Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 256: Devil's Trail

What do people do after getting up in the middle of the night?

Looking for a urinal for a hearty pour; or a glass of water to soak up a dry throat? Or go to the balcony, look up at the starry night sky, and think about the meaning of life and self?

Barrett doesn't know. He never sleeps at night, except when it's time for a shift.

The young man who got up at 0:00 inexplicably walked to another bedroom, and Barrett also followed closely. He first climbed back to the roof like a gecko, changed the position of the fastened magic rope, and then went down the rope again, quietly descending to the window of the other bedroom.

The heavy curtains in the second bedroom were more tightly shielded, and the left and right sides were carefully tucked away, so there was no gap.

Barritt, who couldn't see the situation inside, could only quietly put his face and ears on the cold window, and use his keen perception to eavesdrop on the sounds in the room.

He used to do this kind of thing all the time. In some dingy hotel in Galano, and in a room in some happy place. It's just that what he overheard was heavy breathing and numb love words at the beginning, but now, what he overheard is a long list of magic spells of unknown use...

Yes, spells!

Even though Barrett was a barbarian adventurer who knew nothing about magic, he could still hear the difficult, cadenced low-pitched chants, which must have been some kind of magical incantations.

He has heard some familiar mages use it, such as the little mage Kris, the wandering mage Old Will, the alchemist master Ian, and so on. Although the syllables and tones of the incantations are different every time, the special rhythm and strange feeling it brings make the barbarians remember them fresh.

Could that young man be a mage? Barrett thought of this possibility and secretly became vigilant in his heart.

The sound of the spell continued for a long time, and at the end the young man let out a low growl almost exhausted. There was exhaustion and trembling in the suppressed voice. Just when Barrett thought the guy in the room was likely to fail, the sound of the spell came to an abrupt end.

Immediately afterwards, Barbarian noticed that the space inside the house seemed to tremble slightly, similar to the feeling he had when he went to Deathstroke Town to open the light curtain, but the tremor was too subtle right now, Barbarian didn't know if it was because he was unconscious. illusion.

At this moment, a shrill voice suddenly sounded from inside the room, "Alas, every time I see the way you lose your strength after calling me out, it makes me feel that it is a great shame to be your summoned object."

"Be quiet, you idiot! Do you want the whole town to know?" There was anger in the young man's voice, "I am your master, you must always remember this!"

"Master? Well, I have to say, you look down on yourself too much." The shrill voice said disdainfully, "You are just a magic apprentice who has not succeeded in promotion several times, if not for the 'horn of blasphemy' in your hand ', you have no way of summoning me - the envoy of Duke Alother - Cusnok!"

devil? Is there really a devil inside? Barrett didn't know much about this evil creature, and now he only hoped that the pot of cactus water he drank would work as old Phil said.

"Magic apprentice? Hmph, you know, I have signed a new contract with Duke Arothé based on that contract fragment, so my current state is only temporary!" said the young man proudly. , "When I abandon this human body and become a purgatory creature, you will never dare to talk to me like this again! At that time, I will throw you into the lair of maggots and let your soul be swallowed by maggots. , downgraded to a lower level inferior demon!" he threatened.

"I doubt whether this day can really come." The shrill voice said indifferently, "You must know that Duke Arothor has left you enough benefits in the contract to make your soul. Human beings, who have been crippled and worthless, are fortunate to be transformed into purgatory creatures. According to the personality of the Duke, this is very rare. But you have been doing this simple plan for nearly a year, but you have not completed even the first step. Not to mention what happened next."

"Simple? Are you kidding?" the young man shouted, and then lowered his voice, "Do you think it is easy to do this kind of thing under the eyes of the Magic Association? I tell you, even the lords of the Nine Hells Come on, you can't do it!"

"Because this is the main material plane, you are the human being to do it." The shrill voice said, "Unfortunately, you are only a magic apprentice. If you were a full-fledged mage, you would have already planned with my help. It's almost done."

"If I were an official mage, I wouldn't sign that contract at all!" the young man gasped, "and I don't want to be a purgatory creature at all."

Barrett felt that the devil named 'Kusnok' seemed to be deliberately provoking young people, instead of constantly inducing them with whispers, as the folk tales say.

"It's a pity you're not." The shrill voice said contemptuously again, "Furthermore, there are many kinds of purgatory creatures. Whether your rebirth is strong or not depends on the completion of the plan. Seize the opportunity to prove yourself, and then you will get the possibility of promotion. Remember, Duke Arothor does not like to wait, and he does not like to fail."

The young man fell silent for a long time without speaking.

"Okay, let's end this boring conversation and let's get down to business." The shrill voice said, "You summoned me out, are you running out of **** again? Well, this is new."

Barrett heard the muffled sound of a package falling to the ground, followed by several more.

"There are also dragon demon blood and several others," said a shrill voice. "When burying, don't make a mistake in the orientation, and you must hide it with a magic circle. You need to speed up a a simple one It will take three or four months to draw your magic circle, no wonder you have not been promoted to become a full-fledged mage." The devil continued to sneer...

At this time, Barrett listened carefully outside the window, while secretly thinking about a question in his heart - a devil with unknown strength and a magic apprentice, what should I do?

It is to break in and kill the devil directly, and then take the magic apprentice to personally loot and get it. Or do you want to notify the guards in the town after dawn? Or go back to Muya city-state to inform the Magic Association?

"No one else in town can be trusted." Old Phil's words sounded from Barrett's ear at the right time. Moreover, it is too far to go back to Muya. Even if there is a Nightmare Beast mount, it will take two days at the earliest.

In this world, there are old adventurers and bold adventurers, but both old and bold adventurers are extremely rare. Although Barrett is a barbarian, his character is not reckless. However, many times he has no other choice.

He sighed silently and explained himself in his heart, "I only need to live to half the age of old Phil, and at least I won't lie in bed full of injuries and diseases waiting to die..."

The dark night continues.

The dark clouds passed by, allowing the crescent moon to briefly reveal its appearance. The new moon set his eyes on Barrett and watched his next move curiously.

The barbarian held the weapon in his hand, kicked the edge of the window with both feet, and made himself leap high. He covered his head with his left hand, and when he fell, he smashed the glass of the window with the resonating battle axe in his right hand, and then plunged into it.


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