Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2756 Predecessor? Incumbent?

Jiang Nan was silent. He didn't know what kind of persistence could make this strong wind blow for 2.2 billion years in the long years after the end of the era!

What kind of love can support this longing for eternity!

Looking at the black god and Lin Qing's body, Jiang Nan seemed to understand everything...

old friend...

At some point, the two of them had arrived at the center of the gale, where a never-ending storm was raging!

Even the Ball of Wind is barely resisting it!

But Hei Shen didn't care, but looked towards the center of the storm with his hands behind his back, his voice seemed a little hoarse...

"Come out~ You knew I was coming, when do you want to hide?"

As soon as the words fell, Jiangnan felt that the whistling wind in his ears was fading away!

The noisy world suddenly became much quieter...

In the center of the eternal gale, where the storm is strongest, a figure is outlined by the gale!

He has no form of his own, and is as ethereal as the wind, changing his shape all the time!

Young people, middle-aged people, old people, various races, animal shapes, even a weapon, something...

It keeps changing, but no matter how it changes, the only thing that remains the same is the beating heart in its body!

Eternal Heart!

Transparency is as beautiful as crystal, sacred and pure, exuding dazzling glass-colored light!

The rhythmic heartbeat sound is not strong, but it reverberates for a long time in this endless strong wind, and the gust of wind moves with the rhythm of the heartbeat!

As soon as the figure appeared, Zhiming frantically issued a warning!

Extreme danger!

This feeling has never been felt in Jiangnan when he faced so many star-swallowing bosses!

Instinctively tensed his body and pursed his lips!

I saw Feng Ling constantly changing its shape and appearance, and finally outlined the appearance of a young boy, like a ghost in the wind!

The appearance is also Lin Qing's appearance!

Now, the two are standing in the wind, facing each other from a distance, with the same appearance!

But one person is the wind, and the illusory seems to be blown away at any time!

One person is the truth, but there is a lonely soul in the body!

Lin Qing smiled, her smile was as gorgeous as a warm spring breeze!

"I'm not avoiding you, but I don't know what kind of posture to meet you, and what to say..."

"Starry night... you still came to see me, I am very happy, here... very warm..."

As he said that, he raised his hand to cover the eternal heart, his eyes were full of sadness...

"It's a pity... I have long forgotten most of the good times, I am me... but I am no longer me, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Nan was stunned, it was exactly as he guessed!

The source of this gale is indeed Lin Qing, the old friend of the Black God!

starry night? Is it the name Black God used before?

Heishen's eyes were complicated: "You don't need to remember... I just remember..."

Lin Qing smiled, with her little hands behind her back, her eyes kept sizing up Heishen!

"Seeing my body in this way always feels weird. Why did it take me so long to come to see me..."

"Have you used my body well? Have you used it to do bad things?"

Black God smiled wryly: "No... This is the first time I use it, and I don't really want to use it..."

Lin Qing was a little sad: "I'm sorry... I didn't leave you with any good memories..."

There are corners in everyone's heart that they don't want to be touched, and the memory is covered with dust and they don't want to think about it, because every time they think about it, it hurts so much that they can't breathe!

So after the Black God got Lin Qing's body, he didn't use it!

Even taking a sneak peek would be a kind of torture for the Black God, right?

But this time, the Black God used this body for Jiangnan and brought him here!

Hei Shen shook his head: "It's over long ago...I've let go of it long ago, there's no need to apologize!"

Lin Qing smiled: "But you are still here, aren't you? In fact, I noticed you when many people came here last time~"

"It's just that I don't dare to admit it. After all, you have kept it from me for so long..."

Hei Shen rolled his eyes: "Do you think I want to come? If I don't come again, how long can you last?"

Lin Qing was taken aback, then stretched out her hand in confusion to caress the endless wind...

"Who knows? The years... are really ruthless, how much the world still remembers the brilliance of the eternal era..."

"I'm tired... I can't blow anymore, maybe this strong wind blowing from the eternal age will disappear into the starry sky one day, leaving no trace..."

Never stop blowing, even the wind will be tiring, do you want to stop and rest?

But it can't stop...

The Black God smiled wryly: "You've held on long enough..."

Lin Qing stubbornly shook her head: "'s not long enough!"

His figure is illusory, and it seems that he will transform into another form at any time!

But Lin Qing tried her best to maintain her present appearance!

His eyes fell on Jiang Nan's body, and his big eyes were full of smiles:

(??????????) "Who is this? Isn't he pretty handsome? It's already threatening the beauty of my Lord Lin Qing~"

"Is it the new friend you made? I thought you would never make new friends after I left~"

"Is someone more interesting than me? I'm a little jealous, hahaha~"

While talking, he circled around Jiangnan!

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, why is this person as narcissistic as me?

And have I said this before?

The Black God rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "Isn't it necessary for you? Let me introduce! Jiangnan... my brother!"

Lin Qing looked surprised, and leaned on her chin to look more carefully:

(??????) "Oh Huo ~ Jiangnan? Yes, yes..."

Jiangnan: (??w???)

"My...although I really don't want to interrupt the atmosphere of your long-lost reunion, but I don't know if I should say something or not!"

"Why do I have the feeling that the Black God broke up with the ex, brought the current one to meet the ex, and then introduced the current one to the ex?"

Lin Qing was startled for a moment, but she didn't hold back, she tilted her head and laughed, even the gale wind around her was a little stronger!

(??ヮ?)σ "Puff...Puff hahaha! Sure enough, it's more interesting than me!"

The old black god blushed, rushed over and slammed at Jiangnan's people, rolling his eyes at Jiangnan!

(? °? Yi °?) "Show is indeed enough show! You know it's inappropriate to talk about it, so don't talk about it! Hey, the ex and the current one? I'm yuck!"

Lin Qing smiled: "Seeing you are so happy, I feel relieved..."

The Black God said angrily: "Speak to the business, under the ravages of time, your obsession is about to be wiped away!"

"You are the core of the eternal gale, because of you, everything engraved in the wind can continue to exist..."

"But the eternal gale... cannot be eternal after all. You know better than anyone else that you can't even survive this thousand-star era!"

"Are you willing to just disappear so quietly?"

Lin Qing shook her head: "I don't want to...I don't want to, and they don't want to, if the eternal gale disappears..."

"Who can remember the glory that once belonged to the eternal age, we...have nothing left..."

The black god's eyes were deep: "The eternal heart is formed by the common will of all those who fell on the battlefield in the universal war!"

"It gathers all of you, all the splendor of the Eternal Era!"

"Give this heart to Jiangnan, and let him become the bearer of the eternal heart, carrying the glory and splendor of the eternal age until the end of time!"

"Become the gale of the new era, blowing towards the future! Go on instead of you! As long as this eternal heart is still beating, there will still be people who remember the glory of the eternal era!"

"Continuing to resist is just a kind of torture for you, and you can't hold it for long..."

Jiang Nan fell silent, and his eyes became extremely complicated!

This is not just as simple as an eternal heart!

Once you take over this heart, it represents responsibility and mission!

This even seems a bit cruel!

Although the Black God kept talking about baby, baby, but Jiang Nan never thought of it!

The weight of this eternal heart will be so heavy!

Lin Qing was taken aback, but he smiled and nodded heavily without any hesitation!

(??????) "Yes! Just give it to him!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°口°?) Huh?

Just agreed? Is it so hasty?

This, this, this...

Hei Shen also twitched the corners of his mouth:

(¬优¬?) "I'll give it to you if I ask you to? You don't even ask this kid if it's okay?"

Lin Qing smiled brightly:

(???ヮ??) "This is the person you chose in the starry night, what should I worry about?"

"I can trust you, so naturally I can trust him~"

Hei Shen seemed a little dumbfounded at the moment:

"You idiot! You are still as stupid as before!"

This is too happy to give!

But then Lin Qing's expression became serious:

"The heart of eternity can be handed over to Jiangnan! But as I said before, I am me...but I am no longer me..."

"The last glory of the Eternal Era is recorded in the strong wind, and the Eternal Heart is the will of all those who fell in the war! It embodies our common desire!"

"I recognize Jiangnan, but it doesn't mean that other wills also recognize it! It still depends on whether Jiangnan has the ability to go to the end of time!"

"Handing over the Eternal Heart means disappearing. This is the last entrustment of all of us, and there must be no loss!"

"It depends on whether Jiangnan has the qualifications to carry the eternal heart. After all, he is weak and pitiful now, and he doesn't seem to be a good entrustment object~"

Jiangnan: (?°??°?)

Hei Shen, the predecessor, is also very good at provocation?

But Jiang Nan couldn't refute it. After all, compared with the photo taken in the strong wind, he is not an ordinary rookie!

What's more, most of these photos have exhausted their strength, and there is not one power in ten!

It's hard to imagine how shocking the last glory of the Eternal Era is!

Heishen raised his eyebrows and looked towards Jiangnan:

(?°??°)? "Look~ I'll say you're a noob, but you still don't believe me! Are you disgusted?"

"Wait, don't embarrass me!"

Two blue veins popped up on Jiang Nan's forehead:

(?°??°??): "This eternal heart! I'm sure Jiangnan will eat it!"

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