Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 207: Midsummer Begins

The center of the continent, the "prosperous land" of alien races in the human world, the reflection of the floating city - the city-state of Muya.

In a blacksmith shop called 'Metal Moan', the dwarf forge master 'Ger Stronghammer' sat on a high chair near the window in the back room, drinking a glass of malt beer quite comfortably and enjoying a rare treat. leisure time.

Strong Hammer is the surname of the dwarves. Most of the dwarves with this surname are good at crafting sophisticated weapons and armor, and there have been many world-famous forging masters. Gere Qianghammer's own forging craftsmanship is also extremely good. Although it is not one of the best in the entire Muya city-state, it is definitely ranked.

The midsummer season is approaching, making the temperature on weekdays hotter and hotter. There is nothing more comforting in these days than a cold glass of ale.

The oak wine glass engraved with frost patterns in Geer Qianghammer's hand is not a common thing. The constant zero-ring spell 'freezing ray' on it can continuously cool the wine in the glass. It is really the first choice for summer heat.

It's just that this magic wine glass needs to be recharged by the alchemist who sold it every six months. The recharge price of ten gold coins each time is a little painful.

It's not impossible to find other familiar mages to recharge on their behalf, after all, even magic apprentices can do simple tasks like recharging. However, because the constant magic circle in the wine glass is printed with the alchemy mage's own unique "secret magic mark", if other magicians charge it on their behalf, there is a certain danger that the magic wine cup will be damaged.

Alas, the wizards of the sub-alchemy faction are getting more and more good at doing business, the master dwarf blacksmith shook his head, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from the cunning merchants.

Forget it, good times are not the time to think about these things. Geer Qianghame took a beautiful sip of the malt wine from the glass, and the cold liquid flowed down his esophagus into his stomach, making the pores of his body open with relief.

Most of the dwarves give other races the impression of being rude, loyal and stubborn. They speak loudly and like to laugh out loud. The master blacksmith is often accompanied by molten fire and anvil. In terms of popularity and enthusiasm, it is one of them. The best.

But Gore Stronghammer was not among them.

He is a well-mannered dwarf (thinks himself), and likes to read in his spare time, and likes to read the collections of prose and poetry written by human and elven poets. Because poetry will make people empty themselves and gain a special peace and concentration in the mind, which is also of great benefit to forging equipment.

Before every time he opened his furnace to forge special equipment, Gore Stronghammer would read several chapters of poems to find inspiration for swinging his hammer, which is his unique forging technique.

The famous poet Chongshu Qian once said this: "If you take a bath, look at a flower, and eat a meal, if you feel happy, it is not all because of a clean bath, good flowers, or good vegetables. Your taste, mainly because you have nothing in your heart."

Geer Qianghammer was in such a state of mind right now—there was nothing mundane in his heart, accompanied by fine wine in his hand, and the pleasant sound of hammering iron, and the sweaty pedestrians outside the window made him feel an indescribable joy in his heart.

When it is pouring rain outside, I drink inside the house; when it snows outside, I drink inside; when the sun is shining outside, I drink inside...

Presumably, this is what poets often say, the state of "no desire and no desire". Geer Qianghammer felt that he seemed to have a new understanding of life.

He heard that his apprentice, the forest troll 'Cecile', was beating iron faithfully outside. He was a hard-working young man who never slacked off, and his weapons were barely eye-catching. Strong Hammer is quite satisfied with him.

He plans to teach his unique forging skills in a few years, and give Cecil a few hardcover collections of prose and poetry.

Cecil wasn't actually the original name of the forest troll. His original name seemed to be 'what the rake', which Geer Stronghammer didn't remember. He only vaguely remembered this diligent young man, who seemed to be the son of a troll clan leader.

But in the Muya city-state, no matter what kind of identity you were originally, no matter what your previous surname was, these are meaningless. After being trained and brainwashed by human mages, these originally barbaric aliens must accept their new identities in order to live normally here.

If there is no way to accept the new self, it can only disappear silently.

Of course, races such as dwarves, elves, and gnomes are not included in the training of human mages. After all, everyone has been "good neighbors" for thousands of years, and they get along very well with each other, even if there is a little friction occasionally.

Suddenly, the sound of hammering outside was interrupted, and it seemed that there were guests in the blacksmith shop.

"Metal Moan" is especially famous for weapons and shields, so there are not many guests on weekdays. However, the average guest Cecil could handle it himself, and he didn't need Geer Qianghammer to come forward to receive it.

The master blacksmith was thinking about the large piece of 'Astral Drift Iron' that he obtained some time ago. He planned to use this special metal to create an epic shield. If nothing else, this build should be a sure thing for him.

At this moment, the troll Cecil knocked on the door of the back room, "Master, the guests outside need you to come out and take a look."

"How many times have I said, don't call me master!" Geer Qianghammer jumped out of the high chair and said with great dissatisfaction, "Call me master, or master." He opened the door and saw a face Silly troll boy.

"Hey, I forgot." Cecil scratched the back of his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said embarrassedly.

The master blacksmith handed the oak wine glass in his hand to his apprentice, "Help me hold it, don't drink it secretly, you are not old enough to drink!" In fact, when he was three years old, he could easily drink three glasses of ale. .

Geer Qianghammer walked calmly to the outhouse and found the guest who the apprentice couldn't handle.

It was a very strong human with a unique Nord tattoo on the forehead, and a short and medium hair was gathered at the back of the head and tied into a tight bun (ball head). There was a scary scar on his throat, and he was wearing tattered cyan leather armor. The leather armor seems to be petrified cowhide, but it has been severely corroded.

The guest holds a one-handed sword in his hand, and his appearance is quite restrained, but it can make Geer Qianghammer feel an indescribable pressure, like facing a sleeping giant dragon. .

This person is undoubtedly a very powerful guy, the master blacksmith judged in his heart, and he is a raw face.

"What do you want?" the dwarf asked politely, "The weapons and shields we have here are first-class in the entire Muya city-state. If you want armor, I can also recommend a few. body remodeling.”

"Oh, I didn't want to buy a weapon," the guest said. "I came here because I heard that you are a master of weapon forging. I hope you can help repair a weapon." The one-handed sword was drawn from the scabbard and handed over respectfully.

The master blacksmith, Geer Qianghammer, reached out his long sword and looked at it with a serious expression.

This is an ordinary-looking standard long sword. It is very heavy to start, and a lot of magic iron was added during the forging. There is not a trace of magic on the long sword, so it should be that it has not been enchanted.

The sword was covered with strange dark red marks, not like rust, because ordinary rust could not rust into the inside of the metal, but the dark red marks had already corroded the long sword from the inside to the outside.

This long sword is useless. Gore Stronghammer shook his head inwardly. He's a metal connoisseur and has a solid understanding of the behavior of almost all metals in the multiverse.

These dark red marks have completely corroded the weapon. He estimated that he only had to use a little force, and the sick sword would probably break because of it, and there must be more than one break.

The metal that became the blade, whether it was steel or magic iron, had already lost its original properties under the influence of dark red spots. It cannot be re-forged in the furnace. If it is re-melted, this long sword is likely to be baptized by flames, and not even a trace of **** will be left.

"You want to fix this sword?" Gore Stronghammer asked, frowning.

The guest nodded and looked at him expectantly, "As long as it can be repaired, the price is definitely not a problem. If you need any other scarce materials, you can also tell me."

Many adventurers have a deep love for their weapons, and as a master of forging weapons, Gol Stronghammer can understand this very well. He has also repaired many crippled weapons before, bringing them back to life, even stronger than before.

But he really can't do anything about this weapon.

"Sorry, I can't fix it." Gore Stronghammer said apologetically, "This sword can't even get into the fire in this can't imagine how to get it back. newborn."

"Is there really no other way?" The guest's quiet expression revealed an indescribable sadness.

The master blacksmith thought for a while, and it really made him think of a feasible method, "Do you know the art of forging elves?" he asked.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it." The guest returned sincerely.

"I've heard of it. I can tell you in a responsible manner that it is impossible to repair it with traditional forging methods." Geer Qianghammer said to the guests, "But if you can enter the holy land of the elves' Luo Silolin', and convince those arrogant elves to use their special forging methods, through the elf altar, ancient spells, and the power of moonlight, there should be a glimmer of hope for this sword to be reborn."


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