Chapter 2761 silicon-based provocation

The silicon master has completed the transfer and hiding of the main terminal, how can he bear it?

The carbon alliance has obviously begun to enjoy the dividends of the Zhizhipai terminal!

The longer it is delayed, the worse it is for the silicon base!

So the sooner you act, the better, but the risk must be eliminated!

Reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf, in order to determine the unstable factor in the south of the Yangtze River, Siji can only take the risk by himself!

Push the situation to the edge again to try!

The Carbon Alliance is developing at a high speed, so naturally it doesn't want to fight, so avoid war if you can!

This is also the reason why Siji dared to try!

Muke narrowed his eyes: "Silicon Master? You mean..."

The silicon master sneered: "Everything is ready, the only thing left is to expose the minions to the Carbon Alliance, but it is not a frontal attack, but bloodletting secretly, boiling frogs in warm water!"

"It depends on how long Jiangnan can endure and what countermeasures he will take. From this, we can see whether Jiangnan can still find the main terminal position...

"This is a test, but it can also be a warm-up before the battle! Where is Jiangnan?"

Muke reported: "There has been no news about Jiangnan from the Carbon Alliance, and no trace of Jiangnan has been found in the starry sky. There is a high probability that he stayed in the space array to practice leveling..."

"It's worth mentioning that the Zhimeng has done a lot on the Vientiane Star. When the City of Thousand Stars was first built, the Tianchen Clan volunteered to contribute the Vientiane Star as the main star..."

"It is said that it is the first generation of stars that failed to conceive. Now it seems that things are not that simple. Do you need to..."

Silicon Lord squints: [┐¬_¬┌] "Heh~ there is no need to worry, the quality alliance is nothing to worry about, the response plan has been prepared as early as the construction of the City of Thousand Stars!"

Tian Yandao: [┐'_'┌] "Recently, as far as the Bose clan is concerned, several major swallowing stars have begun to stay behind closed doors. tight…"

"It's a bit unreasonable to be quiet..."

Master Si said coldly: "Hmph~ I'm afraid it's not related to Xunzu. This is not a good thing. Don't lower your guard against the Bose tribe. After all, they are our real opponents!"

"Intensify the promotion of the super-sequential evolution of the ancestor giant god soldier. Don't be stingy with resources. The module upgrade will be done as soon as possible, so that the silicon base will have the capital to deal with the changing situation..."

"Response to the tentative action of the Carbon Alliance, I will send it to you later, send someone to do it, and be quick!"

Consciousness nodded yes!

In fact, none of the races that exist today are easy to get along with, and they all have their own preparations!

The blockade of the holy kingdom of angels is not over yet, no one knows what they are doing!

But no one cares, the angel whose wings have been broken can't make waves, no matter who he is compared with, he is no longer competitive...


In the third month since the end of the serial offensive and defensive battle, Silicon Base's exploration of the Carbon Alliance has begun!

The first is the blockade and monopoly of certain special resources, so that the carbon alliance can't get the goods!

Another thing is targeting at the level of slaves, the actions of the Stars Troubled Times Army have been sabotaged several times, or maliciously raising prices when auctioning slaves!

How disgusting!

It even began to impose targeted sanctions and suppression on some peripheral races of the Carbon Alliance!

And Siji didn't intervene on the surface, but secretly instigated and manipulated it!

The carbon alliance, which has been going smoothly for three months, suddenly encountered resistance. Yang Jian, who has a keen sense of smell, immediately noticed something was wrong. The carbon alliance obviously felt unable to stretch his hands and feet!

Looking at the reports sent by all parties, Yang Jian was a little worried for a while!

Obviously, Siji is fully prepared and has started to test it!

But Carbon Alliance has nothing to do with silicon-based actions, it will be a matter of time!

Terminal exposure is such a trouble, which is why Ai-chan said it would be troublesome!

But Yang Jian didn't expect to come so soon!

If the carbon alliance is tough, the situation will inevitably escalate, and a series of preparation plans formulated are likely to stagnate because of this!

This period of time is too important for Carbon Alliance, the longer it is delayed, the better it will be!

The plan formulated during the meeting is also to adopt an attitude of avoiding war with Bose and Silicon!

Procrastinate as long as you can!

But Yang Jian knows that the more you back down, the more rampant the opponent will be!

But it can only be like this, Jiang Nan is not at home now...

A man can bend and stretch, compared to fighting directly with the silicon base, it is obviously more beneficial to delay!

So Yang Jian can only endure now, but even though he is patient, he is not blindly patient!

Appropriately give some rebound strength to prolong the trial time of the silicon base!

Even if it is delayed by one more day, it will be beneficial to the Carbon Alliance!

At present, we can only adopt a strategy of defense and avoidance of war, and try to avoid the intersection with the silicon base...

In this way, the time has come to the fourth month...

In the center of the eternal gale, Jiangnan is still fighting, his whole body has become thinner, and his cheeks are even sunken...

Jiang Nan has forgotten how many ancestors he defeated to take pictures!

Every time a picture is defeated, the Eternal Heart will pour power into Jiangnan and entrust everything to him!

Jiangnan's level has reached the peak of Chaofan's 14th issue!

There is no sign of breaking through to swallowing stars, but the foundation is getting stronger and stronger!

This kind of terrifying speed of improvement is completely impossible to achieve in Zhou Zhen!

Moreover, the power of will has also skyrocketed to an abnormal level under the infusion of the determination of the ancestors!

If Jiangnan's will was like a bucket of water before, then now it is a sea of ​​water!

But even though Jiang Nan has tried his best, he still only understands a small part of the Eternal Heart!

Far from being brilliant!

But the further you go, the difficulty of the promotion also increases geometrically!

If you want to completely integrate the eternal heart, you need it in three to five years, and it is also in ten or eight years!

Jiangnan can't wait, the family will be overwhelmed at some point!

So Jiangnan no longer picked them one by one, but started the mode of being besieged!

Take pictures with thousands of ancestors at the same time and fight with your own power!

They've all been abused!

I saw countless shadows of the wind raging south of the Yangtze River with the glory of the moment forever remembered by the wind!

There are flickering wind shadows everywhere, terrifying tricks, Jiangnan is completely submerged in the center, and there is almost no energy left to fight back!

Even if the willpower is so strong, every time he is attacked, it is a serious injury to his own will!

Even if it is impossible to die, the spirit will have to be tortured and collapsed!

Lien Chan has been fighting for four months without stopping for a moment!

It is indeed a miracle that Jiangnan can last until now!

Even Lin Qing and Heishen, who were chatting on the sidelines, couldn't bear to look directly at them!

Lin Qing grinned:

(°﹏°〃) "Have already accumulated to this level, is it still impossible to complete the qualitative change of the life level? Somewhat outrageous!"

"Even in the Eternal Era, those dazzling stars in the universe, this level should start a qualitative change at the level of devouring stars?"

What's the basis of this?

After all, he still underestimated Jiangnan's potential!

Hei Shen also twitched the corners of his mouth:

(?-﹏-`;) "It's already fourteen episodes, and every step forward is breaking the record? He really doesn't want to cultivate Chaofan to 99 episodes, does he?"

He originally planned to let Jiangnan get the Eternal Heart, but no matter what, he swallowed the stars, which happened to make up for the gap in the star swallowing skill!

But now in this state, the Black God is a little unsure!

I saw that at this moment, Jiangnan was completely on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back when he was beaten by the pictures, and the power of will was crushed time and time again!

The fragility is like a candle in the wind, as if it will be extinguished at any time!

Heishen couldn't bear it, although he was happy to see Jiangnan suffering, but at this level, he would still feel a little distressed in his heart!

(??w???) "Should... how about halving the number of photos taken, and give Jiangnan a chance to breathe!"

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that my elder brother is really hanging here, and I won't be able to explain it when I go back?"

But Lin Qing didn't agree to Hei Shen this time, but shook her head instead!

(??????????) "No reduction! Didn't you say that the situation outside is already very urgent, if you don't grow to a sufficient height during this period and complete the transformation of strength, you may die in troubled times in?"

"This kind of strength is enough for him to complete the refining of the Eternal Heart before the chaos begins!"

"And didn't you say that Jiangnan said that he is not afraid of difficulties, but the powerlessness of despair?"

"Then trust him, this is the path he chose!"

The black god was sweating profusely on his forehead, indeed!

The point is that if a person dies from training, is there still a use for it?

Hei Shen swallowed his saliva:

(¬﹏¬?) "Why did you become so strict all of a sudden? Could it be that you're jealous after hearing about my affair with Jiangnan?"

"Then take the opportunity to get revenge? Want to torture Jiangnan for fun?"

Lin Qing was full of air, raised her head and closed her eyes and said proudly:

(??~?) "Yes, yes, that's right~ I am, you forget about me when you have new friends, and you haven't come to see me for so long~"

"So in order to compensate me, tell me more stories about you and Jiangnan~"

"Where did you talk about? Oh, yes~ the dumb sack! Is the dumb sack really so magical? Can you trap someone in it? Have you tried it?"

Hei Shen stared and shook his head like a rattle!

=????(?﹏??????) " is it possible? I have never tried it at all! I am a dignified Lord Black God, the master of the dimension, Jiangnan, he dares to set me? Is it too boring? "

Lin Qing's expression became teasing:

(????) "Hey~ It seems that your two trips to the starry sky were not very pleasant for the first time~"

Black God:! ! !

(???Dish??)? "No! I'm not covered in a sack! Absolutely not! Let's change the subject! Another..."

The two continued to chat, but Jiang Nan was really about to be beaten to death, and his will was already on the verge of collapse!

Lin Qing finished listening to the story of Xingye and herself, and then began to hear the story of Hei Shen and Jiang Nan!

The smile is happier than before, and the eyes are full of longing, but the wind shadow is also lighter than before...

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