Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 186: Strange Mojo

[In Greenwick Village, the 'Intruder' adventure team luckily learned the clues about 'Asha's Tears' from the mouth of an unnamed village chief. After a short rest, they followed the guidance of the clues and embarked on a new journey again. In the vast hilly land, they need to avoid the overwhelming large fire ants, need to overcome the cunning and dangerous pack of wolves, and from time to time all kinds of ferocious animals rushing out from the bushes, rock crevices, and burrows...]

"Damn it, don't run any further! Run a circle and escape to me!" Barrett shouted with a long sword in hand, trying to catch up with the bard in front of him.

"But, it's right behind me!" After running, the bard turned his head and glanced at the two-meter-long ferocious wolverine that was chasing him, and then he was frightened faster. a bit.

The distance between the bard and the wolverine was less than half a meter. Felix was worried that he would be thrown to the ground by this guy because he turned, so he did not listen to Barrett's advice.

The grumpy wolverine dodged nimbly, dodged the attack of the little ghost, and barked its teeth to frighten the parrot Phyllis from getting too close, and then continued to persistently chase the prey in front of it - the bard.

Barrett, who followed closely behind them, did not expect Felix, the handsome but creamy boy, to run so fast, nor did he expect that the ferocious wolverine would ignore everyone else, and just wanted to "kiss" with all his heart. Felix's ass.

Could it be that this is a female wolverine? The barbarian pondered to himself and admired the charm of the bard.

Taking advantage of the gap between the little ghost harassing the ferocious Wolverine, Felix the Good Runner made a dangerous and dangerous turn, successfully turned around and ran towards Barrett.

And the ferocious wolverine behind him took advantage of the situation to swipe at his **** with his claws, but fortunately only smashed the brown cloak covered with flowers.

"Hello, Captain Barritt, the guy behind will be handed over to you." The bard passed Barritt and hid behind the barbarian.

Barrett clenched the 'Iron Bride' with both hands, and when the vicious wolverine rushed over, he found an opportunity to slash sideways and cut the persistent vicious wolverine into two pieces. Then he stepped forward to make up a sword, granting this guy relief.

"Huh, it's really been a long time since I exercised like this!" The bard had a silly smile on his face, and stood with his hands on his waist, panting slightly.

"You're running really fast!" Little Gloomy Soul praised heartily, "I almost couldn't catch up in the air."

"It's nothing." The bard showed his signature disgusting smile, but there were no people around who knew how to appreciate it, "The last time I was chased by Nytia's husband with a group of people, I ran faster than this. How fast! And that time was even more thrilling than this time, there were many people besieging me, and the man threatened to break all three of my legs, but I only have two legs, he must have been mad at that time , that's why I made such a simple mistake. But I just sang with Nitya in the room, and I don't know why he was so angry at that time. I think he must have misunderstood me, but I don't blame him ."

"That's because the man came back in time, otherwise..." Parrot stopped on Barrett's shoulder and said in a helpless tone, "I told you not to be alone with those women, but you just didn't listen. It was the same in the villages before. Well, one day, you will…”

"What will I do?"

You will understand what you have missed.

Barrett put the weapon back in his waist, walked over to the bard with a blank face, opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he just reached out and patted his shoulder without saying anything.

At this time, Barrett and his party were on their way to the 'Berlan Forest'.

Because the locations of the first and second items are both on the east side of Greenwick Village, and the distance is not too far apart, they plan to get these two items first, then return to the village to rest, and then go to the north of the village Take the third sample from the volcano, then go back to the village for a second rest, and finally go to get the blood of the black dragon. Before taking the blood of the black dragon, it depends on the situation and decides whether to challenge the village chief.

The journey along the way was not very peaceful. They were first attacked by a group of arrow eagles. Barret was also injured a little because he wanted to protect the gnome mage. Then they encountered an iron-backed bear, but this time There was no fighting between the two sides, the barbarian and the violent bear looked at each other, and after a stalemate for a while, they separated peacefully.

There are surprisingly many ferocious animals on the hills, and they will pop out from every corner from time to time, attacking the members of the team, just like what the slaughtered wolverine did. Fortunately, our barbarian adventurers have excellent perception and can detect most of them in time, so there are no serious consequences.

In the distance behind the bard, a small dot was slowly approaching, the panting gnome mage Theodore Shiningjin. Because he was reluctant to use the 'flying technique' that he could only use once a day on the magic jewelry, the master who controlled the magic could only walk with his short legs and chase everyone little by little.

While waiting for the little wizard, Barrett took the large necklace of troll fangs from the chest and handed it to the bard.

"Take it, I think you need this." Barbarian said lightly.

The bard obediently put the necklace around his neck before asking, "What's it for?"

"It reduces your chances of being harassed," Barrett said. "Harassment in every sense..."

[Fear Necklace - The Wailing of the Greenskin: It consists of 12 goblin tendons and 36 troll fangs in series. The pendant hanging in the middle is an orc crystallized eye. Inside the eye-shaped pendant, a lot of green-skinned creatures' remnants are sealed, so there will be spooky screams from time to time, which is creepy. 】

[Effect: Charisma -5, intermittently stuns surrounding creatures, and doubles the effect on green-skinned creatures. But there is also a very small chance that it will provoke them, so that they will not die. 】

[Note: If one day I become old and ugly, UU reading www. uukanshu. com will you still love me? 】

In addition to this necklace, the other two items that Barrett identified were:

[Obsidian Battle Axe: A battle axe carefully polished from high-grade obsidian. The blade of the axe is very sharp, but due to the texture itself and the lack of magical protection, the battle axe looks a bit fragile like glass, and is easily damaged by direct impact with steel weapons. 】

[Effect: Undead natural enemies. This battle axe will cause unimaginable amounts of damage to undead creatures. 】

[Note: In a certain plane, obsidian is also called dragon crystal. 】

And the bottle of light blue strange liquid is a strange thing called 'Magic'.

[Troll's durable magic essence: This light blue, slightly viscous liquid contained in a glass bottle is the magic essence of jungle trolls. Somebody took the goblins out of these ugly green-skinned monsters and put them in bottles. There is also a small line on the seal on the bottle mouth - 'In those long and difficult days...']

[You must want to ask, 'Hey, brother, look at this familiar sticky feeling, what the **** is a mojo? ', I have to say, that's a good question. However, put away that ambiguous smile on your face, it's not what you think. Mojo is actually some kind of extracted life essence, or the materialized manifestation of soul essence. It is not limited to some strange liquid form, but may also be in other forms. For example, the golden light sealed in the bottle, or a shriveled and withered heart, etc. 】

[Effect: After taking this magic essence, 50 soul energy will be directly obtained. 】

[Note: 'I'm going to **** your mojo dry! ’]

Whether to drink it or not? In fact, Barrett's heart has been hesitant.

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