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Chapter 238: leave, or go deep (on)

In this vast and dark area with absolutely no fire, in this vast and deep underground cave, a little fire is burning stubbornly.

Hundreds of different species of spiders surrounded the fire in the center, the hideous shadows were crawling on the ground, and the light danced in the eyes of countless black spiders.

There are also many humanoid deceased in the spider group. These soulless and unrested corpses stretched out their arms eagerly, as if they wanted to touch the burning fire.

The man with the muscle knotted on fire stood quietly among the monsters, staring intently at the darkness in the distance. There, a huge white spider stood on the border between darkness and light, and a vague figure appeared and disappeared in the swaying firelight.


It wasn't an ordinary big white spider, Barrett squinted slightly to recognize it.

It, or should be called her, although it looks like a terrifying white spider at a glance, and it also drags a huge and bloated abdomen, but on the head of this white spider, there is a Half-length woman with platinum long hair.

The woman sinks into the spider's head from the waist down, and her naked (harmonious) body is as white as the spider beneath her. The long platinum hair was rolled out behind him and spread all the way to the spider's back. She looked at the person holding the fire with pure black pupilless eyes, and there was no expression on her cold face.

"Spider drow?" Barrett said subconsciously.

"No, I'm not one of those tragic people who failed the 'Queen of Spiders' Rose's trial." The woman opened her lips slightly, and the spider in her lower body moved slightly.

"Did you guess wrong? You both look alike to me. Hey, I mean nothing, I mean, at least you all have the same pointy ears. Yes, pointy ears!" Barrett wanted to take a few steps forward and take a closer look at the "shy" spider mother, but was stopped by the red-striped spider behind a tauren mummified body with a pair of sharp forelimbs.

Barrett spread his hands and returned to the original place, looking at the huge white spider again, "If it's not a spider drow, then what are you? Are you a human, or a mutant spider? You and the big spider under you, Who is the real body?" He asked casually, "To be honest, if all spiders mutate into you, it's not unacceptable." The barbarian looked at a fair part of the other party rudely.

"You don't need to know about my origins, the people of the sun on the surface." White Spider Woman did not care about Barbarian's eyes, "You just need to know that I am a believer of 'Dark Girl' Eilistraee. ."

'Dark Girl'? When Barrett was in the Muya city-state, he had heard this name in the mouths of many drows. It seems that all the drows who return to the surface world are followers of this good goddess.

I heard that this goddess looks like a tall, naked (harmonious) drow elf with smooth and soft skin, and has beautiful long hair that reaches her ankles, just like the white spider woman in front of her.

‘Charita’ called the goddess ‘Dawn of the Drow Elf’, and every time she talked about her, the face of the female Drow would show a sincere expression of devotion.

What, you ask me who is this 'Charita'? Oh, she's a good-hearted drow, a nice guy -- a waitress at the 'Beautiful Experience' clothing store.

Barrett had been there by accident and had a heart-to-heart talk with this beautiful and good man.

That's it.

"A believer of the 'Dark Maiden'? Oh, I thought that only the drows believed in this goddess." Barret said.

"It's not just the drow. All the good-hearted creatures in the ground can enter the arms of the 'Dark Maiden' for comfort." When White Spider Woman mentioned the name, her face was as pious as Charetta.

"Are you kind?" Barrett tapped the tauren mummified corpse in front of him with a 'touch of tyranny', and then pointed to several other mummified corpses around him, "Not only did you kill them, but you didn't let them rest in peace. Look. The so-called kindness in the underground world is not the same as our surface."

Although Barrett is used to seeing life and death, as a Nord, he still feels very uncomfortable watching these dead people being controlled by spiders. In this case, it is better to resurrect them as undead.

"Most of them were not killed by me. My children just dragged them from the underground battlefield to their homes." The woman's tone returned to a cold tone.

"And what's the rest of it?"

White Spider-Woman looked at Barrett, her cold eyes revealing a stern look, "Although the 'Dark Girl' loves beauty and peace, she is not stingy to fight back against those wicked people who try to hurt her followers." She slowly Slowly said, "And as her follower, I also adhere to this teaching."

That is to say, it is these people who provoke you first. Barrett murmured in his heart, who knows if you're telling the truth.

Although he thought so, he actually knew in his heart that the other party should not lie, because this White Spider Woman didn't need to deceive herself, and she didn't even need to answer.

"What's more, life after death is no different from rocks, trees, and soil." White Spider Woman continued, "If not." She pointed to a group of mummified corpses kneeling around her, "then they are just Lying in the soil, waiting to rot into bones."

Barrett was speechless. Forget it, you can't make sense with a woman, and it's even more unreasonable with a half-woman, half-spider monster. he murmured.

"I would like to ask you, believer of 'Dark Maiden' Eilistraee, can you let me leave your home?" Barrett inserted the 'Touch of Tyranny' into his waist, and pulled out a new jar. Kerosene, "I think it's good for everyone," he said threateningly.

To be honest, the action of holding a torch in one hand and kerosene in the other is still very dangerous. Barrett was actually worried that on the crackling torch, there would be a naughty spark that splashed out and fell into the kerosene tank.

Then, the supporting characters can throw a party, and then through rock paper scissors, a new protagonist is decided.

White Spider-Woman did not agree to Barrett's request, but she did not immediately deny it, "You haven't answered my question yet, Sunwalkers of the surface." She asked and tell me why Come here, hurt my children, burn my home. "

Why? Alas, that's a long story.

Because of a rich war lizard man who escaped from the ground, he misses the taste of your unhatched spider eggs when they were bitten in his mouth; The awesome guy of the wish, took over this strange task of the rich man of the war lizard;

Because a dragon-blooded kobold marked your lair on the map; because the appearance of a group of direclaw monsters disrupted the original planned route of the adventurers, they had to change the route and came here inexplicably.

Because spiders are not considered "life" in their eyes, they don't care about the life and death of your children; because of the constant stream of children who can't beat you in battle, the adventurers can only set fire in order to survive. ; because burning your home doesn't make them feel guilty, after all, in their eyes, you're a monster after all.

Of course, if you count from the source, it's all to blame for that delicious war lizard, you should settle the account with him!

Barrett's eyes looked down from the woman's face, following the creamy skin and towering height, to the flat belly. Further down, the gaze continued to move from the head of the white spider to its back, and finally landed on the bloated and huge abdomen.

Can the food produced here be eaten? He pouted inwardly. However, now is not the time to think about that.

"Well, I'm actually lost," Barrett said. "Well, lost. "


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