Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 228: Symbiosis

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In the dark corridor, a dim light was galloping at full speed. Accompanied by a lot of restless and complicated footsteps, the light spots jumped up and down, illuminating the road ahead indistinctly.

"Hu, hu, I said, Lord Barrett, you are shaking my eyes like this, can you hold the light source steady? Just a little steady." A voice ran and panted, "Just now A bug flew right into my mouth when I wasn't paying attention. It wasn't the worst, but I accidentally swallowed it!"

"Did you chew it carefully before swallowing it?" The person who was asked responded, but the speed of running under his feet did not slow down at all.

"Hu, hu, chew? Yes, yes." The voice said intermittently, "I subconsciously bit its wings and stomach, I think it should be the stomach, but I can't be sure. It is oozing a lot of juice, then It smells bad, pretty fishy. Shit, I can't think about it anymore!"

"That's fine." The man with the light in his hand responded, "Be careful of the rocks ahead."

"What do you mean by no problem?" the voice asked in surprise. "You mean if I don't chew it twice, there will be a problem?"

"I don't know. But if you bite it directly, at least you can guarantee that it won't lay eggs in your body." The man with the light in his hand said, "No one wants to be parasitized, no one..."

"Damn it! I want to vomit." The voice stopped, "No way, vomit!"


"Uh, it's disgusting!" Weimar disgustedly bypassed William, who was kneeling on the ground and vomited, walked to Barrett and asked, "How long do we need to escape?"

"The farther away from that body of water, the better, and we'll run as far as the vomiting guy gets up," Barrett replied. Then he waved to Black, who was holding the goblin, "Is the goblin still awake?"

"I'm not sure." Black put the goblin under his arm, and said with a serious face, "After he started to escape, the quiet Gary suddenly kept moving in my hand, so I used the bow That hand, punched the back of his head and made him faint."

"...Well, nice job." Barrett nodded, not knowing what to say.

This choice was correct, but such a neat and tidy decision made the barbarians feel an indescribable strangeness. He only hoped that the young man in front of him, who he didn't know at all, would not be too **** him.

"What is the monster that attacked you in the water?" Weimar stepped forward and touched the goblin's breath.

"A big fish with tentacles and an odd-looking appearance." Barrett looked into the dark corridor behind him. There was no sound in the darkness, and he wasn't sure if the fish-like monster could come ashore. It shouldn't be possible, but he didn't want to take the risk.

"A big fish, that's all?" William came over, wiping his mouth. "Hoo, I thought it would be terrible. We could actually stand on the shore and shoot it to death with your throwing axe and Black's bow. "

"Barritt said it has tentacles, so we'd better stay away from it." Weimar explained to the barbarian, "My dad said that anything with tentacles should not be underestimated. Beholders, mind flayers, tentacle monsters …”

"And the little squid." William said to Weimar in a sour tone, "the next time you eat it, you must be careful, be careful of those little tentacles that are smeared with hot sauce and taste delicious."

"The tentacles are not the point. The key is that the strange fish can directly control others with psionic powers like a mind flayer." Barrett recalled the process of being controlled, his face became a little gloomy, "There are no mages among us, so There's nothing you can do about this kind of mind control. That monster fish is more dangerous to us than a swarm of Dreadclaws, and much more dangerous."

In Barrett's mind, he equated the danger of the strange big fish with that of the black dragon Cyrelios.

"A fellow mage? Well, I've only dreamed of it, how wonderful an adventure like that would be." Weimar covered his nose and looked at William with disdain, "rather than being in the company of a guy with a smelly mouth ."

"Hmph, this stinky mouth has kissed your sister." William raised his head provocatively.

"So what?" Weimar didn't care about it. "I kissed Ge Jiasi, do you envy her? Her lips are extremely soft, but they are still worse than her breasts."

"You guy..."

"Stop arguing! If it's all right, we'll move on." Barrett interrupted the two men's pointless quarrel. Being intimate with a woman is not something that should be compared, it is too childish.

I've kissed countless women, but did I say it? Am I proud? No. A mature and masculine man will naturally let those women fall into his arms. Barbarian automatically ignored the role of gold coins in it.

Then he told Black again, "If the goblin wakes up, let me know. Also, be careful, I'm not sure if he's out of the fish's grip."

"How did you break free before?" Weimar asked curiously, "I saw you, like Gary, stopped in the water and didn't move."

"My physique is relatively high, and I am exempt from the ability of the strange fish." Barrett said lightly, he did not want to explain too much.

In this process, [Mission Log] played a key role, and this inexplicable thing seemed to be 'alive' like a living creature!

Alive, this statement is a bit weird, but Barrett really doesn't know how to describe that feeling. He rubbed his forehead again, recalling the whole process.

When Barrett was controlled by the strange fish, although his body was no longer under his control, his consciousness was still awake. Not only can he clearly perceive the situation around him, but he can also clearly receive the command sent to him by the strange fish hidden in the dark place.

"Stop, my servant, do not make any more useless struggles." The strange fish passed these contents directly into his mind, "Dedicate your memory to your master and merge with the chain of omniscient memory. Here After that, you will have eternity."

This content did not impress Barrett. He's not interested in being one with something unless it's actually a charming, beautiful woman. And what the strange fish said was obviously far from what he could accept, so Barrett still mustered all his energy and struggled hard.

But his efforts were to no avail. The strange fish strengthened his control over him because of his resistance, and the powerful mental oppression made his conscious struggle weaker and weaker.

But just when Barrett felt that he was about to lose his hold and became a servant of a strange fish like a goblin, he suddenly felt that something came out of his mind.

It was a deep purple lightning with faint golden light, and there were many branch lines in the shape of branches. Lightning spread a branch of his own along the spiritual oppression that the strange fish exerted on him.

Immediately afterwards, Barrett Emergency heard an indescribable strange sound from the strange fish. Then he discovered that he had actually broken free from the opponent's control and regained control over his own body.

That deep purple lightning with golden light is the [Mission Log]! ! Barrett couldn't give a firm reason for such a conclusion, it was a feeling, but he was absolutely certain.

It is in my body or soul, when it suddenly appears at this time, is it purely protecting me, or is it protecting the host on which it lives? Barbarians have no way of knowing.

He led a few young people to continue to move forward in the long passage covered with After passing a fork in the road and entering a brand new corridor, the moss and those various insects all disappeared. , replaced by fluorescent mushrooms that can be seen everywhere in the ground.

These cute looking clusters of small mushrooms exuding either blue or green light made everyone subconsciously relieved, which meant that the corridor in front of them was anything but ordinary.

"Many dangers in the underground world are unpredictable, even invisible and invisible. However, there are generally not too weird things in the channel where fluorescent mushrooms shine." Dragon Blood Kobold once said, "This rule Not always accurate, but at least most of the time. Don't ask me why, I can make a little fireball with my best effort, but I'm not a mage, so I don't want to explore the secrets behind these laws. "

Barrett and the others rested for a while. Gary the goblin still hadn't woken up, but at least he was breathing. He took out the map, confirmed the direction, and continued toward their destination.

After safely passing through several passages and forks, Barrett and others came to a small damp cave. And in this cave, a fierce battle is going on at this time.


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