I saw Tao Xinyi stand on tiptoe to hold the zipper and pull it down!

"Come on! Let the teacher take a look! Xiong Er! Can you borrow the teacher to wear this holster..."

Tao Xinyi, who had pulled all the zippers open, was stunned, and her body froze in place!

hallucinations! Must be a hallucination, right?

Then she silently pulled the zipper, and then yanked it open!

I saw that there was still bearskin behind the zipper!

The entire zipper is glued with 502 glue!

Tao Xinyi: ∑(°口°ノ)ノ

Isn't this a holster? Is this a bear?

A platinum-level spirit beast?

She felt like her head had been slapped by a brick, buzzing! m.9biquge.\\ncom

Did something go wrong?

This is the outstanding student in Jiangnan mouth? How on earth did you bring him all the way from Lingxu to the academy!

Have you got an ID card or something? Are you a fairy?

Also glued on a zipper? puff wow...

Xiong Er looked back: "Sister Xinyi! Are you alright?"

Tao Xinyi: ! ! !

A platinum-level spirit beast who can only speak, with a heavy accent!

Her little face turned white, with a ghostly expression!

My mother's worldview simply cannot accept this scene in front of me!

It will collapse!

"Classmate Xiong Er, wait a minute! I'll call the dean!"

I saw Tao Xinyi dashed to the corridor and called Xiao Chuihuohammer!

Xiao Chuihuo: "Crooked? Xinyi! Have you seen the outstanding student that Jiangnan brought back? How is it? Is he a good seedling?"

Tao Xinyi looked left and right and whispered, "Dean, let me tell you a roar~ Jiangnan brought back a bear!"

Xiao Chuihuo: "Aiya~ why are you telling me this? The raging dolls you brought back must be for the little girl!"

"Young people today! It's normal to talk about love with someone!"

Tao Xinyi was anxious: "It's not a bear doll! It's a real bear!"

There was a trace of cold sweat on Xiao Chuihuo's forehead!

"Oops~ It's normal for young people today to keep cats and dogs as pets! It doesn't seem like too much to keep a bear in Jiangnan..."

"I'm asking about the new student!"

Tao Xinyi rubbed her brows: "That bear is a new student brought back by Jiangnan! The platinum one spirit beast! He can speak!"

Xiao Chuihuo: Pfft??(??ε??lll)

The sip of the Dahongpao he just took in his mouth made him squirt it out!

"Cough! Cough! What? What did he bring back on a horse?"

Tao Xinyi: "Bear! The one who can talk! He even calls me Sister Xinyi! He also calls me old!"

Xiao Chuihuo almost choked to death!

Lao Tzu is still looking forward to thinking about what a good 18-year-old platinum one is!

In the end, you brought me back the big black bear, the spirit beast of platinum one?

can talk? What about you?

"Bring the bear to the principal's office, speed!"


In front of the gym, Wei Teng was waiting anxiously!

Jiang Nan appeared beside him in a flash!

Wei Teng's eyes brightened: "Master! I've watched all your videos! It's so handsome! Can you teach me? I want to learn both the Onion Explosion Abandonment Healing Slash and the Fukong Thirteen Slash!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's all small things, I'll teach you later! I have something to do with you today!"

"Where did your spirit sword ghost brake hit?"

Wei Teng was stunned: "Where is Uncle Liu! What's the situation? Master also found Rongling materials?"

Jiang Nan whispered: "I found a big lump! I don't know what it is!"

Wei Teng's eyes are bright: "Uncle Liu must know him. He is a brick home in this area!"

"When I found a piece of yingang jade in Yulong Lingxu, I asked Liu Qiutian to call me! I don't need money! Just give the rest of the materials to the uncle!"

"Master's swordsmanship is also very good! He taught me all my skills!"

When Jiangnan heard that he didn't want money, he still gave him weapons for free?

"Go! Go now!"

Follow Wei Teng all the way to a building in the corner of the college!

It says "Spiritual Materials Research Room"!

Jiangnan's face is full of confusion, he originally thought it was a blacksmith shop in the deep mountains and forests!

I didn't expect it to be so modern!

As soon as you enter the building, you will see all kinds of Rongling minerals on the exhibition cabinet!

Many researchers are busy in front of microscopes, vacuum tubes and other equipment!

There are also a series of departments such as the smelting room and the composition analysis room!

There are also several veteran students here to customize their own personal weapons!

I saw an uncle Chao with a floral headscarf, ear studs, and a white beard coming towards him!

There is also an eye patch on the left eye!

Ignoring Wei Teng directly, his eyes fell on Jiang Nan, his eyes glowing!

"You are the one who crushed Xiaowei with the swordsmanship, right? His swordsmanship deserves seven points of my true teaching! Do you want to try it with the old man?"

Jiangnan Hehe Yile: "No way, how dare you make an axe at your old face class door? I found a piece of Rongling material! Thinking to ask the uncle to help me with some weapons!"

Liu Qiutian's eyes brightened: "Don't be modest, kid! Your swordsmanship is very flavorful!"

"Take it out! Let my uncle take a look!"

Jiangnan Hehe Yile directly took out the ruby!


The terrifying weight smashed the floor tiles, causing everyone to look sideways!

Liu Qiutian's eyes widened: "Fuck! What kind of joke is this?"

I saw him lying on the top, knocking and looking at it, his excitement was beyond words!

Jiangnan:  …

Don't you say it's a brick home?

Why do you look like you have never seen the world! Is it reliable? He will not black my baby!

Wei Teng was stunned: "Uncle Liu hasn't seen it before?"

Liu Qiutian said excitedly: "I haven't seen it! There are so many spiritual materials in this world that I have never seen! Every kind of spiritual material has its own characteristics!"

"I don't know what the characteristics of this thing are! This is an absolutely top-notch material! Go! Research it!"

As he said that, he picked up the motorcycle-sized ruby ​​with one hand in Jiangnan's shocked eyes and walked towards the house!

It turns out!

Your uncle is still your uncle!

In the research room, Liu Qiutian was tossing and turning on various instruments with a ruby ​​in his arms!

After analyzing all the data such as composition, properties, structure, melting point, etc., Jiangnan's eyes are in a circle!

Ten minutes of work!

Liu Qiutian came out holding the ruby ​​with excitement on his face!

"I've never seen it before! I've never seen it before! Boy! Put your hands on and inject spiritual energy!"

Jiangnan did as Liu Qiutian said!

With the injection of spiritual energy, a hazy red glow bloomed on the entire ruby!

I saw Liu Qiutian's arm was metalized, and he raised his hand and blasted down at the ruby!


Smashing it down with such a huge force, even the sparks burst out!

But the floor is safe and sound!

A warm energy flowed into the body along the arm!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of astonishment, and he felt that his physical exhaustion seemed to have disappeared a lot, and his physical strength had recovered a little! "

Liu Qiutian said excitedly: "Do you feel it? The properties of this spiritual material are nothing else!"

"As long as the aura is injected, the vibration can be absorbed, and the vibration can be converted into energy and fed back! Replenish physical strength!"

"And the hardness is amazing! Whether it is an armor or a weapon, it is absolutely amazing!"

Jiangnan couldn't hide his excitement at this moment!

This feature is real bullshit!

Make this thing into a weapon or armor! Fighting for a long time is not a problem at all!

Is it alright with the blood-drinking effect?

Absorb shock and convert it into physical strength to replenish itself?

Liu Qiutian licked his lips: "Give this thing a name! It will be written into the material science textbook in the future!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Am I up?"

"You are the first thing you discover, of course!"

Jiang Nan wiped his nose, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart!

"It's called Drinking Blood Nanhong! Is it domineering enough?"

Liu Qiutian laughed: "Yes, it's interesting! Tell me! What weapon do you want to shoot? You should be able to shoot quite a few for such a big man!"

Jiang Nan shyly said, "I don't want money, right?"

"Hey~ That's what I said! Uncle, can I ask for your money? Just give me the rest of the leftovers!"

Jiangnan raised his hand and gave a thumbs up!

"Uncle Liu's old-fashioned spirit is uncompromising!"

"Then give me a meteor hammer! Don't bother the uncle to work hard!"

"Just give me a chain on this piece of blood-drinking southern red! Use the rest as a hammer!"

Liu Qiutian: ? ? ?

God treads the horse and buckles the chain to act as a meteor hammer for you!

You don't even plan to leave it for me at all!

[The resentment value from Liu Qiutian +1000! ]

"No... not good? Isn't this a waste of money! Is your turn moving?"

"Your swordsmanship is so good, I'll hit you with a knife! You can hit several! You..."

Jiangnan: "It's alright! Meteor Hammer! I have a lot of energy! The wheel moves!"

[The resentment value from Liu Qiutian +1000! ]


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