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Chapter 164: The gift of parting (Part 1)

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The gate on the west side of Yangjiao Town is covered with hard, rot-resistant elm wood with a thick layer of iron. However, both the lacquer surface and the copper plating have faded in a large area, making the door like a patient with a skin disease, covered with mottled rust.

The gates were half-closed, and the backs of half of the doors were held up with square wood, while the other half of the doors leaned slantingly against the surrounding wall, as if it had been smashed open by something brute force.

This gate is commonly called the main gate, because it faces the city of Sanye, the former capital of the Kingdom of Tomyli.

When Barrett took the little ghost all the way and was about to approach the door, a huge rusty iron hook suddenly flew out of the darkness outside the door.

With dark red to black blood on the hook, it attacked Barrett like a poisonous snake that suddenly sprang out, but it grazed his body dangerously and accurately hooked into the group of ghouls behind him. of one.

Immediately afterwards, the long iron chain carried behind the hook tensed up again, the iron hook shrank back sharply, and flew back into the darkness at the gate with this wailing unfortunate ghoul.

"Damn it!" Barrett, who was on the return route of the hook, jumped to the side very embarrassedly, avoiding the risk of being dragged by the ghoul.

"Ah, are you all right, big uncle." The little ghost floated to his side and asked with concern.

"Cough cough, I can't die for the time being." Barrett struggled to stand up from the ground while coughing.

The wound on his body was caused by the last being knocked out by the rune weapon in the previous battle. Although Viscount Fried's angry frost blow didn't really pierce his body, part of the frost damage carried by the sword still penetrated the weak magic resistance of the leather armor and hurt his internal organs. , especially the lungs.

"Oh, that's it, that's good, that's good, hee hee." Little Ghost smiled heartlessly, causing Barret to stare at her involuntarily, but Little Ghost didn't care about it.

Barritt didn't know whether the little guy in front of him hoped that he could die here and stay with her, or whether he hoped that he could live and take her away.

Maybe this problem, even the little guy can't tell the difference...

Barrett got up from the ground, patted the dust on the leather armor, and looked at the ghouls behind him. The hungry 'hyenas' had no intention of rushing towards them at this time. They stopped in place and looked a little flustered.

The next moment, Barrett saw their panicked expressions expand again.

The whistling sound of breaking through the air came again, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw the retracted iron hook flying in again from outside the gate.

The iron hook hit an unfortunate ghoul again with accuracy, and then withdrew it back into the darkness beyond the gate.

Immediately afterwards, the iron hook struck for the third time at a short interval, and then flew back with the third ghoul without fail. The rest of the ghouls let out a howl of fear, like a group of hyenas attacked by lions, fled in all directions, and disappeared into the corners of the buildings.

Barrett already knew who the attacker in the darkness was. He shook his head and walked towards the gate with a curious little ghost on his face.

When he stepped out of the half-open town gate, he happened to see the ghoul that hated Gordo holding a hook in one hand and a struggling ghoul on the hook in the other. Like a fisherman, he carefully unloaded the ghoul from the hook with his big fat hand.

On the ground at its feet, there were two other motionless ghouls with their heads tilted.

Disgusted that after seeing Barrett coming out of the gate, Gordo smiled at him quite honestly, "Hey, Barbarit, good-hearted man, every time you come, you will bring a lot of delicious food to Galdo. Yes, seriously, Gordo likes you."

"That's nothing, ahem, as long as you like it." Barrett joked, coming out of the small town made him feel a lot more relaxed, "I originally wanted to bring you a bigger one with a whole body hanging on it. Frosty guy, but unfortunately, it 'slipped away' in the end."

"Oh, it's alright, Gordo doesn't like things that are too icy, that will make Gordo's stomach always make a strange 'gurgling' sound." Hate was talking, but the things in his hands did not stop .

After carefully removing the ghoul from the hook, Gordo threw the hook to the ground. Then it grabbed the struggling body of the prey with one hand and the head of the prey with the other, letting the prey bite and scratch as hard as he could.

Then Gordo started to force with one hand, slowly twisting the ghoul's head, half circle, circle, circle and half, until the ghoul shook his body like a puppet with a broken string. , without a sound.

"Ah, it looks so ugly and scary!" The little ghost hid behind Barrett, and carefully stuck his head out from his shoulder, with a scared and curious expression on his face.

"Who is talking bad about Gordo behind his back!" Abomination turned to look at Barrett's shoulder, "Galdo is not ugly! The master said that Gordo is the most perfect, did you hear it, the most perfect!"

It roared angrily at the little ghost, "You rude little fellow, if it weren't for you being just a ghost without a body, without a bit of rotten flesh on your body, otherwise Gordo would have to eat you, and eat nothing left. Drop!" It held the motionless ghoul like a chick in its hands, and kept dangling.

"I'm not afraid of you!" The little ghost jumped out from behind Barrett, his hands floating in the air with his arms around his waist, and baring his teeth like an enraged cat, "If you dare to eat Eve, big uncle It will kill you with one sword!" At least she knew how to ask adults for help.

"No one can kill Gordor!" roared hatred, "because Gordor is the **** of war of John Thieves!"

"Shh, be quiet, everyone talk well and don't make any noise." Barret frowned, interrupting the meaningless noise of the big and small guys. In fact, you have all been under the same wizard, raised by him as a test subject, and then abandoned by him.

Your form is the same, your form is different. Your experience is the same, your experience is different. There should actually be more topics between you, not just looks, although that's the truth.

But Barrett didn't say those words because it made no sense.

To distract his hatred, he opened his mouth and asked, "Cough, I said, what are you doing? Why don't you cut these ghouls into pieces like before?"

"Because you can eat 'fresh' carrion by doing Gordo returned to normal, and introduced Barritt seriously.

"'Fresh' carrion?" Barrett wondered.

"Gordor will chain the rotten flesh on the ground one by one like this." As he said, his hands were busy, "As long as these rotten flesh remain largely intact, it won't be long before they can move again. . This way, Gordo can eat 'fresh' carrion at any time." A smug look appeared on the disgusted face.

"You know, the rotten meat that moves is actually more delicious." It went on to add seriously, "so that when you eat them, you can even feel their claws scratching your esophagus and your body in your stomach. Twisting randomly. That kind of itchy feeling, very comfortable." It showed a simple and honest smile again.

"...Oh." Barrett was expressionless, "Then you can take it easy and don't disturb you. Well, ahem, I'm going to leave, take care, see you again when you have a chance." He said insincere polite words .


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