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Chapter 234: Moss Rock Spider's Lair

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The size of this 'Supreme One Ring' is a bit small, and our barbarian adventurers can only wear it on their little fingers. In this way, his hands are already wearing four rings of different colors.

Four, the number is indeed a little more, but fortunately these rings are all in the form of rings, they are all metal or bone rings with a simple style and only a few decorative patterns. There are no large crystal diamonds or gemstones embedded in the ring. above, so it doesn't seem ostentatious.

They are the white 'keel ring' on the ring finger of the right hand, the cyan 'bronze ring' on the index finger; the black 'Song of Saran' on the index finger of the left hand, and the gold-plated 'Supreme One Ring' on the little finger.

The 'Supreme One Ring' made of copper and gold-plated material is quite different from its domineering name, but the attributes of this ring are very practical, and the comprehensive improvement of the 4-point attribute also makes the barbarian feel quite obvious changes.

Especially in terms of perception, after a little extra perception, the sounds of those cavemen digging the tunnel became clearer in Barrett's ears. He could even hear a certain caveman digging up a fat underground worm and secretly stuffing it into his mouth and chewing.

"Hey, guys, look at how I'm doing now?" Weimar turned to his side, showing off the metal shoulder pad on his right shoulder, and made a defensive gesture of holding a sword and raising a shield, "Actually, I'm an old man. Dad is better at using warhammers, but warhammers are really not handsome enough, so I don't want to use them."

Good at warhammer? can be seen. After all, your dad has a soft spot for drumsticks, too, Barrett.

"Well, it's very good, but it looks a little weird." William touched his chin, making irresponsible judgments, "If you are wearing a good set of full-body armor, not this gray leather double-layer armor, even more so. Okay. Honestly, it's more for a real knight and you're just a fake lol."

Weimar glared at his little friend, and did not refute, but looked at others expectantly.

"This pair of metal shoulder pads looks quite solid, but it's a little too bright, and even the soft light emitted by the stones reflects so dazzlingly." Barrett frowned, "It is conceivable that if it was on the surface , the sunlight during the day will definitely make it more dazzling. In that case, it will be difficult for the enemy to see the angle of your attack, and you may gain some advantages in the battle, or be the first to kill the target."

"Mr. Barrett is right." The goblin nodded. "Maybe you should get a blacksmith and give it a matte finish with a rough abrasive brush. That way it won't stand out as much."

The Fake Sir was noncommittal, and he asked the bowbearer again, "Hey, Black, what do you think?"

Blake's eyes were fixedly staring at the agate leopard statue in his hand, and he did not respond to Weimar's greeting.

Weimar was a little disappointed by such a reaction, then he sighed on the metal shoulder pad and wiped it carefully, "Okay, just as Gary said, when I get back to the ground, I will..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden noise in the closed corridor where a small road was dug not far away. It was made by the cavemen, like cheers and screams of joy. Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. After listening carefully for a while, Goblin Gary murmured, "This sealed corridor has finally been dug through."

The corridor was blocked very long. Patriarch Taka said that in order to prevent the corridor from being accidentally dug by the spider neighbors who wanted to visit on the other side, it would fill all the dirt and rocks dug out when the cave was expanded into this corridor. in the channel. It seems that the heroic leader of Taka in the fight against Ant-Man is also a little afraid of its spider neighbors.

Without the help of these cavemen, Barret and the others would be helpless against the tightly blocked passage. They either walked back and went to the field where the strange fish was located again; or they tried their luck by looking for some unmarked passages, hoping to encounter some surprises at a certain corner.

These are not good ways. Because on the way of adventure, usually hiding behind those corners, there will only be "surprise" and no "joy".

These unpretentious cavemen dug a gap in the tightly packed earth and stone for only one person to move forward. During this period, they also killed three enthusiastic and unlucky guys due to a landslide somewhere.

In the face of the flesh-and-blood caveman corpses, Barrett and others politely expressed their condolences, but their companions were accustomed to it. Perhaps their simple intelligence had not yet understood sadness, or they had become accustomed to it.


It is not a pleasant thing to walk through this narrow re-opened corridor. The inside is narrow and low, and Barritt can only bend his body and walk sideways, and he is always worried about the danger of another collapse.

Fortunately, such a dramatic incident did not happen. Our barbarian adventurer walked out of the narrow passage alive, making the supporting characters waiting behind him sigh in disappointment.

There are no fluorescent mushrooms on this side of the passage, nor any other finely divided ore that emits a dim light like glowstone. With the help of luminous stones, Barrett discovered that this area, whether on the ground, on the rock wall, or on the top of the head, was full of endless white cobwebs.

On the top of the cobweb-covered head, there are quite a few tightly wrapped white net pupae hanging. These net pupae vary in size, the big one looks like a heavily armed ogre is buried in it, and the small net pupae are more than half shorter than the goblin Gary. They were hung in the air like corpses, and they looked a little infiltrating. You can't tell what's in the chrysalis, will it suddenly pop out when you pass by...

And in the darkness beyond the reach of the luminous stones, some unidentified noises rang out constantly, as if many things were crawling back and forth on the spider web.

It seems that the moss-rock spiders used this corridor, which was blocked to a short distance, as their food thought Barrett. And in every white net pupae in front of him, there is likely to be a corpse of unknown race hidden. Or, a beautiful woman who is still alive.

The barbarian suddenly thought of the woman he had rescued from the Nameless Space, her name was Theresa, and he still remembered her name.

"The moss-rock spider's nest here is not like a small one," William said in a low voice, "Look at the number of these white chrysalis, a small spider's nest can't be caught. So much prey."

"Small nests can also grow and grow." Weimar said in a very low voice, "It seems that it is not bad, it should be called a large one. Guess what is in these chrysalis? "

"You won't know if you open a few." William looked at Barrett, waiting for his approval.

"Be careful." The barbarian didn't stop him, and he might get some useful information from these chrysalis.

"Okay, don't worry!" William took out his long sword and walked towards the white chrysalis who was the closest to the crowd.


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