Chapter 2710 When the Pure Land is no longer unreachable

Tianli's eyes were full of fear, and his psychological defense almost collapsed!

A harbor that belongs exclusively to the Bose tribe, a pure land of gods!

Has it been touched by a mortal world now?

Four dimensions no longer mean absolute safety for bosons!

Because Jiangnan's blade has crossed dimensions and reached this pure land!

Since then... For Jiangnan, the starry sky is so big, where can the blade in his hand not be cut? Can't be cut?

The Carbon Alliance army is completely boiling, and the cheers are louder and louder!

The boss stared at each one of his eyes!

Even the four-dimensional space was cut off by Jiangnan with a single knife, and the Bose body ascended to avoid it, and even failed to escape Jiangnan's attack?

It's outrageous, what else can Jiangnan not do?

Acrylic is confused!

Σ(°△°|||) Fuck! Didn't you just learn it? Did you learn it together?

Why did you reach the height of Wushen Ning when you turned around, and the blade of will can already cross dimensions?

It's not so fast in a rocket, is it?

Even Wang Youzhi was stunned for a moment, looking at the severed four-dimensional space with disbelief in his eyes!

But more is gratification!

(¬ヮ¬) "It's really fast enough, have you finally completed the leap in strength level?"

This knife not only means that Jiangnan's knife can cross dimensions, cut open four-dimensional space, and pose a fatal threat to Bose!

It also allowed Jiangnan to complete the leap in strength levels on the Star Pyramid!

After touching the highest level, he became a real giant in the starry sky, enough to be called a backer!

Even the four dimensions can be cut off, what else is Jiangnan's sword that can't stop?

Du Lingyu cheered excitedly:

???(???ヮ??)??? "Yeah ~ Nanshin! This knife is so handsome! I love you so much!"

The Ye family sisters looked at Du Lingyu speechlessly, pouted their lips, but looked at Jiangnan's figure, their eyes were also full of longing and yearning!

That knife just now was really sassy, ​​wasn't it?

No matter what you look back, you must learn the method of idealism!

Rum gritted his steel teeth, braced his body, and recovered frantically!

Jiangnan's knife only cut into Siwei, not cut off the lifeline!

It's not enough to put it to death completely!

But Rum had no chance, and before he fully recovered, Jiu Lan and Ging Chacha rushed over!

Under the shroud of the Styx force field, Rum's ability was sealed, and one person punched his face with one punch, knocking out both teeth, and at the same time planted the Styx death mark!

He was directly framed by Gang Chacha and Jiu Lan!

I saw Rum struggling crazily, his face full of disbelief:

(#`言?#) "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible, how can you touch the fourth dimension! That is exclusive to the Bose family!"

"You must be blind!"

Jiang Nan sneered:

(¬_¬) "Exclusive to the Bose clan? Heh~ You are really arrogant!"

"You think it's a miracle? A coincidence? Then when a miracle happens twice or three times! A miracle is no longer a miracle, but a kind of necessity!"

Rum gritted his gums: "Stop bragging! Even if your knife can reach the fourth dimension? Didn't it kill me?"

Jiang Nan raised his head, his eyes became even colder!

(???????) "Don't get me wrong! The reason why you didn't die was not because I couldn't kill you, but because I didn't want to kill you!"

"Remember? I said before that I will make your life worse than death!"

"Procrastinate, in prison, don't worry, you won't be alone, Naluo and Tiffany are inside to accompany you!"

All the anger and unwillingness in Rum's eyes disappeared, leaving only fear!

Once, he thought he had caught a hostage, and grasped Jiangnan's pain point!

Unexpectedly, now he himself has become a hostage in Jiangnan's hands!

Sitting up in shock while dying, am I the clown?

(#?优?) "No! Don't! I don't want to go to jail? Heaven will save me! Even if I can't save me, I can kill me!"

In Jiangnan's mouth, life is better than death, it is definitely not just a sentence!

Tianli was in a hurry and was about to move!

However, Jiangnan looked over with a single look, and Tianli's movements froze immediately, he just stood still and didn't dare to move a half step!

He even felt that as long as he moved, he would die under Jiangnan's knife in the next moment!

The sense of security that Siwei once brought him is gone forever!

But Jiang Nan didn't attack Tianli, he just glanced at him!

Rum was dragged down amidst the screams!

I saw Jiangnan looking at the evacuated troops of the Bose tribe, and almost all the base planets were about to evacuate!

Jiang Nan couldn't help laughing grimly:


After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at the dimension ball in the center of Lingxu. The center of the dimension ball is the core of Lingxu!

Musashi didn't speak, just grinned, and made an o78k gesture to Jiangnan!

The two of them stared at the dimension ball in front of them each!


The golden radiance of the power of will burst out from Jiang Nan and Musashi's bodies, dazzling like a scorching sun!

The blade of will takes shape in your hands!

"Super-dimensional cut!"

"Slay God with one knife!"

The two yelled Zhanxu Yidao's name almost at the same time, their figures faced each other, and they crossed each other in an instant!

Two radiant blades extended from the void, and landed on the dimension ball in an X shape!

I saw that the ball of dimension was cut open in an instant, and it was as fragile as a watermelon!

And the core of the Lingxu, which is guarded in the center, is as huge as a red giant star!

It was still cut off by the staggered blades, and the material that made up the core was crushed alive!

The eyes of all bosons became terrified!

Everything they saw today simply surpassed their cognition!

Among human beings, is there not only Jiangnan who can transcend dimensions?


Is this another strong man who can touch the pure land?

With the core of Lingxu being crushed, there is nothing in Lingxu that can carry it anymore!

The space is collapsing, the earth is shattering, everything is collapsing!

Even the space gate disappeared, and Lingxu had completely lost contact with the three-dimensional starry sky!

Crashed and fell into the gap between dimensions!

The only remaining base planet of the Bose tribe has not been transferred, and it has been completely scrapped with the destruction of the core of Lingxu!

Deducted from the total points pool!

Tianli was stunned!


Can such a huge four-dimensional ball be cut open?

Wait... In other words, Jiangnan doesn't have to be so troublesome!

He has the ability to destroy the core of Lingxu from the very beginning!

Even after he tore apart the Lingxu space, he could directly destroy the core!

In that way, the Bose tribe would have no chance to transfer, race beacons, base planets, everything would fall into the gap between dimensions together with the collapsed Lingxu!

If all are voided, the Bose family will also be eliminated and lose the qualification for the competition!

But why did Jiangnan delay until now...

Thinking of this, Tianli froze suddenly, and then realized a terrible fact!

Jiangnan is releasing water, deliberately giving the Bose people time to evacuate the Lingxu!

That's why they used cupping cans to fry and flooded with water, so that part of the Bose tribe could withdraw!

It won't be cleared out directly!

Because once this happens, the Bose family will directly turn the table and stop playing!

Jiangnan didn't want the situation to become like this, so he released the water!

Tianli's eyes were even full of despair!

He felt the humiliation of Chiguoguo. The Bose tribe tried their best to withdraw half of the base planets. Is it the result of Jiangnan's release of water?

He could have done it all in one pot!

From the moment Jiangnan locates the space node of Lingxu through the hostage!

The Bose have already lost!

If you don't sing, you will be a blockbuster, and you will have all the situations in your hands!

Is this Jiangnan's method?

After thinking about all the principles of heaven, I can't even raise the desire to compete with Jiangnan at all!

Tianli even admires Wuzui for being able to fight like Jiangnan in Huanyu Dahun!

The job of the leader of the Bose tribe is too difficult, isn't it?

And the reason why he was not arrested was because Jiangnan wanted to leave a manager for the Bose tribe?

If all four are captured, it will be difficult for the Bose tribe!

Really sweet?

At this moment, Tianli didn't know whether to cry or laugh!

Although he was cheated like this, the serial offensive and defensive battle is not over yet, no matter how difficult the situation is, he must continue to fight!

Because the table has not been lifted yet!

Everything still has to be carried out under the rules of the game!

Tianli and the others no longer lingered, but turned their heads and rushed out of the collapsed Lingxu, crossing the dimension into the Bose position!

The situation outside is equally difficult, and the silicon base is throwing away its arms to snatch the base planet of the Bose tribe!

Even with the strength of Jiangnan's will, he was still a little tired after slashing the super-dimensional knife twice!

After all, the super-dimensional slash is different from ordinary Zhanxu, it needs to cross the dimension with willpower, it is not an ordinary exhaustion!

I saw Jiangnan twisting his neck!

(???????) "Let's go~ It's time to go out and clean up the mess. I don't know what's going on on the other side, whether it's going well or not!"

The Ye family sisters and Chong Lao Liu were stunned for a moment!

(???~??)???? "The other side? The other side? Is it Yang Jian's side?"

Do we have another side to act?

Jiang Nan had a look on his face, and was about to speak, but was taken aback suddenly:

(°ー°〃) "The other side...what is it?"

"It's's not important, let's go~"

After saying that, he tore apart the space, connected to the three-dimensional starry sky, directly connected to the outside world, and led people out!

And at this moment on the throne of sequence, Gu Li could hardly sit still!

Slash across dimensions?

What exactly is that power? Why never heard of it?

Remember getting it from that Shenwu tribe?

Just a mere slave, how could it be possible to possess such unimaginable power?

Is the pure land of the gods no longer above the starry sky?

The question is how far Jiangnan can go, and to what extent can he go deep into the four dimensions?

Black holes devour stars, ultra-dimensional slashes, Jiangnan's strength time and time again refreshes the Bose tribe's understanding of human beings!

Cut Li really can't bear it anymore!

Xunzu, do you want to bear it any longer?

The next moment, Gu Li was startled suddenly, is it coming soon? confident? In this case…

I saw him take a deep breath and hold it back!

This is really bastard drilled into a stove pit and practiced a suffocating fire kung fu!

What else can I do? Hurry up and beat me up?

The Bose camp was fighting fiercely, but no one noticed that something unknown was also happening in the silent silicon-based camp!

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