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Chapter 15: Bounty bar (middle)

Barrett was not involved in this conversation about gold coins and women. Although this topic is the most interesting to most adventurers, they can chat excitedly all day over a glass of poor rye beer, and even continue in their dreams, but at this time he did not this mood.

The barbarian adventurer looked down along the tall city walls of the Mist Castle, one bounty bar after another, and looked at the familiar names and portraits above. Behind each name, it represented the lives of many adventurers:

"Ghost Howl", the werewolf mentioned in the half-elf's words, still seems to be still lingering in the unique silver pine forest in the misty forest. As far as Barrett knew, there was only one silver pine forest in the entire Misty Forest. Among the tall firs all over the forest, the silver pine tree was like a dwarf among the giants.

In the portrait of the magic image, the werewolf is completely black, the body is slightly squatted, the wolf's kiss is tightly closed, the sharp claws of both hands are bent upwards, and the blood-red eyes are filled with an intimidating calm and a little hidden madness. If you look closely, you will find that that madness is not similar to that of beasts, but has something in common with the madness of purgatory creatures.

Barrett had heard other adventurers say that "Ghost Howl" never seemed to leave the silver pine forest. It's like a ghost trapped in the woods, and it doesn't take the initiative to hunt humans except for a painful, tearing howl at times. But for those valuable silver pine cones all bright brown, there are always adventurers who don't know what to do.

According to the statistics of Mist Castle, nearly 100 adventurers have been killed by "Ghost Howl" over the years. Adventurers who have seen it have described its attack as a battle-hardened high-level warrior, simple and deadly, with no extras. Action, the claws will be taken away, like a gardener pruning branches and leaves, showing a different kind of calm.

But there are also many adventurers who have successfully escaped from the silver pine forest. Because when "Ghost Howl" is in a good mood, it will simply chat with the adventurer and let the lucky one leave alive.

Those adventurers who have "fortunately" chatted with it described that the common language of "Ghost Howl" is very standard, and the speech gives people a sense of culture, and it also carries a sense of the holy kingdom of Arathor in the east of the continent. Unique accent.

Therefore, the origin of this werewolf is somewhat mysterious in the eyes of adventurers. Some people say that he comes from the holy kingdom of Arathor, an ancient family entangled by the curse of werewolves. He became "it" because of the curse, and then was infected by the depraved breath of the abyss, so he was sometimes calm and sometimes crazy.

But some people scoffed at this, because the werewolf itself is crazy, irrational, and dominated by the primitive desire to kill, so it is not accurate to judge that it is contaminated with abyss by its madness.

Not only that, but if it really came from an ancient family in the Holy Arathor Kingdom, why did it travel from the easternmost point of the continent, across the entire continent, to the westernmost foggy forest? Why not go to the mages to solve these tough problems? A werewolf who was cursed and tainted with the breath of the abyss, I believe the mages are still very interested in this.

But no matter what, as a known unstable factor in the foggy forest, if an adventurer can cut off its head, the fog castle will still pay a lot of money for it.

Next to the werewolf bounty is a blood-toothed crocodile with a blind left eye. Barrett knows its name is "Sally". He has dealt with this beast and knows the only amber left. In the vertical pupil of the color, it is full of hatred for humanoid creatures.

"Sally" has always been lurking near the only path in the rotten swamp that can pass through the swamp, waiting patiently. The vicious rabbit carefully jumped from the swamp, and "Sally" was motionless; the injured bluehorn antelope lay helplessly in the swamp waiting to die, and "Sally" was not interested at all. And once a human wants to pass, "Sally" will find the opportunity, suddenly burst out from the dense reeds or wild mushrooms in the swamp, bite the legs and feet of the unlucky devil, and drag it into the depths of the rotten swamp.

Once someone is successfully dragged into the swamp by "Sally", very few people will save the unfortunate ghost. Because the rotten swamp, except for the narrow path like chicken intestines, is full of mud that can swallow a person whole with one foot.

Next to the "Sally" bounty is the rock puppet "Crush", a powerful earth element imprisoned in the main material world. Barrett had been chased by it for a day and a night. He had hit its arm, torso, head, and neck with the "Iron Bride", but it had no effect except to knock off some rock fragments.

Without magic, it is difficult for adventurers to really harm these elemental creatures. And to deal with this powerful rock puppet, "Iron Bride" obviously hasn't come with a hoe.

Barrett also found that the gnoll "Hogg" and his River Claw tribe were also built in the same place. The Golden Clover Knights of Mist Castle had encircled this gnoll tribe several times, and each time there were a large number of gnoll heads. It was brought back, but because of the cover of fog, it was obviously not an easy thing to wipe out.

Inside the foggy forest, due to the terrain and environment, the organized military force is actually not easy to use.

Barrett passed by the dark web spider "Resis", the ooze monster "Festering Linia", and the two troll brothers "Longtooth" and "Broken Tooth", and many other bounty orders...

Beside the "Poison Needle Baine", a mutated and poisonous echo bat's bounty order, he stopped, his eyes fixed on a bounty bar that was much larger than the other bounty bars.

The ones posted on it have already been rewarded, and all the reward orders have been marked with a big red cross. Barrett saw the four-armed ape at a glance among the many bounty orders.

The four-armed ape 'Caesar', a nightmare in the foggy forest. The number of adventurers it killed, to this day, still ranks first among all creatures in the forest.

It is as strong as an ogre, as agile as a forest elf, and its thick and tough fur can effectively resist the slams of various weapons. It walks as silently as a ghost leopard, designs traps and controls the battle like the most cunning hunter; its four strong arms are full of power, and it can easily smash a human head with a single punch. More importantly, its hatred of humans is several times that of Sally, the blood-toothed crocodile.

The four-armed ape Caesar usually shuttles through tall fir trees, peeping out from the dense foliage for its prey—adventurers who break into the misty forest. It always makes a plan and then moves, and the adventurer being targeted has almost no chance of survival.

But Barrett is an exception. It attacked him and caused a fatal wound in his throat, but the half-blood barbarian from Nord still survived tenaciously, and the scar from the wound is still like an ugly centipede. across there.

Barrett and the four-armed magic ape Caesar have fought four times in total. The first time, he was completely defeated, UU reading www.uukanshu. com narrowly escaped mortally wounded; the second time, his team lost six men, he was broken four ribs, and Caesar suffered only minor skin trauma; the third time, Barrett was in a magical apprenticeship. With the help of his help, he severed one of the four-armed ape's arms, which greatly reduced its combat effectiveness; and for the fourth time, Barrett and his dwarf companions at the time tracked it for six days, wandering on the death line several times, but In the end, he brought back Caesar's head.

At that time, the head was embalmed and hung on the main entrance of the Mist Fort, where it was displayed for nearly a month. Many people, both good and bad with Barrett, sincerely congratulated him.

That hunt not only brought a lot of honors to Barret, but also brought him extremely rich rewards. In addition to the high bounty given by the Mist Castle, many noble families also gave a lot of rewards.

Because Caesar also killed many knights of the Golden Clover Knights, and many of the knights in the knights were the second sons of large and small noble families in the Griffin Kingdom.

Because the second son was unable to inherit the family property and title, he mostly came out to work hard by himself, but his blood was still the blood of the family, so Barrett could be considered to have indirectly avenged those noble families, and he felt at ease with the rewards.

Whether in terms of strength or rewards, Caesar is Barrett's most important prey, even that pseudo-dragon can't compare.

To this day, Barrett can still clearly recall the head hanging above the main entrance of the Mist Castle, and the solidified, real hatred in the eyes of the head.

All adventurers in the Bay of Pigs know that Caesar must be a four-armed ape with only a story, but no matter what his story is, no matter how deep his hatred is, it has been accompanied by death and vanished.


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