Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 201: Little science of dragon clan

The next day, Barrett was discussing with the rest of the team how to obtain the fourth item—the blood of the black dragon.

He could imagine that the final acquisition of this item would be extraordinarily dangerous. Because the word "dragon" itself seems to have power.

They are undoubtedly a powerful and graceful creature. Terrifying, yet fascinating. These ancient creatures often appear in various adventure stories or legendary ballads, along with their coveted wealth, including themselves, of course.

This creature soars in the sky with its broad dragon wings on its shoulder bones, scorns all creatures on the ground with its icy vertical pupils, and sweeps all adventurers who want to steal their wealth with its terrifying dragon breath.

There are more and more books on this creature than there are adventurers in the Bay of Pigs. The gnome mage said he had read no less than a hundred books devoted to the study of dragons and their derivatives.

There are volumes cataloguing their complex groups. Although the number of five-color dragons and metal dragons is the largest, these two categories are not enough to summarize all the categories of dragons. In addition to them, there are also disaster dragons, abyss dragons, rainbow dragons, plane dragons, fog dragons, and so on.

There are also special studies on their body structure. This huge creature is the largest known flying species on the Material Plane. Their bones are strong but light, their muscular systems are strong and complex, and their claws that can easily tear through steel and inwardly curved teeth, As well as the tough and beautiful dragon scales, each part can be studied in a separate volume, or even a whole set.

Of course, the description of habits is even more indispensable. Dragons eat all kinds of minerals, from common to precious, their teeth can easily crush hard ores, and they also eat fish, cattle, sheep, and other kinds of living things.

In folklore, they also seem to have a special penchant for virgins. Of course, whether those virgins were used to eat, or how to "eat" it, it's not quite sure.

After all, this kind of creature is countless times more fond of the beneficial physical and mental activities of "sexing" than humans, and it is definitely the type that does not refuse to come. Not only that, but dragons have a strong bloodline that allows them to breed offspring with almost any species, any! ! Even kobolds and goblins have thin dragon blood.

Alas, when it comes to this, I have to mention the magical protagonist of the mage in "Wood's Biography". The third volume of the book records that Valk Wood fought a full-grown red dragon for three hundred rounds, and finally conquered the red dragon named 'Verastasza', serving as a man for a period of time. "Dragon Rider".

According to legend, Valk Wood and the red dragon did not use human form for their activities like other people, the dragon's love partner, and they even used dragon form and 'giant magic' (someone Describe it more like a landslide), and try other different types of "knowledge" through the unique ability of adult dragons to change shape.

Of course, the specifics and details are elusive.


Although Barrett has killed a pseudo-dragon, he has never seen a real dragon. According to the gnome mage, before the Magic Empire, there were still a lot of such creatures, and it often happened that a powerful adult dragon would burn down an entire city, or even occupy a small human country.

But now, the number of such creatures has been quite rare. Some of them moved to other planes in the multiverse, and the other part settled on the highest peak of the continent, 'Eros', on the edge of the alpine kingdom Perello, and some of them turned into human figures and quietly walking in the human world...

The dwarf mage Theodore Shining Gold first briefly introduced the knowledge related to dragons to everyone. Although everyone seems to know a little about this creature, it has only a vague concept, let alone fighting dragons, so it is still necessary to do so.

"To be clear," said Phyllis the parrot, "we don't really need to kill the black dragon. In fact, we don't have the ability. We only need to break its scales and get a small amount of dragon blood. Can."

In fact, Barrett still wanted to live up to his previous nickname, "Dragon Slayer", but he also knew that the current team did not have the strength to slay dragons, and the one sleeping in the swamp The black dragon is not comparable to the pseudo-dragon that he killed alone before, and can't even know the dragon's breath.

"But it's also not an easy task." The gnome mage added, "The strength of the dragon scale is unimaginable. It is very difficult for us to break it open, and most dragons have strong magic resistance."

He spread his hands with a helpless expression, "I'm only a second-level mage, and even if I rely on magic accessories, I can only leapfrog the ability to use 4th-level spells. If the black dragon in the swamp is an adult, I'm worried about mine. Magic may be of no use at all."

And compared with human mages, the damage your magic can cause is too low, Barret shook his head inwardly.

"Let me break the dragon scales." He stroked the hilt of the sword at his waist, feeling the excitement of the 'Iron Bride' about to taste the dragon's blood, "but this is not our only difficulty. The dragon Unlike other monsters, the key is that it can fly. I am worried that this black dragon will not fight us on the ground, but will fly into the air and give us a bath with dragon breath, just hope it just comes out of the egg It didn't take long to climb out..."

"Cerelios is an ancient dragon that is nearly a thousand years old." Theresa came down from the attic, walked to Barrett's side, and gently leaned against him, "You snored so loudly last night." She complained softly .

Barrett did live in the attic with Theresa last night, but nothing happened. It's not that Barbarian doesn't want to happen, it's that Teresa's injuries prevent him from doing it.

Unlike Theresa, the red-haired girl, Barrett doesn't have to marry her at least, and she doesn't have to dream of a quiet life on a farm with her. Pure desire seems to be what he and the woman in front of him want, but the timing is rather unfortunate.

I don't know if it's because of family factors, but in short, Barrett has always had an inexplicable fear in his heart for that kind of firm and long-lasting relationship, but he likes the situation where he can pat his **** and leave after he is done. .

"You mean, we are not only dealing with an adult black dragon, but also an ancient dragon that is nearly a thousand years old?" The little mage asked with wide eyes.

Theresa nodded, "But don't worry too much, because Cyrelios is imprisoned in the 'Kanda Swamp'. The magic chain extending from the deepest part of the swamp is wrapped around its neck, As a result, it can't fly, and it can't move in a large area. So, what you have to do is to first clean up the servants such as lizards, trolls, swamp hag, etc. around it, and then you can only stay in place with Seri. Rios fights."

The woman was still wearing one of Barrett's tights, but no one cared about it at this time, because everyone was listening carefully to Theresa's introduction to the imprisoned black dragon.

"Cerelios, like other black dragons, not only uses ferocious claws and bites during battle, but also spit out strong acid dragon breath. There are two forms of its dragon breath, one is distance Very close, semi-circular scattering; and the other is long-distance, thick line-like direct. Acid is extremely corrosive and can also cause damage to weapons and armor, so be careful."

"Not only that, Cerrillios will also release a large number of disease swarms, if there is no magical protection, the disease swarms are almost impossible to resist. And it can also create an acidic dark area, in this Creatures in the area will not only be plunged into darkness, unable to tell their but also continue to take corrosive damage."

"It seems that this black dragon knows a lot." Barrett shook his head with a wry smile. "I just hope that the dragon scales on its body can be broken smoothly, otherwise we will only have to be beaten continuously."

"Cerrelios has other weaknesses besides being unable to fly." Theresa turned to look at Barritt, "It has a scar on its back, and there is a dragon scale on the scar that has been smashed many times. It hasn't gotten better. You can try to break its scales from there and get its blood."

"How do you know so much?" the parrot Phyllis asked.

"Because, like you, I went to the swamp to find it. It's just that I made a different choice." She touched Barrit's face and whispered, "Remember, I told you last night. said."


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