The moment he smelled Fitotdani's body, the whole luminous pine forest stopped swaying!

The Taichang Demon Dogs shuddered all over their bodies, and all the harassers flowed out.

Immediately, the luminous pine in front of him was no longer fragrant, and the eyes of Feito were gleaming.

Is this a gift from God to us?

Whether it is to make the dog unable to give up, indulge in its fragrance!

Or the frightened and weak eyes, make Taichang Demon Dog unable to stop!

This is too right, presumably this is fate, right?

At this moment, countless Taichang Demon Dogs roared in the sky, frizzing with excitement!

ʕ₍°᷄﹃°᷅₎ʔ: "Wang Wangao~"

(Brothers, rush, don't let one go!)

All the magic dogs responded one after another!

"On the taste alone, this dog can't help himself!"

"This kind of day-to-day life is really touching me!"

"I gave up the entire jungle for the sake of these sweet-smelling cuties, I'm sure I won't be disappointed!"

"Taichang Demon Dog! Rush up and lick to death for Lao Tzu!"

In an instant, a group of demon dogs rushed out of the woods like crazy, rushing towards Feito and everyone!

Only the luminous pine forest riddled with holes is left behind!

Noctilucent Pine: (°ˉ᷄﹏ˉ᷅°) woohoooo~

Although we are not human, you are real dogs!

Facing the impact of thousands of Taichang Demon Dogs, everyone in Fitodani swallowed!

Looking at Jiangnan with a playful face!

Retribution coming too fast like a tornado?

Let you piss us off? Alright now, is the beast tide coming?

Looking at the tragic state of the pine forest, Walker smiled even brighter!

"I see how Jiangnan chooses, whether to fight with the beast tide or blow himself up!"

Danny: "Hey, stinky alone is not as good as everyone stinky, don't you want to come to accompany us?"

At this moment, Jiangnan has a guilty conscience!

This... This is really not bad for me, I didn't know I would meet the Taichang Demon Dog!

You are so blessed!

Feito Danny and the others are waiting to appreciate Jiangnan and the others being attacked by the beast tide!

But the next moment, the expression on his face could not help but froze!

I saw that the Taichang Demon Dog group ignored Jiangnan and his party, and rushed straight to his side, sticking out his tongue and throwing it all the way!

Danny's eyes turned pale!

How can it be ours? Are you blind?

Haven't they seen so many people in Jiangnan?

The smell of the old man weeps when you see it, and vomits when you smell it. Why are you so excited?

Feito was also stunned, didn't it mean that the spirit beasts disliked the smell? If you encounter it, you will run away!

But why is this beast tide rushing towards it?

Since Feito has the heaviest taste, twice as much as the others!

There are hundreds of Taichang Demon Dogs eyeing Feito!

Not him!

(ꐦఠyiఠ): "Jiangnan, you fool people! Didn't you say that this smell is a talisman? Why did it attract the beast tide?"

Gangnam: ╮(。°᷄﹏°᷅。)╭

A sympathetic face!

"As the saying goes, dogs can't change their way of eating messengers, you guys are hitting the gun!"

"This smell is indeed from the amulet, but whether this body can protect it depends on your good fortune!"

Feito's steel teeth are about to shatter!

The Godly Meow Dog can't change the messenger, and still scolds people around the corner?

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

"A group of thousands of dogs, watch Lao Tzu take them away in minutes!"

Bones grow between words and go straight to battle mode!

However, at this moment, the leading devil dog howled wildly, and the dogs behind him howled!

"Wang woah~"

Nearly a thousand barks converged together, forming a sound wave visible to the naked eye that spread out!

Danny, who was shrouded by the sound waves, stiffened and fell into a state of rigidity!

The body couldn't move, and everyone's expressions became terrified!

What kind of innate talent is this, does it still have a stiff effect?

Can't move, isn't this a bad dish?

Then there is a fart difference between us and those luminous pine trees just now?

It will definitely become riddled with holes after a wave!

Danny shivered in horror: "No! No, I'm a man who wants to become a Paladin, not a Knight!"

In an instant, Danifitto and the others were overwhelmed by the dogs!

Three or four Taichang Demon Dogs licked Danny's face wildly, with bright eyes!

This taste! Absolutely!

Danny: (。༎ຶmouth༎ຶ)Ah~ What the hell!

As for Feito, he was frozen in place and couldn't move at the moment, and he was stuck by hundreds of devil dogs, and even formed a dog mountain!

Stinky tofu smells delicious!

The same principle applies here!

[The resentment value from Feito +1001! ]

[From Danny…]

[From Walker…]

The resentment value was refreshed, and Jiang Nan was moved!

I said it won't lose money!

"Speaking of which, there is something in the innate spiritual skills of this Taichang Demon Dog? It's a bit similar to the cry of the wolf cub of Wolf Extermination!"

Xiong Er covered his face: "Tai Tianxiao! The signature stunt of the Taichang Demon Dogs has a short-term stiffening effect. The fusion release of the dogs has an effect bonus, and it is also notorious in the spirit beast circle!"

"I don't know how many beasts' hearts were hurt with this hand!"

"The sky is the same as the air! Day after day is so sweet!"

Qin Shu was horrified and said, "Wang Ba is hard on the bow? This is a group of hooligans in the spirit beast world!"

Wang Ba exploded and threw a hammer on Qin Shuo's body: "I can't beat Nanshen, but I can't beat you?"


The stiffening effect passed, and there was a loud noise, and Feito was stunned to blast Inuyama, and hundreds of demon dogs flew everywhere!

Feituo stood up and roared loudly: "I don't share the sky with a dog!"

I saw that the bone armor grew again on his body, especially behind him, two pieces of bone armor grew from the shaft of the crotch, and the protection was airtight!

Light armor changed to heavy armor, and began to frantically kill spirit beasts!

And Danny's face is also hideous, his whole body is metallized, not silver, but black!

He stretched out two black steel knives in both hands and desperately slashed the group of demon dogs!

At this moment, the people on both sides are all crazy, and they even want to kill the dog if they don't want to die!

This battle is not only fighting for his own life, but also for dignity!

A careless, the result may be more uncomfortable than death!

At this moment, Xue Li was hiding all the way, looking crazy!

So why does this keep happening to me?

What is this broken team?

I thought that the worst thing about going to the abyss this time was losing my life!

But I didn't expect that I might lose my qualifications to be a man if I'm not careful?

I saw her angry feet stomped, and countless earth and stones gathered into eggs, wrapping herself in it!

At the same time, on the soil egg, rattan grows, wrapping itself layer by layer!

"It has nothing to do with me! None of you should come here!"

The battle in the field is extremely fierce!

Jiangnan shivered with excitement, come on, dogs!

However, with the strength of Feito and the others, the beast horde may not be able to hold out for half an hour and will be killed!

I still don't watch this lively, my charm is so great, it would be bad if I was caught by the dogs!

While thinking about it, he patted the head of the centipede: "Go! Hurry up!"

Even if Feito is angry, he can only watch Jiangnan and his party go away!

Where did God close the door? Open a window?

This is obviously to close the door, seal the window with nails, and let the dog bite people after the end!

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]


Half an hour passed in a flash!

Jiang Nan scratched his head, for some reason, he always felt that someone was peeking at him!

Couldn't help but turn back!

All of a sudden, the girls dodged their eyes and quickly looked away!

Some pretend to enjoy the scenery, some pretend to buckle their fingers!

Zhong Yingxue's pretty face blushed, sitting behind Jiang Nan, secretly looking at his profile!

(⑉◔ ̫◔ิ⑉)

Xiao Nan is so handsome, the more he looks, the better he looks~

Slowly, Zhong Yingxue's eyes fell on Jiang Nan's lips!

I swallowed quietly, and remembered the scene of feeding beans before...

His face turned even redder, and he quickly covered his face and shook his head!

Oops~ what are you thinking?


After hesitating for a long time, he still leaned towards Jiangnan!

The little hand moved forward tentatively, and the fingertip touched Jiang Nan's finger!

Then sneak a peek at Jiangnan's reaction!

Seeing that there was no change in his expression, he became more courageous and slowly put his little hand on the back of Jiang Nan's hand!

Jiang Nan was startled and turned to look at Zhong Yingxue!

Zhong Yingxue quickly avoided her sight, her pretty face blushing, but she didn't take her hand away.


Jiang Nan's eyes were full of tenderness, and he smiled brightly. He grabbed Zhong Yingxue's small hand and held it back in his hand, interlocking his fingers!

Zhong Yingxue felt as if she would burn blood too, her heart was beating so fast!

But he is satisfied!

Xia Yao leaned on Jiang Nan's shoulder, her big eyes murmured, she didn't know what she was thinking...


He suddenly said, "Hey~ Xiaonan, you've already gone platinum, how come it's so fast this time? We were all in front of you before..."

Jiang Nan's face was full of pride: "Then take a look? Can you always fall down? I will come up with a little effort!"

Xia Yao sat up straight, clenched her small fists tightly, and looked serious.

(๑・̀~・́)و: "I have to work hard too! So I decided!"

Jiang Nan was startled: "What to decide?"

Xia Yao smiled and bit Jiang Nan's ear.

"Before I decide to get out of the abyss, platinum and you, I have to succeed! Phew~"

Jiangnan: pfft

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