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Chapter 179: Mysterious Ward

The grass is green and soft, and it feels like a fluffy cashmere mattress to lie on. Except for the small area where Barrett and others were located, there was a fog so thick that it couldn't be dissolved, making the barbarians think of the foggy forest.

But it's not a forest, there are no towering firs, no dangerous vines, and no thick bushes. There is nothing here, just a piece of green grass, three people and one bird standing in a daze, that's all.

"Phyllis, where are we?" the bard asked curiously.

This is a good question, second only to "Who am I?" but stronger than "What am I doing?" Barrett looked around vigilantly, but luckily he didn't find any danger.

"I think that tower spirit should have sent us out of the magic tower." Parrot guessed, "As for where this place is, I suspect it is a half plane related to the magic tower. Because of the magic here It is extremely rich, and it is very pure. This kind of magic concentration is difficult to achieve in the main material plane, and it is generally only possible in small demi-planes."

Barrett looked at the gnome mage, hoping to get some useful answers and information from him, "What do you think we should do now?" Barbarian asked.

"I don't know." The little mage was extremely frustrated. "Things are not quite what I imagined. In the materials left by my ancestors, Cortana, the Tarling, should be polite and very well-behaved. . Because Master Keen is hospitable and gentle, so is the towering he created. It's just..."

It's just that the daughter always has to grow up and go through adolescence. If her father is not around to supervise at this time, God knows what kind of personality she will form. Barrett murmured inwardly.

Just then, a voice suddenly appeared in the blue sky.

[A five-person adventure team accidentally came to a mysterious space. If they want to go out from here, they can only work hard to find the magical 'Tear of Asha' in this space, and then use the The power of this artifact returns to their original world...] The voice is a male voice, low and full of magnetism.

"Are you talking about us?" the young bard asked the voice in the sky. "But there are only four of us."

He got into the role pretty quickly.

As soon as the bard's words were finished, Barret felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a lot. Immediately afterwards, a very familiar voice appeared beside him again, "Hey, I'm finally out again."

The light-blue little ghost laughed happily around Barrett, kept spinning in circles, and made several faces in front of his eyes.

"Ah, I'm so happy, did you miss me, big uncle?" The little ghost sat on Manzi's shoulders again, looked at everyone curiously, and tilted his head to meet Phyllis the parrot very strangely. watching.

Kingfishers and parrots, there should be some topics to talk about between them.

"My name is Eve, what's your name?"

"This is, an undead?" The parrot's eyes widened, "You take an undead with you on an adventure?"

"Cough, this, this is a long story, I'll introduce it later, or pay attention to the current situation first." Barrett didn't know where to start.

At this time, the voice in the sky sounded again, [The five-person adventure team has gathered, and they looked at the surrounding environment curiously. And one of the Nords accidentally discovered something hidden in the grass. 】

I? Barrett was puzzled. Could it be that the voice was talking about the three purple crystal dice not far away? He actually discovered it long ago, but he didn't pick it up rashly.

[The Nord walks towards the hidden object curiously. 】

Barrett didn't move.

[The Nord walks towards the hidden thing. 】 The voice repeats, followed by the third, fourth, fifth time... Barritt is very upset because of the noise.

Well, it's not enough to listen to you. He walked helplessly towards the crystal dice and bent over to pick it up. At this time, he found that there was still a worn parchment scroll under the dice.

[The Nords picked up the items one by one and opened the scroll of parchment. Afterwards, he said to his companions in surprise:

Barrett did as he was, and found that the parchment scroll turned out to be an odd map. Except for marking east, west, north, south, and a small piece of grass where the five black dots are located, most of the rest of the map is blank.

[He said to his companions in surprise] The voice repeated again.

Damn, Barret glared at the sky, "This is actually a map." He said blankly.

[He said to his companions in "surprise"] The voice was emphasized.

Barrett sullen and said nothing. And the magnetic voice is unrelenting.

Don't let me know who you are, "Oh my God, this is actually a map." Barbarian forced a smile out of frustration. He hates to follow orders step by step like a circus tamer.

【map? Great! The companions were overjoyed by this discovery, and the bard also said at this time]

"Well, what should I say?" Felix's handsome face was full of dullness.

"With a map, of course, you can find the thing called 'Asha's Tears'." Parrot said clearly.

"Oh." The bard complied.

[So the 'Intruder' adventure team decided to rest for a while before preparing to set off and start their adventure] After the voice was finished, it fell silent, and it didn't sound for a long time.

Even the team names helped us come up with them, "Damn it, what's going on?" Barrett asked Theodore Flash Gold depressedly.

The little mage touched his beard, "Oh, if I'm not mistaken, there should be a huge mystical lock, which is a kind of powerful enchantment covering a wide area." He sighed and said, "I am in a book. In the books that recorded the deeds of Master Keen, I have read records about this enchantment. According to the description in the books, this should be a world of illusion between reality and reality."

"Illusion?" Everything here is fake? Barrett looked around again.

The young bard bent down and pulled up a handful of grass, stuffed it all into his mouth, and chewed like a sheep, "What a real illusion!" he exclaimed.

The parrot didn't stop it, and seemed to take it for granted.

"This is not an ordinary illusion. Although many things here are fake, there are also many real ones. Master Keen has always believed that only illusions that combine true and false can confuse people the most, rather than relying solely on magic. ." The little mage introduced, "You may not know that Mage Keen is a very great illusionist. His attainment in illusion magic is compared to the legendary mage of the Magic Association. He is known as the 'Sea of ​​Illusions'. 'His Excellency the Legendary Mage Guy Baates, don't give in too much." He said with a proud expression, and he didn't know what his pride was.

"According to the records of the books, Mage Keen tried to build the half plane where his magic tower is located into an extremely powerful mystical enchantment, but the powerful enchantment described in the records has not been completed~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The gnome mage continued, "At the end of the construction of the Mystery Chain, the magic empire just fell. Like the vast majority of legendary mages and high-level mages in the empire, Master Keen disappeared inexplicably. "

"You mean that the barrier that traps us in front of us is a half-finished product?" Barrett asked.

"It's possible." The gnome mage nodded. "Of course, it is also possible that Cortana completed the last point. After all, the entire huge Mysterious Barrier was built with the magic tower as the core. And the magic tower The core of itself is Taring Cortana."

"So if we don't do what she says, we'll never get out?" Barrett concluded.

"Theoretically, this is the case." The little mage did not deny it. "What can I say, at least she didn't kill us as soon as she came up. We all know that she has such strength."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's set off and leave this **** place as soon as possible." Barrett sorted out his leather armor and prepared his weapons, "Since she wants us to conduct a so-called adventure trial, then we can only can do it."

"So, where are we going, big uncle?" the little ghost on his shoulder asked.

"Is this..."

At this time, there was a voice in the sky again, [The 'Intruder' adventure team is ready to set off, but they don't know where they should go. The journey ahead is complicated and confusing, where should you take the first step? Just when they were frowning, there was a sudden call from a distance, and it seemed that someone was shouting "help"]

"Help!" A heart-wrenching shout came as scheduled in the thick fog, "Is there anyone? Help me!"


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