, which is a god pit!

The 10 small colliders also started at the same time!

Two neutron stars with a diameter of 30 kilometers were accelerated to the extreme in the circular channel!

They bumped into each other hard!


The mass exceeds the limit, and the black hole is created again!

Around the giant black hole, ten small black holes emerged!

The silicon base created 11 black holes in one go!

And the moment these black holes were born, they were captured by the powerful gravity of the giant black holes!

They were all pulled over by the giant black hole!

The gravitational fields of 11 black holes are intertwined together, and the space becomes extremely chaotic and disorderly, and they are all distorted to the extreme!

Everything is going to destruction!

Wuzui had just been swallowed half of his body by a giant black hole, and at the same time made up for that knife!

Seeing that 10 small black holes were created, one of them was rushing towards him like a giant starry sky beast!

He felt like the gravitational field was tearing him apart and twisting him into spaghetti!

It can be said that there were wolves before and tigers after!

dying! Am I dying?

This is the only idea born in the heart of innocence!

In just an instant, innocence has made a judgment, between life and death, there is no room for him to hesitate!

Bose supercritical state? On!

At this moment, Wu Gui's only remaining glazed horn burst out with an incomparably bright radiance!

He didn't even want the remaining half of his body, because he didn't have the ability to take away so many things under such circumstances!

With half a face and a glazed horn, he rushed into Siwei with a knife in his mouth!

The rest of the body was swallowed by the black hole almost instantly!

This sudden scene exceeded everyone's expectations!

The original war terminal database turned into a giant black hole!

And suddenly there are ten small black holes next to it!

Under the gravity of the giant black hole, there is no suspense at such a short distance!

Ten black holes were pulled over by the giant black hole on the spot and swallowed directly!

At the moment when ten black holes were swallowed, the giant black hole was like a big ball that swallowed ten balls in one go!

It grew in size in an instant, and directly opened the black hole blazar form!

This is the second change form of black holes, which is different from black hole jets!

Black Hole Flare!

If the black hole jet is the god of destruction and creation, then the black hole flare is the demon that annihilates everything!

I saw an extremely dazzling flash of light from the giant black hole!

The intensity of this flash is brighter than all the stars in small and medium-sized galaxies combined!

And it released an extremely terrifying gravitational wave rippling out, tearing and annihilating all matter and energy!

Initialize everything around the black hole!

The power of giant black hole blaze is not weaker than Xiao Chuihuo's thermonuclear creation!

That extremely shining light can be clearly seen even outside the Grand Ruins of Genesis!

At this moment, the audience was completely silent, and everyone looked at the screen in horror!


Where is Temeow and what kind of magic machine camp is there?

There is only one huge black hole left, hanging there like a behemoth in the starry sky!

A golden event horizon surrounds the giant black hole!

Everything in the Shenji camp was either swallowed by the black hole, or turned into an accretion disk, pulled and torn apart!

After Gangxiu activated the neutron star collider, he had all the mechanical prosthetics sprint at warp speed and escaped from the Shenji Camp!

But most of the mechanical warriors were still swallowed by the black hole and torn apart!

Even if it ran far away, it was crushed by the black hole flare that erupted later!

Only a very small number survived!

There are even less than ten million mechanical prosthetic bodies left!

There is no need for the Bose clan to destroy the silicon-based magic machine battalion!

Silicon base destroyed itself!

Not a wave!

Tao couldn't stop searching for signs of life on the accretion disk!

[┐¤_¤┌] "How is it? Has it been destroyed?"

Oka Xiu's mechanical eyes flickered:

[┐°ー°┌] "Not sure! The instant slash of innocence just delayed the best timing, which is a bit troublesome! Otherwise, innocent will die!"

"However, this neutron star collider was originally designed and built for Jiangnan! The original intention was not to target the Bose body!"

"However, Jiangnan doesn't come to attack our Shenji Camp! But it's not a waste of our planning to use it on Wuzui! It's just that the effect may not be very good..."

Since Jiangnan mastered the method of black hole swallowing stars, Siji has been secretly developing a method to restrain him!

After researching and researching, in the end, I still put my hope on the black hole!

After all, only magic can defeat magic!

With the current level of silicon-based technology, it is indeed impossible to control the power of black holes!

But so many years of research on black holes, data records are not in vain!

After some hard research, it is the silicon base that has mastered the method of artificially manufacturing black holes!

But the black hole created is completely uncontrollable, not to mention being able to teleport like Jiangnan, plus wandering around!

It can only be manufactured, and then placed there, allowing the black hole to change by itself!

But even if it is uncontrollable, the lethality is already amazing enough!

Using this thing once, the price is not so high, it hurts the enemy a thousand, and hurts the rhythm of a bitter tea seed!

But a weapon that can pose a threat to Jiangnan is a good weapon!

Originally, Siji was thinking of leading Jiangnan to attack the war terminal database, and then turn on the neutron star collider!

Even if there is a black hole swallowing stars in the south of the Yangtze River!

Facing the joint siege of 11 black holes, you must be hit!

Pulling each other, they will definitely merge into a super-large black hole, and once this power is beyond Jiang Nan's control, it will be the beginning of his self-destruction!

This is what Siji thought of, the only way to kill Jiangnan!

So from the very beginning, Siji completed the Shenji Battalion, making it extremely conspicuous, for fear that Jiangnan would not come to fight!

And the real war terminal database has another location, which has been properly hidden long ago!

Isn't silicon base stupid?

Take out your own weaknesses, and then protect them? Isn't there something wrong with this?

Wouldn't it be nice to hide it from the beginning?

In other words, this Shenji Battalion is the bait used by Si Ji to lure the enemy from the beginning to the end! Well dug pit!

It's just that the big fish in the south of the Yangtze River was not attracted here, and I owe it to Baden to step on Lei! Straight into the pit!

It can be regarded as letting the silicon base get rid of the calf!

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