Chapter 2652 battlefield salesman

The Star Alliance owes a lot to the famine, and went to work for the Carbon Alliance to pay off the debt!

Without a base to defend, they can move flexibly on the battlefield and attack with all their strength!

There is no need to worry about the future, and the overall conquest force is even much stronger than before!

The Carbon Alliance continues to push across the battlefield, except for the three giants!

Every race encountered on the battlefield is the prey of the Carbon League!

Soon, Jiangnan and the others encountered a small group alliance of the Wuzhong Alliance, which probably consisted of dozens of races!

Facing the charge of the Carbon Alliance at this moment, his face turned green, and he knew the result without even thinking about it!

But so what? I can only hold on!

Find life in despair!

And at this moment, I saw Jiangnan shouting from a distance with a war horn in hand:

Σ(((\u003e(???????) "The smelly fish and rotten shrimps on the opposite side! Don't be afraid, I, the Carbon Alliance, are not here to fight and kill! This sea of ​​ashes is more about people's sophistication!"

"We're here to sell the racial beacon deposit business!"

"Put the racial beacon in my hands for 29 days, and I will guarantee its safety. You only need to pay all the base planets and an additional 30, and the position as a reward~"

"Don't miss this opportunity, never again! Iron juice, think about it?"

The Uzbekistan Alliance collectively vomits blood!

This is the first time I've seen someone who described robbery so freshly and refinedly!

Shente Meow Racial Beacon Deposit Business Wow!

Is this all gone?

Why should we buy this kind of business that has lost money to my grandma's family?

I saw Jiangnan grinning grimly:

(?°??°?) "I'll give you ten seconds to think about it! If you don't want to buy it, you can kill it, and you can buy it again!"

"After all, I, the Carbon Alliance, is also very professional in the one-stop funeral service. The Chiyang clan cremated, the Tianqi clan raised the ashes of the atom, and the Xianyin clan will give you a big funeral, all of which are free of charge!"

"The Star Alliance bought it after being beaten. Don't be ignorant! Ten! Nine! Eight..."

The Wuzhong Alliance looked as if they had crawled out of the pit with black faces!

Look at the bald Spring Army like tigers and wolves, and the Nether clan to help out!

That day, the Abyss Demon Dragon was formed, the Zerg Artillery Division was already in place, and the parasite also used the Zerg body to form a super giant blood god. After being injected with red gamma, it became even more fierce!

The Son of Luck is standing beside Jiangnan!

And Jiang Nan grabbed a two-dimensional knife and smiled softly...

This can't help giving the Wuzhong Alliance a feeling that the world is on their side!

There is no chance of winning at all!

Since struggling will only lead to the same ending, why should we still struggle?

When Jiangnan counted to three, the other side immediately said anxiously:

(??Yi?)? "Buy! Can't we buy it?"

"But...seeing that we cooperate so well, can...can you give us a little discount? I..."

Jiangnan smiled: (? ⌒? ⌒) "Yes? How about giving you an 11% discount? The family will give you an extra 33 base planets! Or give you a discount on your skull! The ribs are broken! Choose one? "

The Wuzhong Alliance was numb, and said quickly:

??(?﹏?.) "No, no, no... No need for a discount! 30 is 30!"

As a result, the Wuzhong Alliance pulled a large number of faces one by one, and was kicked out of the base directly!

It can be said that apart from the parts that were brought in from the original factory, nothing was taken away!

Ah, no... at least they still carry famine on their backs!

The Carbon Alliance has completely taken over its position, and all the base planets are attached to Jiangnan!

Since then, there has been another group of sad people in the Sea of ​​Embers!

Yang Jian looked at Jiangnan and covered his face!

You don't need to learn at all, it's all self-taught, right?

Perhaps this is the legendary soldier who surrenders without fighting?

So the Carbon Alliance, which is committed to doing things peacefully, began to sell beacon storage packages everywhere in the starry sky!

Recycle used junk bases!

If you don’t cooperate, you will be given a one-stop funeral service for free. Since the opening, there have been zero negative reviews, and the customers are all excited~

Then sell their beacon storage packages!

There are more and more sad people in the sea of ​​ashes, if you look at it from the sand table map!

Today's Jiangnan, is that a moving racial icon?

If you hang too much on your body, just go home and give it away once, so you don’t have to worry about being robbed!

Because they can't grab it!

Since the business started, Carbon Alliance's sales performance has risen in a straight line, and the efficiency is even faster than the Big Three!

Although there are a few hard-headed groups to some extent, it is not a problem at all for the strength of the Carbon Alliance!

As a result, the total points of the Carbon Alliance also began to skyrocket, and the increase was astonishing!

Because not only the Carbon Alliance is robbing, those who have been robbed by the Carbon Alliance are also helping to rob!

It's like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger!

The efficiency is even much higher than Quality Alliance!

In the early days of the harvest, everyone fought their own way. Although there were some frictions, they were restrained and did not escalate into a direct conflict!

Everyone wants to take advantage of this opportunity to draw more!

Seeing Jiangnan's flirting, the other Big Three also followed suit!

The Bose tribe is the overlord of the starry sky, and the accumulated power is not built. This method is somewhat effective, but the silicon base is not so good. Who doesn't know their short-term victory method in the starry sky?

It is to pursue the maximization of benefits, and in the end, it must take the planet and destroy the target. After all, Siji is famous for buying teammates!

The quality alliance is not very good, first of all, they can't guarantee that the beacon will not be destroyed, and they may be so busy that the first game is empty!

It's not like Carbon Alliance has Jiangnan and the moat as guarantees!

It is worth mentioning that once the silicon base fails to reach a deal, the beacons will be destroyed on the spot to avoid future troubles. Since the start of the war, the Bose tribe has hardly destroyed the beacons of other tribes except for the racial beacons that were accidentally destroyed!

Leading to the start of the war until now, although the base planet has undergone a very large shift, hand over!

But not many races were eliminated!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes, knowing the whole story of the Seed of the Universe incident, he instinctively sensed a hint of conspiracy!

If the Universal Hunt is not obtained, then the sequence of offensive and defensive battles will follow?

It's really good enough!

As there are fewer and fewer base planets that can be harvested in the field, the situation on the battlefield is becoming more and more tense!

The holy law star is above the sequence throne!

Noah and Manti always have smiles on their faces!

At least judging from the current situation, the carbon alliance is gaining momentum, and Jiangnan is holding the line, so there is nothing to worry about!

However, none of the major giants have shown their real strength to face off against the tough, and the follow-up situation is still unknown!

Cutlet narrowed his eyes and sneered, kill! kill it!

No matter how bright your Jiangnan light shines, once Xunzu becomes enlightened, you Jiangnan will only be a flash in the pan after all!

And at that time, the sequence wars and race rankings are all unimportant!

The Bose tribe will be the well-deserved king!

But at this moment, the silicon master is lost in thought, the level of human technology is not right!

With the height of silicon-based technology, there is no reason why the structure of the human defense zone cannot be detected!

But the current situation is that silicon-based detection and intelligence collection are completely blocked by the human defense zone!

In addition to being able to observe with mechanical eyes, the signal data is a black area!

In addition, the weapons and equipment used by the Carbon Alliance are definitely not something that human technology and productivity can produce!

Even if the carbon alliance unites, communicates in depth, and acquires scientific and technological knowledge from other bodies such as the dark universe and the Apocalypse, it is not enough to support them to reach such heights!

The star cage, thousand machine guns, jump belt, and city return button are all high-end goods!

Especially that star cage!

Although Si Ji lost a lot of data when the terminal was hit back then, there are still some records about the Eternal Era!

That star cage is a product of the Eternal Era!

Different from today's silicon-based compressed planet technology, it is another technological route, which is a product of the silicon-based Zhizhi School!

How do humans have it? Those conventional weapons also have an inseparable relationship with Zhizhipai's technology...

At this moment, the silicon master's mechanical eyes became extremely hot!

Did they find the terminal of Zhizhipai? The chances are very small, and the silicon base has searched for an entire era, but nothing has been found!

That is, maybe human beings have obtained some technological heritage about Zhizhipai from the monuments of the times?

With the son of luck, it is not impossible!

In an instant, Silicon Master deduced countless possibilities!

But no matter what, it is worth digging and exploring!

Sizhu will never let go of everything about Zhizhipai, and it is his long-cherished wish to find Siji's other half!

Only when the terminal data of Zhizhipai is integrated, can the silicon base be considered complete!

Even if there is only a trace of clues, we must pursue them!

Apparently...Silicon base is eyeing the human beings whose technological level has risen abnormally through various clues!

But Jiang Nan didn't want to hide it. With the development of the Human Ling Xiao Project, it will be a matter of time before the truth is revealed!

You can't hide Baoshan and keep using it, right? So what's the use of Baoshan?

The reason why it was put into use in the serial offensive and defensive battle is to win the hearts of the carbon alliance on the one hand!

At the same time, it also means that Jiangnan is ready to tear up the silicon base!

After all, the Carbon Alliance has been established now. As a giant in the starry sky, it is not afraid of any challenges!

Under the battlefield filled with gunpowder, there is an undercurrent of strife and planning among the giants!

As there are fewer and fewer harvestable planets in the field, the conflicts between the four giants are becoming more and more intense!

The Carbon Alliance is extremely strong, and it pushes across with high efficiency!

It has already begun to occupy the tables of the other three parties!

Silicon and Bose naturally didn't want to be disturbed, so they sent Zhimeng and Angelzu to have a friendly exchange with Carbon League!

If the two sides were fighting and the situation was stalemate, it would naturally give them time to clean up the battlefield.

The hard-pressed Quality Alliance and the Angel Clan were pushed out to be obstacles in the way!

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