Chapter 2632 fight before the war

Leaving from the silicon base, Jiangnan went to the dark universe allies to join in the fun!

Compared to the Bose silicon-based side, the base construction on the Dark Universe side is quite satisfactory. There are black magic fog surging everywhere, and it is like the starry sky, the villain's nest!

The Apocalypse Clan has done a good job here. Although the scale is not comparable to the two giants, it should not be underestimated!

After all, the Apocalypse Clan has the ability to reorganize atoms and create something out of nothing. For them, building a position is nothing but sprinkling water!

The Gamma family has completely made their own territory into a forbidden area of ​​death radiation. There are diffuse gamma rays everywhere. From a distance, it looks like an emerald inlaid in the starry sky!

In the blink of an eye, Jiangnan rushed to the positions of the Tianchen Clan and the Xingchen Clan with the mighty Tianlong!

The two defense zones are not completely different, but not far apart!

A little further to the edge, it is the defense zone of the Chaos!

Presumably when the star districts were first divided, the clans also secretly worked hard to shoot, and specially divided the star districts of several clans into nearby positions to facilitate subsequent joint operations!

And Jiangnan is really set up by the Tianchen Clan's star district!

Looking around, it is full of planets, and those who don't know it think that they have come to the arena of the ball battle!

It is not even clear which are the base planets and which are the warriors of the Tianchen tribe!

Thousands of stars form an array of stars, and terrifying energy fluctuations are stirred in the star area, forming a sky-high energy barrier!

There is even a sense of sight of a small universe!

At this moment, Merius is in the sky above the star formation, madly injecting energy into the Tianchen people who make up the star formation!

The mighty power of swallowing stars is undoubtedly evident at this moment!

Jiangnan pouted: (???~??) "Hum! I met another idiot!"

The maid said lightly: ??

"I'm just storing energy for the younger generation. Where is the rule?"

"Before the war, I will withdraw from the Sea of ​​Embers, and will not participate in the subsequent offensive and defensive battles!"

"If you have it, you can also use it? It's just that the swallowing star picked up by your family doesn't seem to be of any use here, right?"

After speaking, he looked at the insect rain with a teasing expression on his face!

Where does Insect Rain not know that Jiangnan is playing with bad intentions? Immediately dissatisfied:

(?`~??) "I see your ball is flat again, right?"

"I didn't convince you last time, do you want to go out and try again?"

Mai Liu Shi pouted: "Oh~ I don't know what it is, don't think that if you make a carbon alliance, we will be taken over. I have existed from ancient times to the present, relying on hard power!"

"You need to be hard to strike iron. Don't end up with a bamboo basket to draw water. The starry sky is full of tigers and wolves. The more than 10,000 planets of human beings are very attractive~"

"If you make a wedding dress for someone else, then it will be interesting~"

Jiang Nan sneered, still thinking of sowing discord?

(??v?v?) "I won't bother you to worry about it. You are so big, you can't keep up with the snot and snot of other people's wild protoss. Do you think a lot?"

Tarot: (?????(°ー°〃)?﹃?)? ? ?

Don't talk nonsense, I have never pulled out such a big one!

[The resentment value from the Merius +1007! ]

you fart! Lao Tzu is a neutron star. Have you ever seen a neutron star that is hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size?

"The operation of the Tianchen clan is reasonable and compliant, you can't stand it, don't make people disgusted here, go and go~"

Jiangnan hummed angrily:

(??~?)? "Cut~ Who cares? Just leave..."

So I went to the Stardust Clan again, and the Chaos Clan repeated the same routine!

In order to block the mouths of all ethnic groups, Jiangnan has taken great pains, right?

The Stardust Clan's side is even more exaggerated. There are surging stardust everywhere in the defense zone, and the gravitational force explodes the watch, distorting the space to the extreme, and the entire star zone is wrapped in a thick layer of time expansion zone!

I am afraid that before entering it, it will be twisted into twist noodles by gravity!

Chen Mu is also splashing stardust for his own star area, while the Chaos family is wrapped by the surging Chaos energy, isolating all exploration!

No one can see what's going on inside!

The construction of the Zerg defense zone is relatively simple and rude. The giant biological material worm nest is located in the center of the star zone, guarding the base planet layer by layer!

Countless insect soldiers are crowded into the star area, giving people a sense of sight that can't be packed any more!

As for the Angels, they also made great preparations in the construction of the defense zone!

After all, this is the Angel Clan's last chance!

From a distance, the Angel Star District looks like a golden paradise, with misty white clouds everywhere!

The vast Nine Angels Legion invaded all directions in sight!

I saw the phantoms of Lucifer and St. York standing above the golden heaven!

Sprinkle the golden brilliance, dye the clouds and mists into a golden color, and there are chants in the starry sky!

Needless to say, it must be what energy storage means!

Seeing Jiangnan bring people over, Lucifer couldn't help but feel tight!

??(?¬yi¬)?? "Jiangnan! My angels have no intention of becoming an enemy of you again. The sequence of offense and defense is no better than the world's big hunt. It's time to compete with the clan's heritage!"

"How many jins and taels do humans have? You know better than me, why let things go to the point where they are overwhelmed? It's not good for you or me!"

"I can guarantee that as long as you don't target my angel clan in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, my clan will never attack humans!"

Jiangnan smiled:

(⌒?⌒?) "So what? Who gave you the confidence? Make you think I would be afraid to confront the Angels head-on?"

"The person who killed me suffered a loss from my hands? Now that I've become soft? I'll slap you in the mouth and say sorry to you again. Would you like to?"

"Since you choose to go to the opposite side of human beings, then stick to your own choice and go all the way to the end, don't be fooled halfway?"

"Do you know that the three donkeys were abducted on the tree?"

Lucifer clenched his teeth:

??(??°yi?°)?? "In other words, don't we have to talk?"

St. York looked gloomy:

??(¬_¬)?? "Lucifer, don't talk about it, it's unnecessary! Jiangnan... don't think that we'll be settled!"

"What about the Carbon League? It's really going to force us, even if you die, you have to tear off two pieces of your flesh!"

"Once my Angel Race has no way out, I can do anything!"

Jiang Nan was full of smiles, waved his hands and said:

(︶?︶〃)? "Don't be so fierce, I'm just here to take a look, and I'll definitely take the angels first without saying anything!"

"After all, it's up to the owner to beat the dog~"

Saint York stared: ??(?°?yi°?)?? "You..."

However, Jiangnan has already taken people away, and Lucifer and St. York are both gloomy!

Although the Angels have completely fallen to the Bose in order to keep their top ten positions in the sequence!

Almost lost independence and autonomy, but also gained the protection of the Bose!

But even so, Jiangnan is still an unstable factor!

In this sea of ​​stars and embers, where swallowing stars can't end, Jiangnan's combat power level is really too difficult!

I saw Lucifer biting his lower lip: "Kasyapa... This time it's up to you!"

Kasyapa with long red hair giggled and stroked his remaining wing feathers!

?(??????)? "Don't worry... Maybe I can't win him, but I will definitely let him taste the pain~"

At this moment, Kasyapa's bloody eyes were full of cruelty!

After giving all ethnic groups a vaccination, Jiangnan went to the star area of ​​other members of the Alliance to stroll!

Use strength to interpret what is called a dog is disgusting, every one sees Jiangnan's eyes full of bad luck!

It's like seeing a broom star, but at the same time, I don't know what to do!

Because no one knows what tactical strategy Jiangnan will adopt, and who will be the first to attack!

Not only Jiangnan and the others are investigating, but many races have also dispatched investigation teams to confirm the deployment of each race in the star area!

And the human star area has become the focus of observation!

After all, human beings are an absolute big family holding more than 10,000 base planets, but they are pitifully small!

Jiangnan's combat power is indeed strong, but a war of this scale cannot be fought by one person!

Although the Carbon League will fight together, it has been a while since the start of the fight!

So there is still a chance!

Once a big clan chooses to attack humans, the rest of the races may be able to share some soup!

However, the people who went to investigate were all dumbfounded.

But at a glance, I once thought it was an empty city, okay?

Can't see anyone at all!

There are no defense measures!

It's just like this, and you still have the mind to take people outside, where can you go for a walk?

Is this heart too big?

I haven't waited for Jiangnan to walk, and I have completely lost my mouth!

The giant hourglass above the Star Cinder Tower is about to leak light!

I saw Zhiyin's voice coming from the Xingjin Tower, resounding throughout the entire Sea of ​​Xingjin!

"Everyone, please withdraw to the star area to which your race belongs, and prepare for war! There is still one hour before the official start of the sequence of offensive and defensive battles!"

"If there is nothing wrong with the seniors of swallowing stars, please withdraw from the sea of ​​​​stars one after another!"

"Once the drums of war are beaten, and there is still a star-level powerhouse within the star boundary line, it will be considered a violation!"

Finally, the sound of the broadcast came, and even if the swallowing stars did not want to leave the venue, they had to leave!

After all, it's almost done!

And at this moment, Noah, Manti Banimei, and Chong Qianjin were all a little nervous, their eyes narrowed!

According to the agreement, the first slaughter before the official war is about to start!

Jiangnan and the others heard the announcement and returned to the battle stage!

Looking at the hourglass countdown, the corners of my mouth couldn't help but twitch!

It's almost time, let's get started!

Taking a deep breath in thought!

(???????) "Wait! It's not over yet, I'm leaving now, it seems a little early~"

Zhong Tun Xing couldn't help frowning and looked at the human star area battle platform, and his eyes fell on the body of the insect rain!

Is it possible that the adult insects have to use any other means?

The swarm support of the Star-Swallowing Insect King is restricted by the rules. What else is Jiangnan going to do?

Jiang Nan looked at Wang Youzhi and snapped his fingers!


Inside the human star sector, a huge space crack with a diameter of over 10 light-years was torn open immediately!

Of course... it was torn by the black god, and Jiangnan has not yet approved this level!

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