Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 203: Kanda Swamp (below)

This man with a short goatee and always smiling is the priest 'Joshua' in the parrot Phyllis, but his outfit is more like a sailor than a priest. , or pirates. Especially when Phyllis the parrot landed on his shoulders.

However, although the priest's clothes are somewhat casual, he can indeed perform some magic. By praying to the nameless **** in his heart, he can obtain specific magical effects through specific prayers.

Yes, you read that right, nameless god.

This is because Joshua, the priest, does not know the name of the deity he serves. The man with the goatee said he should have known before, should. It's just that it may have been forgotten later, maybe.

But no matter what, Joshua said that his beliefs are still very pious, and the **** in his heart seems to be very talkative. Even if the believers don't even know their own names, they still respond generously to the prayers of the believers.

"Injured? No." Barrett shook his head. "This guy isn't enough to hurt me. If it's on the shore, I wouldn't even take five breaths to deal with it. I've killed monsters many times stronger than it. ."

This is not habitual bragging, as the giant crocodile on the shore will move more slowly, while the barbarian will be more agile.

"I remember that the most powerful monster I killed was a powerful beholder." Goatee said with a smile, "but I can't remember exactly **** it. Although I do know one or two kinds of aggressive gods. spells, but they weren't enough to hurt the beholder. Of course, that could have been in a dream."

Beholder? After the establishment of the Magic Empire, the beholders in the Material Plane were almost extinct, Barrett once heard a familiar mage say so. And the only beholder known to be alive now lives on Al Safir, the city in the sky.

"Look, I found a really big snail." The bard Felix's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Let me see, where is it?" The little ghost who was on guard at the end of the team ran to the bard curiously and asked.

"It's at my feet!" The bard plunged his hands into the water and held out a snail the size of a pineapple. "I thought this thing was a stone, but when I passed it, it suddenly bit me."

The young man turned the opening of the big snail to the crowd, and on the special soft body inside the brown-black shell, there was indeed a row of tight small teeth.

"It won't eat you, but you can try it for dinner today," Barrett said.

Massive cattail stalks and crocodile meat, snails and green prawns everywhere, two white storks caught on the road and eels in their mouths. Manzi has already decided on the recipe for tonight.

He often eats roasted pigeon meat, but he has never tasted roasted white stork. It should be similar to wild duck meat, Barrett thought.

Then he took out the map and waved to the parrot in the sky.

"We're... and should be here," he said to Phyllis, who was on his shoulders, "and the black dragon is..., here. We're nearly two days away from it. If this If you have to wade in the water for two days."

"I hate creeks, I hate rivers, I hate these swamps that are all shallow, and it's not muddy yet," the little mage complained. "We should build a bigger raft, at least watertight. I feel my ten All the toes are swollen, and the gaps between the toes seem to be covered with sphagnum moss."

"Be content, at least you have a leaky raft to ride on, and we can only wade forward," Barrett said.

No one in this group of people can build a raft, including the barbarian himself.

Before this adventure, Barrett had never fought in the waters like this before, and he was also inexperienced in this kind of adventure.

When they first came to this swamp, the first wetland giant crocodile approached quietly, almost causing casualties in the team. Fortunately, the giant crocodile was heading for the bard at the beginning, and the young man's running speed in the water was actually very fast, and his agility again exceeded Barrit's imagination.

Handsome, fast, and singing melodious songs, this guy is destined to be the public enemy of men in the future, Barrett thought.

In addition to crocodiles, there are many other monsters in Kanda Swamp. Our barbarian adventurers were also entertained by a group of murlocs from the reed grass.

Those murlocs hid in the reeds, screaming and screaming, and threw sharpened fishbone javelins and stones at Barrett and the others. But when the barbarians chased after them and wanted to teach them a lesson, they found that they didn't know when, they swam to another cattail bush in the distance, and continued to harass.

In the end, Barrett's resonating battle axe cooperated with the little mage's fire magic, and after igniting several reed bushes, it took a lot of effort to finally wipe out all the murlocs.

At that time, there was a rather tempting aroma of grilled fish in the air, which made Barrett even have the urge to go forward and cut a murloc's leg to taste it.

But he never did. Are murlocs intelligent? He didn't know, but he didn't want to make himself uncomfortable. Anyway, Barrett is particularly disgusted with eating intelligent races.

"Although it's still early, we still need to find an open space without water to take a break." He turned his head and said to Phyllis, "Keeping going in the water makes everyone a little tired."

Not only the little mage, but Barrett also felt very uncomfortable with his feet in his dragonskin boots. Fortunately, it was summer. Although the shallow water was slightly cool, it was not unbearable. Otherwise, it would be difficult to walk through the Kanda swamp, let alone obtaining dragon blood.

" Leave it to me." The parrot nodded and flew from Barrett's shoulders, looking for a place to rest and camp for everyone.

But even in the dark night when the sun had receded, they still could not find a small ideal open space. Not even a shred of land to stand on. The vast Kanda swamps are all buried in shallow waters that are not too deep, without any exceptions.

However, Barrett and the others could only choose to be like birds, making "nests" on the branches of some stout cedar trees. Although sleeping in a tree is uncomfortable, it is at least a lot better than sleeping in water. After Barrett tied everyone to the tree with ropes, he let the magic rope tie himself up. In this way, even if he encounters danger, he can deal with it as soon as possible.

In this way, Barrett and his party went through the Kanda Swamp for two more days. At noon on the third day, the parrot who was scout in the sky suddenly flew back and told everyone that it had seen the black dragon.


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