Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 253: Suspicious Neighbor (Part 1)

"To be honest, I don't really like to deal with you adventurers, because you don't have your own beliefs, only gold coins and fried squid tentacles." Old Phil said, "But apart from you, there will be no one else willing to help I."

"You're right." Barrett nodded solemnly, "That's how adventurers are, there's no way, 'fried squid tentacles' are our lives."

The barbarian has gradually mastered the conversation skills with the old man - as long as he follows the other party's words, it doesn't matter how weird it is.

"However, you do have some abilities." Old Phil said with certainty, "Last time, I asked you to help me investigate a baby possessed by a devil, and in order to expel the devil, I also asked you to put cactus water Feed it into that baby's mouth, which you did very well, and I could see it clearly from the watchtower in the attic."

attic? Watchtower? It appears that the building was indeed designed as a small castle.

"But last time there were three cats, a brown-haired female cat, one with flying knives all over her body, and one with her body hidden in a cloak. Cactus water is what cats in cloaks feed their babies. Yes, it was so fast at the time, the baby's mother didn't even notice it, just chatting with the mother cat."

Well, we can really do anything for gold coins, including bullying a baby who is not yet over, and he won't say anything, and he won't name or accuse him anyway, Barrett thought helplessly.

"By the way, why do you call us adventurers cats?" he asked suspiciously, "is it a special name?"

"Aren't you cats?" Old Phil's expression was a little surprised, "Then what are you? Don't tell me that you are skunks. Although your taste is similar to skunks, I clearly know that skunks are. What it looks like, you can't lie to me!"

"Then what is it?" Barrett pointed to the black cat staring at him on the dining table.

"It's an hourglass, didn't I say it?"

"Is 'Hourglass' its name, or is it a species?" Barrett waved his hand as soon as he asked the question, "Forget it, let's answer your neighbor's business." Baby Cactus Water Difficulty.

"You know, I don't need to sleep, so I stay in my watchtower most of the time, observing suspicious situations around me." Old Phil said dignifiedly, "Sometimes my neighbors are in front of me. If they do anything wrong, I will stop them loudly. If they don't listen to me, I will open the throwing port of the watchtower and throw persimmons at them. But persimmons should be used with caution, Steven every I only replenish it once a month. I actually hope he can replenish the half-year's amount at one time, but unfortunately, even if there is a cellar, those persimmons can't be stored for so long. "

"...There are so many neighbors around that need you to stop the misdeeds, so you have worked too hard."

"I'm used to it. Besides, my neighbors are not many now." Old Phil said calmly, "You may have seen it when you came. There are four households around my castle. The houses on the back and on the left are for sale. Many times, but each time those new neighbors don't live long, and now these two houses are deserted and unoccupied for a long time." He said this with no shame on his face, "but the houses in front and on the right Don't you think it's strange that there are still people living there?"

"It's really weird." Barrett touched his chin, "who gave them the courage to live forever?" ?"

"The house in front of me used to live in my old friend Isaac, who was the only person I could trust. After Isaac died, the house was given to his son, who was already there. Settled outside the town and won't come back."

You know quite well, if it were me, I wouldn't be back either. The barbarian nodded in agreement while listening. Next time, take some slaying quests. He silently decided in his heart.

"But the year before last, Isaac's grandson 'Xavier' came back and lived in the house." The old man continued, "That kid doesn't know what he was doing in the house. Since last year, I often listen to it in the middle of the night. To some strange sounds coming from that house. Those sounds are very subtle, but they still can't hide from my ears. You may not know, my ears can hear many strange sounds that are difficult for ordinary people to hear."

"for example?"

"For example, this teapot is saying to me now, 'Hey, the water is already boiling, and it will dry up when it boils again', oh, I almost forgot!" The pot was removed from the fireplace shelf.

Barrett wanted to step forward to help, but found that the thin old man in front of him could easily do it himself. The old man slowly poured the boiling water into the teapot, and then closed the lid of the teapot tightly.

"Now you should be he said to the teapot with a smile.

"Well, it says it's satisfied." Barrett echoed--following the other side's words, it doesn't matter how strange it is.

After the old man heard it, he suddenly raised his head and his smile gradually disappeared. He stared blankly at the barbarian, and did not speak for a long time.

"Hey, what's the matter? I don't believe it? My ears are also quite sensitive." Barrett was a little dissatisfied. "If I want to, I can even hear the sound of bees flapping their wings within 500 meters." Based on the barbarian's current perception, When he's focused, he can indeed do that.

"What did we talk about just now?" The old man glanced at Barbarian in confusion and skipped the topic.

"A strange sound in the house." Barbarian curled his lips inwardly.

"Yes, believe me, those small and strange noises are the whispers of the devils in the middle of the night, I am very sure of this." Old Phil's expression became serious again, "They are tempting that kid Xavier to fall into The abyss, and starting from that house, bit by bit nibbling away at the town."

"You want me to save him?"

"It doesn't matter if you save it or not, but at least when the devils appear, kill them all for me, and bring a part of the devil to me to see."

This is not easy. Barritt thought about how to make a fake, "Well, what about the house on the right, what's suspicious?"

"The house on the right is even stranger." Old Phil's expression became more serious. "Although I can see people entering and leaving that house, I can't hear any sound in the middle of the night."


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