Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 577 The Southerners Are Big Liars

Guan Hu shook his head, Jiangnan in China was the first to hatch an egg!

His words are authority, who can understand Jiangnan?

Xiao Chuihuo: "Then write it!"

"At the same time, inform all parties to step up the collection of spirit beast eggs during this time, save more snacks when entering the spirit market, and bring back spirit beast eggs when you encounter them!"

"Jiangnan has been successful and can be used as a reference. Spirit pets can be promoted on a small scale to collect more data!"

"It is necessary to form an ecological chain as soon as possible and execute it at the fastest speed. This is a shortcut that can greatly enhance the power of human beings! Don't let it go!"

Guan Hu was stunned: "Is it in such a hurry? Did something happen?"

Xiao Chuihuo said lightly, "It has been more than 20 years since the aura recovered, and when has it stopped? The greatest capital of mankind is the ability to adapt to the environment!"

"If we can't keep up with the changes in the environment, there is only one way left for us, and that is to perish!"

"New era! You have to try everything, the road has to go wider and wider, don't go narrow!"

Guan Hu nodded heavily! Remember the URL m.luoqiuzw.\\ncom

In the middle of the night, Guan Hu finally completed the preliminary compilation of the textbook on spiritual pet studies!

But looking at Jiangnan's hatching method, the more I look at it, the more hungry I become...

I feel like I made up this recipe, not a textbook!

After hesitating for a long time, I finally added a line of small characters at the end!

Note: This is purely an example! for reference only! Don't imitate others easily!

After finishing the work in the pet laboratory, Jiangnan returned to the villa with a small dimple!

When Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao saw the small dimples, they were very rare, and the eyes were full of little stars!

"Mom~ This is too cute, right? I really want one!"

"Wow! It's so cute, okay? I'm transformed!"

The two rushed over like wolves, hugging the dimples and kissing!

"Hee hee~ Sister Yingxue, hello Sister Wolf Slayer!"

Mmmm, these two big sisters must be nice to please!

According to my observation, these two are the closest to the master!

In the future, once the main silver wants to eat me, I will ask them to protect me!

Sitting on the sofa, Xiong Er, who was holding the tablet, stared blankly at the little dimple that was so spoiled, and the whole bear was stunned!

The tablet in my hand is not fragrant!

Hyun Ranruo cried: "Brother Nan! So love will disappear, right?"

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile: "No! Love will transfer!"

"You already have An Xiaoqi watching cartoons with you, so I can't find a little baby who can be hot and cold to comfort me?"

Xiong Er twisted his body shyly!


"Oh! Brother Nan~ Qiqi and I are just watching cartoons! Let's talk about ideals in life! It's not what you think, you hate it~"

Jiangnan: (。≖_≖)

What do I think it looks like?

For some reason, Jiangnan smelled an inexplicable sour smell!

Zhong Yingxue hugged the dimple for a while and said, "Xiao Nan? How are your notes? The exam is tomorrow, have you memorized it?"

Jiang Nan's face froze: "Huh? What exam..."


At the same time, in the South City of Hongguo Ting, outside a private manor!

Liu Hua leaned on the wall and stretched her head to look in, there were bursts of quarrels in the room!

"You! How can you be like this! I'll stay for two days!"

"Go, go, go! Hurry up! Vomit~"

"Hey~ it stinks to death! No, grandpa foamed at the smell!"

"But you are my biological parents wow! How can you bear..."

"No! Actually, I and your dad cut you out of a watermelon!"

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?


The door was kicked open with a scream, and an uncle who pinched his nose and his face was stinky, threw it out the door with Qianben Sakura by the back of the neck!

"We don't have a stinky daughter like you!"

"Why is she so stinky? Her dad! Let's work hard and split again... let's regenerate! This child is no longer available!"

Qianben Sakura was dumbfounded at the door now, looking at the closed door in a loss!

"Don't take you like this! Vomit~"

Angrily, she stomped her feet!

Liuhua Hehe Zhile, when I made you dislike me, you don't want me anymore!

Was it abandoned this time?

Qianben Sakura walked to the door with a face full of grievances, hugged her knees and sat under the wall, burying her head and crying!

"Woooooo~ My parents don't want me anymore if they dislike me!"

"The old team leader was stunned by me and hasn't woken up yet!"

"The Jingming faction also said that I was ineffective, and they proposed to the Elder Council not to let me be the team leader!"

"I also said that I cheated people's money in Metropolis, and many forces came to collect debts. They froze my account! I'm so good!"

Chiben Sakura doesn't even know where she lives tonight!

Liuhua covered her nose and patted Qianben Sakura's shoulder: "It's okay! You smell bad! But you smell cute!"

Chiben Sakura glared!

If you can't comfort people, don't comfort them, okay?

"God damn Jiangnan! Bombed up Area 53 and ran back to China! You promised to deodorize me?"

"I stopped Pierce for more than 20 minutes! Liars! Southerners are big liars!"

"It's up to him to make things like this! I'm going to shark him tonight!"

Qianben Sakura's eyes were full of anger, and she got up and went to the Pioneer Academy to kill!

Just then, the door opened!

Qianben Sakura's eyes are bright, and her heart is inevitably moved!

As a parent, I still feel sorry for my daughter!

However, the uncle pinching his nose threw out three suitcases, a pile of clothes and shoes!

"Your stuff! Take it! Take it all!"


The door is changed again!

Thousand Sakura: (๐ ༎ຶ口༎ຶ )

At this moment, Liu Hua pointed at a cardboard box: "What is this?"

Qianben Ying wiped her tears and looked at it, international express?

Who mailed it to me? Looking at the address, it turned out to be from Huaxia Mail!

Qianben Sakura was taken aback, Jiangnan Post? Isn't that the way to deodorize it?

Tear up the courier like a mad dog!

I saw three large diamond durians and a glass jar filled with golden pulp!

Chimoto Sakura frowned and opened the jar!

(。꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ。) Vomit~

An intoxicating fragrance spread across the street in an instant!

The door was suddenly opened, and the uncle pinched his nose and yelled, "What are you doing squatting at the door?"

"Don't pull Baba at the door of our house! You are crazy! Vomit~"

The smelly Sakura dad slammed the door hard!

Chiben Sakura: ! ! !

"Baba? Ah ah ah! Jiangnan! I will shark you!"

You actually sent me a jar of Baba all the way from China?

No bullying like you!

Too deceiving!

Qianben Sakura was directly blown up, and when he got up, he was about to teleport to the south of the Rongcheng Shark River!

Liuhua said anxiously: "There is a note below, you should read it first!"

Qianben Sakura resisted the smell and took out the note under the glass jar and opened it!


In a glass jar is durian pulp! Not Baba! Eat to deodorize!

Thank you for the matter in Area 53, and keep the three durians as souvenirs for you!

Those two daggers engraved with Sakura characters should be very important to you, right? It's back to you too!

and also!

When will you pay the $1 billion you owe me? If you don't pay it back, I can hit you!

Qianbenying looked down, and sure enough, the two pink daggers that Jiangnan robbed him were mailed back!

Heart can not help but warm!

This man is still talking, he didn't make fun of himself!

"Wait! When did I owe Jiangnan a billion dollars?"

Liu Hua's eyes dodged, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead: "Ah? Ah~ Jiang... Jiang Nan must be joking! Nothing!"

Qianben Sakura looked suspicious, no matter how much, she endured the stench and took a bite of the durian pulp!

Sure enough, the smell on the body dissipated, and even the spiritual power in the body increased to 150%!

"Hey~ What kind of fairy pulp is this, no wonder!"

Qianben Sakura picked up the glass jar and placed it in her own alien space with a cherished face!

Immediately, his eyes fell on the three big diamond durians, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Jie Jie Jie!"


Inside the meeting room of the Sakura Group headquarters!

At the conference table, there were more than a dozen members of the Elder Council, and dozens of senior members of the Jingming faction!

"I can't let Senbon Sakura be the team leader of the Sakura team! Look at what she did in Metropolis?"

"That's right! Not to mention that I have lost all the younger brothers, but I still lied to so many forces! I still refuse to admit it!"

"No? Now so many forces are coming to collect debts! The United States also said that Qianben Sakura participated in the destruction of Area 53, putting pressure on our Sakura team! The loss is too great!"

"And she stinks to death! It's detrimental to our Sakura Group's image!"

The elders of the elders' society looked at Qianbenying: "Do you have anything else to say?"

I saw Qianben Sakura with Erlang's legs crossed with a nonchalant look on her face!

"Cut~ loss? I'll just pay you all? Is it enough?"

Speaking of durians that pulled out a diamond from the alien space!

Remember when Jiangnan pressed the stalk for 30 seconds before it exploded?

So Qianbon Sakura pressed the fruit handle and threw it on the table!

Everyone took a deep breath~

"Hmm~ such a big diamond? So pure? How much is this worth?"

"Although it's not enough! It's a lot! Where did you get it? Is there any more?"

"If you can come up with 10 more! I won't make it difficult for you!"

Qianben Ying's face was bright, she got up and smiled: "No no no! This one is enough for you to drink a pot!"

"I'll go first! Bye~"

Speaking of a teleportation, there is no shadow!

The elder said angrily: "Qianbenying! What do you mean? It's so unorganized and undisciplined! Do you still care about the elders? I see you..."


A blast! Diamond Durian is fried!

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