Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 125: Ups and downs in the journey (below)

Barrett stood guard all night outside a room in the little castle.

The door to that room was broken. When Barrett and the elders crossed the broken gates, past the burning stables and corrals, through the messy halls full of blood, stones and broken glass, up the broken stairs, to the room , the room has been filled with crowds inside and outside.

There were men and women, and Barrett was relieved to see the tailor who mended his saddle inside. No matter how the incident develops, at least tomorrow he can leave this place of right and wrong smoothly.

The crowd inside and outside the room was divided into two factions. The smaller faction followed the instructions of the elders and guarded the room; while the larger faction believed that the lives of Lord Clifford and the guards were not enough to wipe out Even the harm he caused to the residents of the village - the shivering woman in the room, and the boy who was only two or three years old in her arms, also had to pay for it.

The faction with a small number of people at that time had already been squeezed into the bed of the woman in the house by the other faction. The anger and shouting of one party and the panic and persuasion of the other party formed a sharp contrast.

But when the elder arrived, everyone fell silent. They looked up, with various elusive expressions on their faces, but no matter what they were thinking, at least they quietly waited for the leader to speak.

And the elder only said two sentences, the first sentence, he repeated, all of them, including himself, have no right to judge the woman in the house and the child in her arms, they and the The lord is not the same; in the second sentence, he briefly introduced the next Barrit and the mission that Barrit will perform.

The barbarian adventurer still remembers the words the elder said when persuading everyone to leave, "No matter how bright an act is, as long as it is stained with the blood of innocents, it will gradually become dark."

After that, Barrett sat on a chair outside the room, leaning on a sword in his hand, like a statue, quietly guarding.

During this period, people came together several times. They either raised their weapons and threatened loudly, or whispered their pleas with the ordeal they had suffered.

Loud intimidators, when Barrett rises from the bench with his scabbard in hand, his tall frame and the aura he exudes will make them flinch. Hatred can sustain the villagers' desperate vengeance against their foes, but not enough to transform them into death-obsessed people like Barrett.

As for the whispered supplicants, Barrett simply remained silent, letting them condemn or cry. He is not the old man, he won't tell them some big truths, not to mention they won't listen to them, otherwise they won't come to him. Barrett was just like a mountain, blocking the broken door and not letting anyone in until dawn...

As dawn approached, a whole team of fully-armed knights and hundreds of soldiers came to the village. Barrett could see that those soldiers were well-trained, and they were no different from ordinary guards who only knew how to collect taxes and squeeze villagers. same.

The soldiers took the woman and her child from the room, as well as the elderly and several others from the village. And when they tried to take Barrett, both the older man and the woman said that Barrett was just an outsider who was unwittingly involved in the incident.

The knight at the head had a dark raven with eyeballs in the pattern of his armor and overcoat. Barrett didn't know what aristocrat would choose such a weird pattern as his coat of arms, so it shouldn't be too common.

After listening to the narration of those people, the Raven Knight nodded to Barrett, indicating that he could leave. But Barrett didn't do that because his pay hadn't yet been received.

When he made his reasonable request to the raven knight, the knights and soldiers around laughed, and they looked at him as if they were looking at an idiot.

The raven knight with the griffon helmet under his arm didn't smile, but he refused Barrett's request without thinking.

But in the end, Barrett still got the reward he deserved. Because the woman agreed, she, as heir to the castle and its estate, allowed Barrett to take his payment, and like the elder, she also did not say how much the payment was.

As a result, a palm-sized azure blue spar was added to Barrett's space ring. And 100 yellow-orange-orange gold coins. He is not a saint, and there are few adventurers who are not greedy. No matter what other people say, Barrett thinks that his reward is justified and deserved.

After this, Barrett retrieved the saddle from the tailor, and left Kernos on his young stallion, who was not interested in everything around him.

The follow-up thing will not simply end, but it has nothing to do with Barrett. He still remembered the woman in the room. After asking Barrett who was and why he was protecting them, he asked him in a very low voice, if she paid enough, then he would Is it possible to kill all the villagers outside?

And Barrett told her it wasn't a good deal, either for him or her. Some people's actions need to be judged to be convicted, and some people's needs not, but in any case, it should not be the one who conducts the judgment - an adventurer on the road.

After that, the woman never said a word again until dawn.


After leaving Kernos, Barrett encountered a caravan of nearly 20 people on the road.

The owner of the caravan was very warm and hospitable, at least that's what he showed. After inquiring about Barrett's whereabouts, the businessman told Barrett that their destination was almost the same, and warmly invited Barrett to go with them.

Except for the businessman and a few unremarkable servants in the entire caravan, the rest are all bodyguards with various weapons. Barrett didn't know what kind of goods the merchant was trafficking, so much so that he needed more than a dozen bodyguards to **** him.

And if the goods being delivered are really valuable, why did the businessman invite himself out of line? Barrett is unknown.

So he rejected the businessman's good intentions and continued on his own journey.

During this period, he also visited a village on an island in the middle of the lake. This small village is called 'Angosa', which means 'Eye of the Giant' in the Old Common Language. The lake around this village is called the 'Giant Lake'.

Barrett didn't know whether it was the lake or the village that came first. According to common sense, there must be this lake and the small island in the middle of the lake first, and then some people moved to the island to live, and then the village slowly formed.

However, the name of the village is in the ancient common language, while the name of the lake is in the common language, and the two are still so closely related, which gives people a feeling that the village is older and more ancient than the lake.

There are less than 100 households in this which Barrett accidentally saw when he went to this big lake called 'Giant Lake' to fetch water. Every family and every person here, no matter male or female, as long as they are adults, they will have their own boat made of basswood, so all kinds of boats are parked around the island.

When Barrett was fetching water, he was seen by the villagers rowing fishing in the lake, and was invited to board the small village, which was in a semi-closed state.

The people here are equally hospitable, but unlike the businessman he met before, Barrett could feel that the enthusiasm of the villagers was sincere, and the enthusiasm of the businessman was mixed with some inexplicable words. something unknown.

When Barrett arrives in a small boat on a small island in the middle of the lake, he finds that he is not the only guest in the village. He was still seeing a dwarf, a mage, no, it should be said, a dwarf mage, wandering around the village, gesturing on the ground with a staff from time to time.

The little man was wearing a magic hat with a blue spar embedded in the center of his forehead, wearing a dark purple mage robe and cloak embroidered with an ancient magic symbol - a hexagram pattern, and holding a twisted wooden staff in his hand, lest he be afraid. Others do not know his occupation.

When the little dwarf wizard saw Barrett, his face with a fluffy white beard under his pointed hat was full of surprise. He widened his eyes and pointed at Barrett, his mouth wide enough to swallow a goose egg.

After being stunned for three heartbeats, the little man suddenly jumped up high, and then ran to Barrett in a flash. Under the circumstance that neither the surrounding villagers nor Barret knew what was happening, the gnome mage dragged Barrett's pants and pulled him down to a place where no one was there.

Then, the first words the gnome mage said to Barret were:

"Say, are you also here for the treasure?"


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