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Chapter 114: "Monster" in the Grass (Part 1)

The voice in the grass is getting closer and closer...

The sound was soft, weaker than the heartbeat of a dying man, softer than a mother touching a sleeping child's cheek, but our barbarian adventurer could still spot it in time with his keen senses.

Except for Barrett, it was obviously impossible for other people in the campfire to hear this sound, but this did not prevent them from noticing his abnormal behavior.

"Hey, big man, what happened? Why did you suddenly pull out the sword?" He asked Barrett softly, "Could it be that you found something strange?"

Following his words, everyone around the campfire became nervous, except for the old man who was still sleeping.

"My God, what is it? Could it be a wolf? How many wolves? Wouldn't it be a whole pack of wolves. Pack of wolves! What should we do? Quickly, driver, let's get out!" The fat man hid behind the driver. The body trembled uncontrollably.

"Shh!" Barrett motioned for everyone to be quiet. With his back to these people, he slowly walked towards the grass with his sword in hand.

Although the others were very nervous, the barbarian was not worried at all at this time. Regardless of whether it is a wolf, a goblin, a giant spider, a fire ant, a kobold, a gnoll, or a war lizard, whatever it is, Barret is confident that he will completely destroy it with the sword in his hand.

He has a calm self-confidence born of skilled martial arts

After all, an incomparably gigantic large-scale boiling water element will not be drilled out of it. There is no hot spring nearby.

The little girl, who had been hiding in her mother's arms, was also frightened by the suddenly tense atmosphere. She hugged her mother tightly with her little hands, and secretly glanced in Barritt's direction with her eyes wanting to look but not daring to look. .

The girl's mother comforted her softly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, that uncle is very powerful, and he will protect everyone."

You're so sure I'll protect you instead of riding my 'carrot and running away? Barrett murmured inwardly. Do I look like a good person who is helpful and protective of women and children? Why don't I think so?

The few honest and quiet gelding horses of the coachman suddenly became agitated, making the already tense atmosphere a little more solemn.

They should have also sensed the existence of the thing, which means that it belongs to at least some kind of more dangerous beast, not a lost rabbit or a hedgehog or something.

The coachman walked up to the carriage with his stick in hand, and calmed his horses softly. And the fat middle-aged man was still hiding behind him, which made the driver very helpless.

Animals are very sensitive, of course, there are exceptions. For example, Barret's mount - 'Carrot'.

At this moment, this young stallion with a thin Nightmare Beast bloodline seemed to have nothing happened, still buried his horse's head in the half bag of corn, and was eating happily, as if what happened around him Everything has nothing to do with it.


The sound was getting closer and closer, and Barrett could even use the peripheral light of the campfire to vaguely see the grass in front of him shaking slightly because of the approach of the thing.

This made him a little suspicious.

Because the grass with a height of half a person can't hide any large beasts or monsters, and the shaking in the grass is approaching little by little, and the distance from Barrett is very close, but he has not found it yet. The shape of that thing. Does that mean the thing could be a snake? Or, is it a dangerous little guy?

He held the long sword across his chest and waited quietly.

The next moment, the thing jumped out of the grass and landed in front of Barrett, baring his teeth and howling loudly!

"Ah! Ahh! Meow?"

ha? Barrett looked at the creature that jumped out of the grass in front of him with some bewilderment. This thing is a shadow lynx, but that's what the Nords call it, and the people of the Griffin Kingdom prefer to call this creature a nightsaber, after all, this creature is bigger than all lynxes in adult size. Much, closer to a large cheetah. It is an extremely dangerous beast.

The shadow lynx in front of him was completely black with light gray stripes, and a pair of golden-green pupils glowed faintly at night. It stared at Barrett fiercely, but it couldn't let the latter feel the slightest danger.

Because this is a very young shadow lynx, smaller than a domestic cat, it is likely that it has just been weaned, or has not even been weaned yet.

"Go, go away! Get out of here and find your mother." Barrett put down his sword and raised his hand at the little guy, trying to drive it back into the grass, "You're lucky, I don't have the habit of killing cubs. ." Unless it was a lack of food, "otherwise..." He didn't say the consequences.

Just such a little guy made everyone nervous. Of course, the main reason for this was the sudden "fussiness" of Barrett. At this time, he really hoped that the one who jumped out of the grass was a wolf, even if it was a winter wolf, at least it wouldn't make his face so embarrassing.

However, if Barrett was asked to choose again, he would still choose to be so vigilant about making a fuss. After all, no matter how embarrassed his face was, it was better than losing his life.

But the little guy in front of him didn't want to go back to the grass to find his mother. Instead, he kept yelling "Aah" and "Meow", and those bright eyes looked at Barrett for a while, and then for a while. Looking at the direction of the bonfire, he refused to leave.

"Hungry?" Barrett said to himself, looking at the little guy under his feet.

The little guy should have been attracted by the smell of milk in the soup pot, he guessed. Where is the mother of this kitten? Why not feed this little guy before going out hunting? Will you come to find it? When to find? Wait These questions are not for Barrett to know.

"What is that?" The coachman's voice came from beside the carriage, "I don't think it seems too big, is it dangerous?"

"A young shadow lynx," Barrett replied, "it's not dangerous now." It's hard to say in the future. More importantly, its mother must be dangerous.

"Shadow lynx?" the coachman asked in confusion. "What is that? A lynx? Is there such a creature nearby?"

"Also called Night Sabre," the girl's mother explained.

"What? Nightsaber? God! Please, get rid of it!" the fat man shouted to Barrett in a suppressed voice. "Don't let it come, it will kill us honest people!"

"Don't worry, I'm about to do it." Barrett said angrily, "Don't worry, it can't kill anyone right now, not even your leather shoes."

"But it can bite my throat," the fat man said softly.

"Let's talk when it can get you." At least you still have a scarf to protect you, Barrett was speechless to this man as brave as a little girl.

He opened his arms and snorted, frightening the little guy in front of him. The cub took a step back in fright, jumped into the edge of the grass, and continued to grit his teeth at Barrett, refusing to leave.

Forget it, if you want to stay here, then I can't help it. Barrett looked around carefully again and found no other abnormalities, so he turned and walked towards the bonfire.

As for letting Barrett feed the cub who seemed to be starving, just kidding, he didn't have such a flood of compassion.

I am the feeder, but you are not the Misty Forest. he thought to himself.


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