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Chapter 188: The Treant of Belleland Forest (Part 2)

They were not welcome in Belleland Forest, Barrett could feel it.

Every flower here is screaming at them, "Go away, you executioners!"; every tree is screaming at them angrily, "Get out of here, invaders, or you will be crushed. !"

But even so, Barrett and others still walked firmly towards the depths of the jungle.

Don't worry, I will leave. Just, I need to get a little something out of here before that. The barbarian thought to himself.

It wasn't smooth sailing at all. The giant mantis hiding in the shadows tried to use the pair of serrated sharp guillotine knives on its forelimbs to divide Barrit and others into three (two guillotine knives, naturally three sections); the sharp-toothed owl bear blocked in the direction of travel, I want to tear them to pieces and swallow them.

Of course, there are also hospitality in the woods. The Scale Lizard swooped down from the treetops, intending to give them a big hug, and the Deep Moss Spider was about to invite them to dinner, only hoping it would make them dress up a little more...

The creatures in the forest treated Barrett and his party in various "different attitudes", but they did not have much effect. Because our barbarian adventurer is in this team, he uses his rich adventure experience to lead everyone to move forward.

[After a series of fierce battles, the intruder squad is getting closer and closer to their target. Right now, they only need to change direction one more time, and they can successfully reach where the treeman Rum is. However, will they be able to learn the right direction this time? Or do you need to hang around in the forest for a while longer? 】

As soon as the voice in the air fell, a purple number appeared in front of Barrett and the others again——[10]

"Throw it," Barrett said to Felix the bard. "It doesn't matter if you fail, it's just a few more laps in the woods."

The young bard closed his eyes reverently, put his right hand holding the amethyst dice on his forehead, and muttered something in his mouth.

Barrett is extremely bad at throwing dice. He initially tried three or four times, and all failed, he planned to give the dice to the dwarf mage Theodore Shiningjin, and let him do this job where success and failure can only be left to fate.

But the little mage didn't like this kind of childish game, so he refused without hesitation. So the three purple crystal dice finally fell into the hands of the young bard.

After three heartbeats, the bard suddenly opened his eyes, with a resolute expression on his face, and shouted, "Sister Agatha bless me!"

Immediately afterwards, he threw the dice in his hand without hesitation.

Barrit did not squat down like the bard and the little ghost to check the numbers on the dice, because the purple [10] in the air has now turned into an arrow, pointing to the north. Deep in the jungle.

"Did it work?" the bard's voice came from behind. "I can't find the third die. Did you notice where I threw it?"

"Here, stick here." Followed by the happy voice of the little ghost, "It is glowing under this grass."

"3, 6, 5, equals, um..." Felix pondered, "Think about it."

"I know, it's equal to 14!" Little Ghost replied eagerly.

"Are you sure?" the bard asked suspiciously.

After counting twice with his fingers, the little ghost said with certainty, "It's 14!!"

"14 is greater than 10, I succeeded again! I have succeeded in a row..." The bard pondered carefully, but did not find the answer, "successful several times. I am really amazing!"

"Let's go, brother poet, big uncle, they are all gone!"


In the sky, Phyllis the parrot hovered above Barrett's head for two times and landed on his shoulder, "Huh, I'm exhausted, I haven't really been flying for a long time like a bird for a long time. The front is quite calm. , did not find any 'welcomers', it seems that the creatures in this forest have given up their blocking behavior."

Is it because before the big battle, the challengers are always given a little time to breathe? Barrett made irresponsible guesses in his heart.

But no matter what, he was quite confident in killing an ordinary tree man.

After resting for a while, Phyllis the parrot spread her wings again, slammed Barrett's shoulder with her claws, and returned to the air to investigate.

The journey that followed was indeed as the parrot Phyllis said, and no monsters came to harass them. Barrett and his party followed the direction of the arrow, and they went all the way smoothly.

After about a cup of tea, the parrot landed on Barrett's shoulder again. Phyllis said nervously to everyone, "I saw it, it's right in front!"

"That tree man named Rum?" Barrett asked.

The parrot nodded, "Isn't that the only tree man left in this forest? If nothing else, it should be him. But I have to remind you in advance that this tree man is really a common man. Partner."

"No matter how tall the trees are, they will be burned to ashes by the flames." Barrett said lightly. He pulled the 'Iron Bride' from his waist, handed it to Theodore Shining Gold again, and said to the little mage, "Get ready to fight, I guess we have to fight a tough battle, and those who can really play should be It's just you and me, so be careful."

Actually, I meant to say it's just me, Barrett. However, if the little mage can successfully send a few more 'scorching rays' from a distance, it should cause a lot of damage to the big guy.

"Hum, don't panic, I'm here. I haven't done much on the way, now, I want that tree man to take a good look at me!" The gnome mage said while taking out a piece of lemon from the space ring Large, amber-like spar. A faint orange-red streamer flashed through the spar, as if a flame was constantly burning inside.

Your strength is not very good, but there are quite a few strange equipment. Barret stared enviously at the little mage's space ring, it seems that your ancestors really left you a legacy.

Just as Barrett and others were preparing for battle, the trees in front of them suddenly began to slowly move to the sides, and a spacious forest path appeared in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a voice like a dull thunder said to them, "Come here, interlopers, don't bring more disasters to the forest."

who is talking? The tree man? After Barrett and the others looked at each other, they walked forward slowly. After walking for less than 100 meters, the figure of the tree man Rum finally appeared in front of everyone.

It was a tall humanoid tree with limbs and a head, with lush foliage on its head, and a bark-like face covered with folds and moss. It sits on the ground with two tree-trunk-like arms on its knees, but even sitting, its height is more than 5 meters.

The emerald-shaped eyes of the Treant had the kind of aura unique to intelligent creatures. It looked at Barrett and the others with exhaustion and sadness in its eyes.

"You, are you here to get the sap from the heart of the tree?" It said slowly, and its voice roared above everyone's heads.

"Uh, yes." Barrett looked up. "Just a little."

Wisdom often means being able to communicate, and being able to communicate can lead to negotiation, and if negotiation is satisfactory to both parties, there is a good chance that there will be no fighting in the end.

Of course, Barrett isn't too sure about this, because if someone wanted some blood in his heart, he'd say nothing, and a typical negotiation would go something like this:

"Isn't it enough to cut the blood of the little finger?"


"Okay, then I can only **** you."

However, the tree man in front of him didn't seem to want to fight, at least Barritt didn't sense the slightest desire to fight or killing intent from the opponent.

"Put the flames out, you will get what you want." The tree man Rum looked at the fire beauty in Barrett's hand, "I just hope you don't make more killings when you leave."

"...That's it?" Barrett asked suspiciously, "I mean, why are you so simple, give us that tree heart sap, don't you ask for anything else? Wouldn't it hurt you? "Or, is there a conspiracy here?

"If death doesn't count as harm, it really won't affect me in any Rum's bark lips opened and closed.

"Death? So serious?" The other party's attitude made Barritt feel a little embarrassed. "This, in fact, as I said, we only need a little bit, just a little bit."

The village chief did not stipulate the specific amount of tree heart sap, so it should be more or less.

"Death is not a terrible thing, but a long period of loneliness is even more frightening. In these long and unknowable years, I guarded this forest alone, but I just kept bringing more damage to it. "The tree man Rum's tone was full of sadness. "I should have followed in the footsteps of my people. Eternal sleep may be the best destination."

More damage? Is this talking about us? Or, what else?

"Cough, this..." Barret coughed a little, not knowing what to say. He turned his head to look at the others, and found that the little ghost was pouting, and his face was wrinkled, as if he was about to cry. The bard held the lyre on the back in his hand and played it gently, and the expressions of the others were also full of embarrassment.

Alas, isn't it good to have a good fight?

"If my death can help you in the end, that's a good thing. I just hope that after this, you can leave quietly."

The Treant Rum stretched an arm to his chest. It roared in pain, and with the sound of trees breaking, a wooden heart was held in Lum's hands.

With a hint of relief in its sad expression, it stretched out its arm holding the heart of the tree in front of everyone, and then slowly fell down.

A gust of wind blew and the whole forest rustled, accompanied by the bard's mournful tune, like, weeping.


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