Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 395 What a lunatic! (fourth more)

Xia Yao was shocked, and the expression on her pretty face was about to cry!

She knew very well that her output was definitely not comparable to Zhong Yingxue!

Whether it can reach 3 points is not at all certain in my heart!

don't want! I don't want to be eliminated!

I don't want to leave everyone!

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yao's eyes filled with determination, and she pulled her hair very reluctantly!

With a shriveled mouth, "Xiao Nan! Give me a bottle of Vigorous 2.0!"

Jiang Nan's expression gradually became frightened!

Hey Hey hey!

isn't it?

Make such a big decision? Would you like to be promoted even if you become a bald head that shines?

"No! No drink!"

Big Wolf turned bald? Where can it be done?

Jiangnan will not do it!

Xia Yao: "It's okay! I don't care! As long as I can..."

Jiangnan laughed, raised his hand and took out a bottle of life-threatening green sticks!

"Dried this beer! Keep you refreshed!"

Xia Yao was stunned, what new product is this?

That black skull above looks unfriendly wow!

But Jiangnan will not cheat himself, grabbing the big green stick and closing his eyes will make him bored!

The new students next to me are all dumbfounded!

"Pfft... Hahaha! Isn't it? Still drinking?"

"Don't you know that the wine is strong and cowardly?"

"It's useless! It's the end! It's just a coincidence that Zhong Yingxue just now!"

Xia Yao couldn't help but have two flushed cheeks on both sides, her eyes blurred!



I feel like my whole being has been elevated!

This feeling is so wonderful!

Jiang Nan patted Xia Yao on the shoulder!

"Who are you?"

"I am the Great Wolf!"

"Isn't the wolf extermination powerful?"

"Amazing! I'm a lot more than a ruthless person!"

"Have you seen the uncle above? Are you convinced?"

"Dissatisfied with o (▼ dish▼メ;) o"

"What should we do if we don't agree?"

"Hit him!"

"(???3??)? Ahhh~"

A milk cry like a wolf cub came from Xia Yao's mouth!

Two wolf ears appeared on the top of the head, and a snow-white wolf tail appeared from the back!

The whole person rushed directly to the ring!

Jiangnan looked relieved! The hero dares to buff the upper body, Daotian is coming, whether to accept or not to accept wow!

Zhong Yingxue was stunned, why did Yaoyao suddenly seem like a different person?


With Guan Hu's loud shout, Xia Yao's spiritual energy erupted violently!

"Silver Shadow!"

In an instant! Xia Yao's speed was blessed to the extreme, running in circles on the high platform, the speed became faster and faster, and even ran out of the afterimage!

"Light Feather!"

As soon as the spiritual skill was used, Xia Yao's agility increased sharply, and her body was as light as nothing! The speed is even faster, like a silver elf dancing on a high platform!

With 5 seconds left in the countdown, Xia Yao reached extreme speed!

"Spiritual Skill: Steel Claw!"

The body turned into a silver streamer, and the kinetic energy was transformed into a huge impact!

There are two wolf claws in the air, and six silver edges are fleeting!

Concentrate the power of your whole body on your claws and burst out!


A roar of gold and iron came out! Sparks fly! The air blows away!

I saw six red marks on Zhao Dezhu's chest, scratching his skin?

Zhao Dezhu said with satisfaction: "Not bad! 8 points for you!"

Xia Yao's face was full of surprise, and she rushed off the ring with excitement: "8 points! Passed! Hey!"

Jiangnan grinned! Add 300% physical attack, it's just not reasonable!

And honestly... eh?

hey hey?

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help pulling Xia Yao aside!

"Big Wolf Extermination, let me ask you ha! What color chubby did you wear today?"

Xia Yao tilted her head: "white with spots!"

After saying that, Xia Yao's pretty face flushed!

Oh! what happened!

How could I tell Xiao Nan about such a thing?

Why did you say it?

Jiang Nan was excited, and Da Lang Shui really didn't lie. The truth is that 100% of the effect is still there!

He couldn't help but look straight and asked, "Then do you have someone you like?"

Xia Yao stared directly at Jiangnan's eyes: "I like you! And Xuexue Mila! And... huh?"

After saying that, Xia Yao's face turned red!

OMG! Not right!

I'm not right!

Why do I have to say what was on my mind?

Jiang Nan was startled, oh ho ho?

This is also true, the smile on his face can't help but gradually change!


Going to Xia Yao's ear: "Gu Niu Gu Niu Gu Niu ~ Gu Niu?"

Xia Yao blushed and bleeds after hearing this, but she couldn't help but say, "I've been... uh!!!"

The frightened Xia Yao quickly covered her mouth!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Smelly Xiaonan!

What the hell are you asking?

Almost! Almost said it!

There's definitely something wrong with that beer!

[The resentment value from Xia Yao +333! ]

He gave Jiangnan a hammer directly!

Pull up the scarf and wrap your mouth round and round!

Run away in a hurry, stay here!

Jiang Nan asked Jiang Nan about his little secrets!

Jiangnan's face is full of pity!

Can it be repaired~

You'll find out soon enough!

Those students never imagined that Jiangnan's group would score two 8's in a row. It's incredible!

"Wu Liang! Come on stage!"

At this moment, Wu Liang couldn't bear it any longer, and his eyes were full of fighting intent!

"Brother Nan! If I don't hang up later, remember to save me!"

Before Jiangnan could react, Wu Liang took out a bottle of Vigorous 2.0 and looked up and did it!

Just listen to the sound of "chi!"

The rags were flying around, and Wu Liang directly transformed into a 15-meter-high devil muscled black bear!

The Mediterranean bald head burst out with a dazzling white light!

A small triangle of cherry balls on the body is extremely dazzling!

The crowd totally exploded!

"Oh! My eyes!"

"It's here! It's here! The bald black bear is here again!"

"Pfft hahaha! Cherry Maruko? That's right!"

At this moment, both Leng Yan and Hua Ling's faces were blushing and bleeding!

Why is the little triangle that this guy wears the same as mine?

Nanshen also wears?

Couple's little triangle?

This this……

Wu Liang made a big jump to the high platform!

The momentum burst, the proper golden one!

Jiang Nan was stunned, when did the big man gain gold?

Before co-authoring, was it just me or silver?

I saw Wu Liang roar!

Bear King Shield stood in front of him, and immediately shouted: "Don't accept me!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Big crazy!

He actually used a taunting technique on Zhao Dezhu?

This bald uncle can definitely send you a punch!

The corners of Zhao Dezhu's mouth twitched, and he finally moved!

Step forward and dash forward, iron fist like a cannon! Smashing the air to make bursts of banging sound!

He slammed hard on Wu Liang's Bear King's Shield!

"Spiritual Skill: Anti-Injury Armor!"


A loud bang!

Wu Liang's Bear King Shield shattered directly, and Zhao Dezhu's iron fist smashed directly on Wu Liang's chest!

The next moment, Wu Liang's chest was sunken and blood spurted from his nose and mouth!

The whole figure was blasted out more than 300 meters like a kite with a broken string!

Everyone who sees it is numb!

Is this still alive?

Jiangnan's teleportation caught Wu Liang's body and directly stuffed the vitality ginseng into his mouth!

"Fuck! Are you crazy? Don't you die?"

Wu Liang grinned, revealing a bloody white tooth!

"He saw blood!"

I saw Zhao Dezhu staring blankly at his fist at this moment!

The skin above was cracked, as if it had been shaken open, and strands of blood flowed out along the wound!

It is the effect of Wu Liang's anti-injury armor!

Inflicts 70% of the attack on itself to the enemy!

Everyone is stunned! Zhao Dezhu saw blood?

Or was it beaten by a meat tank?

Did something go wrong?

I saw Zhao Dezhu's eyes were bright, full of admiration, and he grinned: "Now! Does anyone still think that the meat tank can't hurt?"

"9 points!"

There was an uproar!

(ps: The fourth shift has been in place today. It has been a week now, and there are still five or six days before the end of the gift competition! And with the support of the friends, Dali has successfully squeezed into the top ten, which is gratifying! Congrats! Thank you all!

But there is still the possibility of being squeezed out. I hope that my friends will use gifts to support Qingfeng, rush to the rankings, and fight for the top!

Baili sprints belly slide spiral ascends to the sky, kneel and thank you! love you guys! *?(???)?*)

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