Chapter 2659 Disturbed Line

Kassapa, who was being targeted by Jiangnan, felt his heart tighten, and then his face was full of ruthlessness!

??(?°??°?)?? "Kill me? How do you do it? Under the blood bond, if I die, you will die too!"

"As long as you don't die! I can't die, you can't break this kind of lock, let alone underestimate the people of the world!"

"Hehehe~ If you are willing to risk your life to accompany me, my sister doesn't mind going to hell with you!"

"Exchange my life for yours? This is not a loss-making business!"

Even though he said that, Kasyapa still had no idea in his heart!

Even if she was facing the Venerable Star Swallowing, she didn't feel so much pressure!

And the existence of Jiangnan made her have to deal with it carefully!

Not because of anything else, just because he is Jiangnan!

The name is enough!

It is worth noting that the blood on Kasyapa's body has been strengthening since the beginning of the battle!

Now it's full-bodied to the extreme!

Jiang Nan sneered: "Heh~ can't it be broken? Someone once told me that there is nothing in this world that can't be broken!"

"As long as you want…"

At this moment, Jiangnan slowly closed his eyes and let go of the two-dimensional knife in his hand!

The two-dimensional knife dissipated into nothingness in an instant!

He couldn't help but raised his hand and clenched his fist, and slammed it heavily on his heart!

For some reason, Kassapa suddenly felt a hairy feeling in his heart!

"Tsk~ Let's go together! Stop him!"

Although I don't know what Jiangnan is going to do, it's not a good thing to appoint him, so it's right to stop him!

"Blood God Thorn? Infinite Holy Wheel!"

A series of incomparably huge cross blood thorns condensed out of the void!

With an extremely terrifying curse breath, he shot towards Jiangnan in an instant!

The endless blood thorns, with the power of judgment, seem to tie Jiangnan into a sieve!

But how could Mingsha and the others miss this opportunity?

"Star Chart Punishes the Gods!"

A star chart sky unfolded above Jiangnan's head, and unparalleled ferocious energy burst out from the star chart, mixed with a super gravitational field and energy out of control!

Like a heavenly sword, it blasted towards Jiangnan violently!

However, Jiangnan didn't pay attention to what attack they used at all!

It doesn't matter~

At this moment, Jiangnan pushed his ability to know his fate to the extreme!

A large net woven by crystal clear causal threads is in front of you!

Those causal lines seem virtual and real, and cannot be touched!

There is also a causal line connecting Jiangnan and Kassapa, except for the causal line!

There is also a line of blood lingering with black energy, which collapses straight!

Jiang Nan noticed a long time ago that this blood line is not a causal line, but it can also be seen by Zhiming!

Although Jiang Nan didn't know how Kassapa connected, but he only needed to cut off the blood line!

The connection between the two should be broken, right?

I saw Jiangnan's fist on his heart pumping out slowly!

A golden sword of thought was pulled out from his heart by Jiang Nan, and the knife crossed the starry sky!

This knife is false, but it really exists!

The golden brilliance flowed on the blade, revealing its sharpness!

Kasyapa looked at the golden Zhanxu knife, and felt extremely dangerous!

"Stop him! He's going to..."

I saw Jiangnan holding the sword of mind, leaning forward, and didn't care about the imminent attack!

Just like that peerless swordsman!

"The blade of the heart? Cut everything! Cut without interruption!"


A loud and clear sound of sabers echoed in the starry sky!

Jiang Nan's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and a golden line suddenly extended in the starry sky!

In the world in Jiangnan's eyes, the heart blade has passed through countless lines of cause and effect!

It seems that the blade of the heart can't touch those illusory causal lines at all!

But what no one noticed was that where the blade of the heart cut through, there was a slight disturbance in those causal lines...

The edge of the blade cut across the blood line, and the blood line was cut off by the heart blade's slash!

In an instant, Jiang Nan had passed Kasyapa's body, and the blade didn't even land on her body!

Only dots of golden threads are left in the starry sky and slowly dissipate!

Jiang Nan got up gradually!

Kasyapa laughed dryly: "Ha~ what the hell are you doing? They didn't hit me, I thought..."

"Not hit? Is it?"

But at the moment when Jiangnan slowly opened his eyes, the bloody aura above their heads exploded at the same time!

Turn into nothingness!

Kasyapa's expression froze suddenly!

Impossible, how is this possible?

At the same time, the eyes of Hei Shen, who was standing in the gap between the dimensions and watching the play, also widened!

∑(°△°●) "Fuck..."

Chong Feiyu tilted his head: (?????)???? "What's so shocking about this? Isn't it just chopping up that bloody halo with Zhanxu? Is this worth lying about?"

"Is this not normal operation for Jiangnan?"

The Black God rolled his eyes:

(??~??●) "Damn! You don't know what you're lying on!"

What surprised him was not that Jiangnan cut off the link, but the causal line that was disturbed by the blade!

If Jiangnan's Zhanxu gets stronger!

Could it really cut off the line of cause and effect?

This shit...

Brother is going to heaven?

The blood connection has been cut off, the moment when Jiangnan's eyes fell on Kasyapa again!

She truly experienced the taste of fear!

Because I will really die now!

Kasyapa felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Jiangnan had already rushed to Kassapa with a knife in hand!

The blade in the hand slashed down violently!

Kasyapa:! ! !

"You don't need to do it! I will do it myself!"

At this moment, the extremely suppressed blood light on Kasyapa's body erupted loudly, unprecedentedly bright, even dyed the sea of ​​ashes red with blood!

But Kasyapa's body disintegrated suddenly because he couldn't bear this burst of power, and was blown into pieces!

However, this force did not dissipate, but intensified!

"I know that I am not your opponent, so I have made complete preparations, and I am waiting for this moment!"

"In the battle between the two armies, every life that dies on the battlefield will become part of my strength!"

"All the preparations are for this blow. Have you ever seen a murder book with hundreds of millions of layers?"

"I told you, don't underestimate the people of the world, this is a counterattack from me, Kasyapa, take it!"

This burst of bloody light intensified, and at the foot of Jiangnan, a huge bloody trial light array unfolded, sealing everything, and firmly nailing Jiangnan in place!

On the contrary, Jiang Nan didn't leave, but stood there and looked at the divine shadow born in the blood light with great interest!

Kassapa's hysterical voice echoed in the stars!

"The Holy Sacrifice of the Garuda Lan Blood Prison? The Elegy of the Supreme Blood Angel!"

I saw that infinite blood light turned into a huge phantom of the blood angel in the starry sky!

Kneeling on the ground, all limbs and wings were pierced and locked by thick bloody chains, and his face could not be seen clearly!

Surrounded by an endless sea of ​​blood!

And the size of this blood angel's shadow is appalling!

It is even much bigger than the quality alliance position as a whole!

Under the blood angel, a thick blood-colored murder book was spread out, and countless blood-colored light arrays spread across the book, deriving dense blood-colored chains, completely submerging Jiangnan!

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Kasyapa who suddenly zoomed in with shock!

You know, the reason why the blood angels are so favored by the angel clan is that the ability to stack murder books is an important one!

The more people you kill, the stronger your attack power will be!

But Kasyapa is different, she doesn't need to kill herself, the murder book can be stacked on her body!

Just now in the battle of the carbon alliance, the casualties of the quality alliance are more than hundreds of millions?

These people who died were all used by Kassapa and became part of her explosive power!

Ming brake and they were startled!

(¬优¬?) "This kind of attack strength! It has far surpassed the star-breaking level, and even reached the level of devouring stars!"

"Hiss~ Is Kasyapa so strong?"

At this moment, both Ye Jinse and Chong Laoliu became worried!

Can Jiangnan withstand such an intense attack?

No matter how strong he is, he's just an extraordinary man, right?

But Zhong Yingxue and the others didn't look too worried, she knew how much her man weighed too much!

Just amazed at the strength of Kasyapa!

After seeing the phantom of the blood angel, the golden phantom of the holy heaven appeared again!

Among them, the eight-veined angel and the Lord of Heaven are clearly visible!

There is an extremely strong contrast between the heavenly kingdom and the blood angel kneeling on the ground below as if being judged!

The tragic song echoed in the starry sky, and suddenly, the phantom of the blood angel raised his head and let out a terrible howl!

He broke free from the chains!

Grasping with both hands, a huge blood-colored giant sword took shape, condensed with endless blood, and stabbed down at the blood formation of the killing book in front of him!

The fierce power to the extreme erupted outrageously with this sharp stab of the sword!

And it was Jiangnan in the center that suffered the most intense attack!

The moment the blood sword stabs down!

The blood angel actually leaned forward, and a pair of huge blood-colored residual wings circled forward, wrapping the center inside, preventing any power from radiating out!

Derived from the infinite blood-colored chains, it blocks the phantoms of the blood angels layer by layer!


The next moment, the giant blood angel figure exploded completely amidst the elegy!

Infinite blood light swept in all directions!

A halo of blood-colored energy spread out, crushing everything, even tearing up the phantom of the holy heaven!

The energy of the explosion even collided with the quality alliance position, completely submerging it!

The impact was still stopped by the golden ring, otherwise God knows if the quality alliance position would be destroyed by this blow!

The terrifying intensity of this blow made the entire sea of ​​ashes tremble!

Because the carbon alliance army is in the gap between dimensions, so it is no problem!

But everyone's face turned pale!

An attack of such intensity is no longer in the category of breaking stars, who can withstand it?

The angel held back a big move, damn it?

On the sequence throne, Noah and Manti couldn't help but tilt their heads to look at Lucifer!

(¬~¬?) "Are you okay? Are you still hiding this hand? No wonder you like the Blood Angel lineage so much, tsk tsk tsk~"

Lucifer looked at the blooming bloody star with bitterness in his eyes!

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