Chapter 2681 Retire! I'm going to start filling the cups

Gang Xiu is also numb at the moment, he thought he would push Jiangnan to a desperate situation!

After all, if he doesn't want Yao Bian to hit the ground, he has to use dimensionality reduction to attack!

Who knew that Jiangnan didn't play his cards according to the routine, and Styx was not afraid of the impact of Yaochang at all!

Even use the black hole to put out a shape, hey!

It is useless to throw the black hole at this moment, and it is impossible to break through the black hole defense built by Jiangnan!

Not only the Bose tribe and the Zhimeng are scolding, but Gangyu, who has been hiding and daring to speak out, is already scolding in his heart!

I'm afraid the silicon base is purely sick, right?

You don't pay for your life if you kill someone?

There was only one layer of moat in the first place, although I didn't think of any way to escape, but at least I still have a point of judgment!

I thought that this time the three giants came together to attack, and I could take advantage of the chaos to escape or something!

Who the hell knows that the silicon base has added a layer of black hole protection to others!

Gang Yu was almost so angry that an earthquake occurred!

But when he thought of so many people falling into the hands of the Carbon Alliance like himself, Gang Yu felt a burst of joy in his heart!

Fortunately, I am not the worst one!

On the Sequence Throne, Molly almost smashed the stool to pieces!

Could it be that the silicon base on the horse has secretly united with humans, and specially came to send them a wave of black holes?

Now the protection strength of the Carbon Alliance is overwhelming!

Is it okay to hang a black hole?

The more he saw the funny face of the black hole pointing his middle finger at him, the angrier he became!

Noah and Mandy are laughing, their mouths are almost behind their ears!


It has to be Jiangnan, this may be the most laid-back series of offensive and defensive battles they have ever fought!

However, before everyone recovered from the shock, Jiangnan waved his hand!

(??vヮv?) "I've been here for you to fight for a long time! You're done fighting, now it's my turn, right?"

Tianli's eyelids twitched, what's the matter, you want to come again?

Shouldn't it really be driving a black hole to the base camp of our two families?

However, Jiangnan doesn't do such thankless things!

He's more direct than that!

(??v~v?) "Where is the Apocalypse army, give my sunspot a boost~"

I saw the outer space of the starry sky split open, and in the gap between the dimensions, Olivia Wenger and the others were waiting inside!

Charge the pieces? What kind of charging method?

However, seeing Jiangnan's increasingly devilish smile, Olivia shuddered fiercely, why didn't she know what Jiangnan meant?

(?﹏?.) "Which one is charging for...?"

Jiangnan Little Hands:

╮(??w??)╭ "You can do whatever you want ~ there are so many, just pick the one you like!"

Olivia's forehead was sweating profusely, so casually?

After searching around, he immediately selected the black hole that formed the tip of the middle finger!

"Just this one~ The All-Apocalypse Legion obeys orders!"

"Creator of the world? Apocalypse Birthworld! Let's go!"

At this moment, the Apocalypse Legion completely exploded its power, using its race's ability to create something out of nothing, to change the atomic structure link and create matter!

With the joint efforts of everyone, a giant starry sky continent was slowly created, just like 3D printing!

The rivers are rushing and the volcanoes are erupting wildly on the continent. It looks like a prehistoric world, but there is no life in the world!

This is not the creation of the world in the true sense, it is just a pile of creation materials!

And the moment the Apocalypse World was formed, it was directly torn apart by that black hole!

It turned into a giant accretion disk, extremely thick!

With eyes full of excitement, Jiang Nan rushed to the accretion disk of the black hole!

(??????)? "Not enough, make a few more and feed it!"

Wenger's face stretched, do you really think this thing was made casually?

But the lord has given orders, even if the waistband is tired, you have to do it!

"I'll give birth again!"

Soon, another world was created and was torn apart by the black hole and turned into an accretion disk!

Now, even the expressions of Tianli Rum and the others changed!

no? Could this guy want to...

Oka Xiu:! ! !

[┐▼财▼┌] "He wants to reproduce the Beimian catastrophe! Stop them!"

Both parties are in a hurry!

Tianli couldn't control that much anymore, so he directly slashed over with the giant sword of Tianzhu, trying to use high-dimensional blows to obliterate the black hole accretion disk!

However, their strength is still limited after all!

You can't easily evaporate the entire accretion disk of a black hole with a single sword cut like a cut!

Even Silicone is trying to stop it!

But it's not that easy, the Apocalypse army is all in the cracks of the dimension, they can't fight!

Jiangnan wasn't given for nothing, and he immediately controlled the black hole to block the way!

Drive a flexible group of black holes to block all attacks that try to wipe out the accretion disk!

Soldiers come to the black hole to block! Water comes to cover the black hole!

Wang Youzhi swallowed:

Σ(°△°|||) "Can this work? Brother is too crazy? With his current strength, is it not enough?"

Where can he not see it? Jiangnan obviously wants to use the black hole jet to fight back!

But tried it before and failed?

Bose and Silicon still couldn't stop it, when the fifth Apocalypse World of the Apocalypse Legion smashed in!

Quantitative change has finally led to qualitative change!

The accretion disk keeps collapsing under the strong gravitational force of the black hole, and the dense matter is crazily accelerated by the distorted magnetic field of the black hole!

A translucent dome structure bubble is formed at the upper and lower ends!

The black hole at this moment is like a volcano ready to explode, and an extremely depressing feeling overwhelms the audience!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement!

(︶?︶〃)? "Here we come! Everyone back down! I'm going to start approving!"

While speaking, he opened the Mobius ring and plunged directly into the bubble in the dome, making the people watching tremble!

Tianli's eyes are tearing apart:

?(??Y??;)? "Run! Everyone retreat! All upgrade!"

At this moment, Jiangnan's burning blood is fully activated, full of evil flames, and the starry sky master is unfolded as much as possible!

Indeed, with Jiangnan's current strength, it is completely impossible to control the active jet of the black hole!

But Jiangnan can completely make the accretion disk of the black hole to the extreme, and carry out passive jet flow?

This is just a natural phenomenon!

And what Jiangnan has to do is to guide him, which is very labor-saving, right? It's a hack, but definitely worth a try!

After all, ever since such a crazy idea popped into my head, if I don't try it myself, it's a shame!

However, Jiangnan still underestimated the black hole that is about to jet, it is not something that Jiangnan can shake at all!

The bubbles are about to burst!

Jiang Nan was also in a hurry:

(?`Yi??) "I really don't believe it!"

Horse biscuits + green sticks stuffed directly into the mouth, and even took a pack of the strong man medicine!

In order to fill the cup, Jiangnan has tried his best!

The bonus of the strong man medicine is not ordinary, and the field range is directly increased by ten times!

Finally, the orientation of the bubbles in the dome began to change slowly, and the bearded Jiangnan roared endlessly, his face turned red!

But with just such a movement, the balance was directly broken, and the bubble in the dome burst on the spot!

Two ultra-high-temperature material jets blasted directly from the ruptured bubbles, going up and down in two directions, shattering everything like a bright blue lightsaber, extremely dazzling!

Wherever it passes, nothing exists!

In the blink of an eye, the three defense positions of other races lying across its jet stream path were blasted, and the starry sky evaporated on the spot!

And it directly exploded on the base of the quality alliance reconstruction!

Immediately, more than half of the base that they had just rebuilt was blown away!

Ming Bra: (? Mouth?|||) Ah! ! !

Gu Qiong: Σ???@口@??? Ah! ! !

Xianguo's face turned green:

(??? Yi??) "Why are you bombing us? Why are you bombing us? We just rebuilt it!"

As everyone knows, Jiangnan didn't do it on purpose at all!

Today's black hole jets are completely out of control, everywhere they hit is random and completely out of control!

Jiangnan just moved a little bit!

Jiang Nan's face turned red:

(?????????) "Although I didn't mean it! But please apologize to me!"

"Move! You step on the horse and move for me!"

Zhimeng had no place to cry, and it blew up our house again, scored twice?

Why do we have to apologize to you?

The three camps that were destroyed by the way were all dumbfounded!

What a fart, home is gone?

These two black hole jets, like bright blue lightsabers, didn't stop at all, as if nothing could stop them!

It directly shot through the entire Star Ember Sea Domain! The star line is torn apart!

Not only that, one of them was lucky enough to go straight to Shenglu Star to fight!

It has to be said that Jiangnan's luck was so good that it exploded, and he could aim so accurately even if he hit blindly, but it may be because Qing Ke is in the carbon alliance camp, which invisibly affected the random event!

As long as there is a random chance, it must be random that is beneficial to Jiangnan!

Noah Chong Qianjin and the others immediately bounced off the stool, their faces turned pale!

Even if they are swallowing stars, they definitely don't want to be hit by the black hole jet head-on!

On the side of Shenglu Xingdu, a bright blue jet of high-temperature material splashed like a sea, occupying the entire line of sight!

His eyes are full of bad luck!

(¬得¬?) "Tsk, this is a thousand-dollar bullshit!"

I saw his big hand stretching directly into the void, and the next moment, a giant four-dimensional hand emerged from the space in front of Shenglu Xingdu!

Directly resist the direct jet of the black hole with the palm of your hand!

The jet of ultra-high temperature material that crushed everything was directly blocked by the four-dimensional giant hand, protecting the holy law planet from being destroyed!

Noah immediately gave a thumbs up:

(*???) "Oh! Uncle Guli is always strong?"

Grinding his teeth, he simply ignored Noah, turned his head and glared at Silicon Master:

(¬依¬) "Look at what you've done!"

Silicon main expression unchanged:

[┐?-i_-`┌] "In fact, Jiangnan did it, and it has nothing to do with my silicon base!"

Cutting:! ! !

He was also secretly startled, where is the limit of Jiangnan?

Such a strong attack can be done by a broken star?

Could it be that he really wants to cross that almost impossible gap by himself?

Little did he know that Jiangnan's face was turning purple at the moment, it wasn't enough! Still not strong enough!

In fact, this black hole jet has nothing to do with Jiangnan itself. It is just a natural phenomenon of the black hole's accretion disk being full and passively erupting!

Jiang Nan tried his best, but he only moved a little!

And they all took the tough man medicine!

Even simple guidance is not so easy to do, the black hole in the jet is really too difficult to control!

I wanted to put it in a cup, and use the black hole jet to fry the silicon base, or the Bose field!

Unexpectedly, the car overturned!

But Jiang Nan refused to accept it, this cup, I set it up!

This is far from my limit, I have a unique trick that is useless!

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