Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 717 This Noisy Night


With a sound of explosion, the power of the anger explosion tube is not to be said, and the window frame is collapsed!

There are not a few people who take off in place and fly to the sky.

The room was shrouded in thick white smoke.

However, how can only one shot quell the anger that has accumulated for nearly a month?


There was another loud noise, and the super air pressure even shattered the window glass!

The billowing white smoke drifted down the window to the city, and I knew it was draining anger!

I didn't know that I thought the house was on fire!

However, at this moment, no one in the city pays attention to the smoking window!

This kind of situation happens in every corner of the city that never sleeps! Remember for a second http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom

The sound was ups and downs, and the melodious and melodious explosion sounded one after another in the city, connecting into one piece!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom~"

"Puff, puff, dong, dong~"

It's like having a million popping drummers drumming wildly around town!

"Ahhh~ Shet, who can tell me what's going on? This water is poisonous?"

"Does this water turn Lao Tzu's anger into anger and expel it? I didn't even know I was so angry!"

"God is angry! Your anger is really a bit hot!"

"Toilet, where is the only way to calm my anger at this moment!"

Everyone's eyes were red, and they rushed to the bathroom desperately!

On the street at this moment, tens of thousands of people speeded up in anger, hurried on the street, billowing white smoke everywhere they passed, and roaring again and again!

Make no mistake!

They're not running a marathon, they're just looking for a public toilet.

On the street, many girls were holding street light poles, and their faces were all red!

At this moment, I am using the fairy basic technique, the noise cancellation technique!

However, the eldest brother who passed by couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled at the girls, "I'm struggling, open it up, and let it go, no one can hear it!"

The ponytail girl covered her face and shyly said, "I didn't! You talk nonsense!"

Big Brother: (ˀ̣ˀ̣・᷄口・᷅) Huh? What are you talking about? I can not hear! louder! "

At this moment, the artillery fire in the city is like a million whips!

From time to time, people are bombed out of the building, and the battlefield positions are probably not so lively.

The girl said angrily: "I didn't, I didn't let it go!"

The eldest brother pouted: "I'm blind, the trash can behind you has been blown down by you, what else are you wearing?"

The girl blushed and stared, no longer suppressing her heart!

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the ponytail flew up, and the aluminum trash can that fell on the ground was blown to pieces, and there was no whole body in the dead!

The eldest brother swallowed and dared not speak, this girl is so fierce!

The whole city that never sleeps was a mess, but the anxious roars of the people were all covered up by the voices bursting out of anger!

The first floor of the abyss did successfully resolve the original sin crisis, but it fell into the toilet crisis!

No matter how big the city that never sleeps, it doesn't have a million bathrooms!

At this moment, there are a group of people at the door of the bathroom!

(ง꒦ິ口꒦ີ)ง "Get out of the way, let me in, I'll come first!"

( ٥ಥyiಥ) "You fart, obviously I came first!"

ε=Σ(||ཀyiཀ) "I'm already letting it go, let me in on a horse!"

The roar was mixed with anxiety and despair, but it gradually became silent as time passed, and no one spoke!

As the saying goes.

Do not erupt in silence, die in silence!

And the old saying goes: can a living person be suffocated to death?

In order to survive, they chose to erupt in silence!

So there is a sad person at the door of each bathroom.

Even the explorer camps of various countries have been recruited, and I was thinking about recharging my energy for tomorrow's abyss trip!

But this wave still has the sharpness of the wool, and it is not bad without prostration!

The sound of the cannons became more and more cracked, and the whole city that never sleeps was shaking!

Billowing white smoke enveloped the entire city, steaming upwards along the opening of the abyss!

At this moment, in the Huaxia Explorers Camp, in the darkness, a pair of eyes are full of terror, the cat is listening to the gongs and drums outside in the bed, firecrackers are blaring, and the cat is shivering with fright!

I don't know if this building can hold it, who can sleep here?

Who knows what the city will be like tomorrow?

And only Jiangnan sleeps with a small dimple!

The rainbow lighthouse was also hit, and the blue wave powder wave, who drank a lot of water for the commercial, cried several times in the bathroom!

And Mei looked at the city that never sleeps shrouded in white fog, sweating profusely on her forehead...

(٥ŏ ﹏ ŏ)

As long as you survive tonight, the city that never sleeps will usher in a new life!

The queen must have expected this scene to happen, right? As expected of a queen, she has courage!

This kind of decisiveness is not everyone's possession!

However, in the top room of the Rainbow Lighthouse, Mi Ye was riding the quilt, tossing and turning, unable to sleep!

There was a crackling sound outside, and it hasn't stopped for so long?

"Oops~ I'm so annoying!"

Mi Ye tugged at her hair and looked unhappy!

Before each exploration of the abyss, many guilds have the custom of firing guns. In order to dispel bad luck, they also wish good harvests.

Although the entrance to the abyss will be opened tomorrow, you don't need to set off firecrackers all over the city, right?

Are you so happy? Just let it go for a while? For so long?

The noisy king can't sleep!

But Mi Ye didn't care about it. After all, this trip to the abyss was extremely dangerous, and he understood their nervousness, so let them relax!

Covering himself in the quilt, Mi Ye took out his mobile phone, opened the album and found a photo!

In the photo, Jiang Lan was sleeping soundly on the bed, while Mi Ye was kissing her cheek lightly.

(๐ớ ₃ờ)(。˘~˘。)

Apparently it was taken secretly while Jiangnan was stunned by poison.

Looking at the photo, Mi Ye's eyes were full of tenderness. He opened the friend list and found Lan Lan.

The words "Bad sister misses you" were typed out, and after hesitating for a long time, they were deleted.

Thinking of the previous banquet, Mi Ye decided not to disturb Lan Lan for now.

I just fell asleep holding the photo.

Six o'clock the next morning!

Jiang Nan got up and stretched his waist fiercely, and immediately went to check the resentment value with excitement on his face!

9.14 million!

And it's still growing at a slow rate!

Gangnam: (๑·̀ ꇴ·́)و✧ Ha~ Yes!

Earn so much in one night?

Basically, they are brushed by those who buy small soybeans!

Jiangnan didn't dare to carry the pot of detoxifying tap water, but threw it to Mi Ye!

Otherwise, I am afraid that if I go out, I will be beaten to death.

So much grievance value is enough to go to the abyss for backup.

As soon as Jiang Nan left the room in a good mood, he saw Ling Feng, Xiao Zhen, and the others had already gathered in the hall, ready to go!

It's just that the mental state is not very good, and they all have big dark circles under their eyes!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Why are you so empty? Didn't you sleep all night last night?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly: "Who can sleep? We are all afraid that the building will collapse!"

Wang Ba covered his face: "It was so lively, how did you fall asleep as the initiator?"

Zhong Yingxue's face was white: "We really don't have the courage to go out!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: "Isn't it? How can it be as terrifying as you said?"

Everyone was silent, looking out of the window in unison, and Jiang Nan also followed!

I saw a white fog outside the window, as if I was in the clouds, and the visibility was even less than five meters!

You can't even see the gate of the camp.

Jiangnan's head was stunned, even the city that never sleeps has smog?

There was no sound from the outside world, everything was silent, a dead silence!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, looked solemn, and quickly opened the alien space!

Take out two big iron boxes from the inside!

"A first-class anti-biochemical radiation suit, with its own oxygen cylinder, should be enough, right?"

Everyone's eyes are bright, and it's still the Southern God Bull!

This level of protection is no different from a space suit!

Everyone quickly put on the equipment, one person carried an oxygen cylinder, and pushed open the door!

The billowing white fog blows, the city is silent, and the flowers and plants in the yard are all withered...

Xia Yao said timidly, "This is really the city that never sleeps, not a radiation leak or something?"

Gong Lin: "Why do I feel like I'm playing Doomsday?"

Wang Ba shivered: "Tell you guys, smoking is strictly prohibited, this concentration is not a joke!"

A group of people just walked on the street and went straight to the second floor entrance in the north of the city!

Few of the building windows along the street are complete!

From time to time, I can hear bursts of sobbing from the house!

On the street, the eldest brother was lying unconscious on the side of the road, and the movement of the people in Jiangnan woke him up!

As soon as I opened my eyes, I rolled my eyes and foamed again after taking a breath!

Infinite loop!

Wu Liang covered his face: "This... sin!"

Jiang Nan has a guilty conscience, it seems that the battle situation last night was more intense than he imagined!

The reason why the city that never sleeps is so quiet is that many people are fainted, right?

Even if you are not dizzy, don't dare to open your mouth to speak!

As soon as I turned the corner, there was a sound of walking, but no one could be seen!

The two groups of people were walking, and they almost didn't bump into each other, and they were all terrified!

It was Danny Shirley from the Paladin Academy and the others!

I saw a group of two or three hundred people with wet towels around their faces, coughing while walking!

I kept rubbing my eyes, it was because the white mist was so hot!

Danny's eyes widened when he saw Jiangnan's group wearing radiation protection suits and carrying oxygen cylinders on their backs!

"Hey~ this is you!"

“Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪”∠) vomit~ FUCK! Wow~"

Danny, who couldn't hold back his breath, knelt on the ground and vomited wildly!

Jiangnan: "As expected of the Paladin Academy, in this case, it still has the consciousness to act as an air purifier for the human body? My brother admires it!"

[The resentment value from Danny +1000! ]

As soon as Danny heard it was Jiangnan, he blew up, and the resentment value was refreshed like crazy!

What the hell is your equipment? Radiation suit?

Don't be so exaggerated!

"You guys were already prepared? Did you do what happened last night? You tricked me into buying small soybeans? You lied to me and swear?"


Danny, who said so much in one breath, almost fainted!

Jiang Nan akimbo: "I tell you, you can suck your farts, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"You guys bought the soybeans, and you swear you made them yourself!"

"What happened last night has nothing to do with me in Jiangnan. The queen ordered me to do it!"

Danny: ! ! !

Isn't that what you did?

Ah ah ah, who sucks so much?

"so I……"

Xue Li pinched her nose: "You better stop talking, you don't have an oxygen bottle, you can't scold Nanshen..."

Jiang Nan pouted: "I gave him three oxygen cylinders and he couldn't scold me!"

Danny: (งཀyiཀ)ง

[Come on, Danny Brown's grievance value +1000! ]

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