Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 199: camping

When Barrett and the little ghost just arrived at Ngoro Volcano, the time wine was approaching evening. But the sky was still bright at that time, and the darkness was blocked from view.

The adventures throughout the volcano are tight and intense, but don't take too long. After successfully getting the magma, Barrett accidentally picked it up... No, after saving a strange woman, he started his return journey.

The lark fell silent, and the nightingale began to sing. Everyone didn't walk on the 'Chemoran Hills' for a long time, and the sky was completely dark.

It's not wise to drive overnight. If Barrett brought a little ghost, he might choose to do so, but there is still one wounded in the team, so camping in the wild is inevitable.

He chose to shelter on the hills under a lone giant, a tall oak tree over a hundred years old, as the campsite for tonight.

Dinner is quite simple. Because the tear sedge has been used up long ago, and the barbarians do not want to entertain new friends in this strange place, the thick slices of bread and the cured venison jerky become the protagonists tonight, while the supporting roles are It was goat cheese and white beer, and the final curtain caller was vanilla biscuits and carrots.

Barrett was quite busy during this time, and never seriously replenished the space ring with the food that he usually used for adventures, so there are not many kinds of food in the ring now. Of course, the corpses of monsters can also be used as reserve food in many cases, but it will be troublesome to cook.

By the bonfire, Barrett, as usual, began to maintain every weapon of his own after the battle; the little ghost ran to a pond not far away and played with the frogs.

The little ghost sank his translucent spiritual body into the pond, only showing his two eyes. She and a sharp-horned tree frog on the edge of the pond looked at each other. You called, I called, and they had a lot of fun.

As for the mysterious injured woman Theresa, she sat quietly beside the bonfire like a rabbit, biting her carrots in small bites.

"Well, do you have any salt?" she asked Barrett.

This is already the third one you've eaten, and if Carrot sees you eating its stock like this, the ill-tempered young pony will be furious. Moreover, why eat carrots with salt?

Barrett handed over the salt shaker, "Where are you from?" He asked casually while playing with the bonfire.

Theresa raised her head to look at Barrett with a smile in her eyes, "Guess what, I'll give you three chances!"

Three chances? Too many, "Reavik." Barbarian said his answer easily.

"My God, how did you know!" The woman straightened her body and exclaimed, then frowned, as if touching the wound.

Is there a reward for guessing right? I'm not a greedy person, just a little reward. "Actually, it's not hard to guess, it just takes a little skill." Because this is the only answer I have, I know two places, and you're not from the village yet.

"You are really smart!"

Hehe, it was the first time someone praised me for being smart, and the barbarian couldn't help but feel a little complacent. "After your injury is healed, how will you go back from the village? The distance on this road shouldn't be too close, can you do it yourself?" More importantly, where is that town?

"You really don't know?" Theresa raised her eyebrows slightly, expressing doubts about Barrett's question for the second time.

But doubts did not make her let go of the movements in her hands. I saw that the woman sprinkled salt on the carrots, and then carefully roasted and roasted the carrots by the bonfire, and finally put the carrots that had been roasted and wrinkled on the surface into her mouth. Chew little by little.

"Should I know?" Barrett turned his head to look. In the darkness, the pair of semi-circles still exposed to the air were glistening with the afterglow of the bonfire.

"Could it be that you came from outside?" Theresa exclaimed a little, but didn't care about Manzi's rude eyes.

Barrett reluctantly took his eyes back and moved to the bonfire, "Outside? If you mean outside of this space, then my answer is, 'Yes'." He didn't want to hide anything, "Just like you As I thought, I actually don't know anything about this place, and I don't even know how I got here in the first place. But anyway, I at least know how to leave - 'Tears of Asha', have you heard of this thing? ?"

Theresa looked at Barrett with bright eyes, nodded lightly, and said in an indescribable tone, "That's a key, you can use it to get out of here, or you can use it to choose Stay, and go somewhere else, like Rayavik..."

After she finished speaking, she casually folded her long hair on her temples with her hands, and then began to gently hum an unnamed song like a nightingale:

"The lost will not be confused by fate;

They only feel sad in their dreams because of their thoughts;

distant homeland, dilapidated houses,

The beauty of the past is treasured there;

Is the recliner in front of the stove still shaking slightly,

The flames in the furnace were still radiant;

The long river of time is always flowing slowly,

But some people climbed the promenade on both sides of the strait;

The lost have not yet despaired,

The lost are gradually forgotten;

The lost are safe and sound,

Lost people just run away.


The song is melodious, with a trace of indescribable sadness.

Barrett had a hundred more questions he wanted to ask, but he kept them all in his heart. He is not Phyllis the parrot, and his curiosity about these secrets is not high. Also, he's always been able to keep his curiosity in check.

I'm just a passerby here, he said to himself in his heart.

"Hey, the song you sing is really nice." Little Ghost ran over at some point. She sat idly on the oak branch above Barrett's head, her calves swaying slightly.

"Then can you promise not to bite me?" Theresa raised her head and looked at the little ghost with a smile.

"Well..., if you can be like me, always obedient in front of the big uncle, then I won't bite you!" Little Gloomy Soul tilted his head and said.

"Do you want me to be obedient?" Teresa looked at Barrett with a smile, causing the latter to cough endlessly in embarrassment.

"Well, take a rest, we'll be on our way tomorrow." He made the bonfire smaller, but it would burn longer.

"how about you?"

"I'll be on duty at night, and Eve will help me in the middle of the night. You just need to rest." Barret leaned against the oak trunk.

" you." The woman said with a smile on her face. Then she moved slowly to Barrett's side again, snuggled lightly, and closed her eyes.

There seems to be a red-haired girl who once silently hugged me on such a dark night. What is her name?

The next day, Barrett and the others continued their journey after having a brief breakfast.

Because of her injury, Theresa was a bit inconvenient to move, and coupled with the fire ants and ferocious animals that began to show their presence, they didn't travel very fast. Barret had no choice but to move forward by surrounding Theresa in order to increase his speed.

In the end, when the night just fell, after a lot of hard work, they returned to Greenwick Village quite embarrassed.


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