Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 266: Zachary the War Lizard (Part 1)

'Giverny' is a quiet, serene human town with a poetic and idyllic scenery.

Because it was originally a manor where the famous painter "Naimo" died at night, when the town was developing, it was planned very freehand, with strong artistic characteristics. Every house and every corner of the town is full of colors, bright colors, full of interweaving of light and shadow.

And the fugitive from the Muya city-state, Zachli the War Lizard, is now in the home of a resident in the town.

He hid his figure and stood quietly beside a set of cupboards for dishes and bowls, watching the hostess and hostess in the house keep arguing over dinner.

"It's turnip again, it's turnip again! I said, Noviya, can't you do something else?" The host looked at the bland boiled turnip soup in front of him, and said very dissatisfiedly, "You Know who likes this stuff the most? Our pigs! I'm eating the same food as our pigs!"

The hostess ignored her husband's complaints, "At least the pigs will grow more meat after eating and sell more money, and you..." She shoved the rye bread mixed with wheat and oats into her mouth. , then rolled his eyes again.

"What do you mean by this? Is my status in this family inferior to those of the two pigs?" the host shouted loudly, and then looked out the window subconsciously, as if afraid that the neighbors would hear , "Okay, even if my status is not as good as a pig, even if you don't think about me, but also think about our son, he is growing!"

The host turned his head to look at a little boy sitting on the other side of the square dining table, "Ryan, my good son, tell your mean mother what you want to eat, is it honey roast chicken, fried pork chops, and fried small Beef sausage. You told me that you like old George's veal sausage the most, eh? Isn't it? By the way, and mutton bisque, tell your mom, you must put mutton in the turnip soup, no Leg of lamb, and at least some haggis, am I right? Boys must be brave and speak their minds boldly."

The little boy named 'Lane' took a sip of the turnip soup, picked up the hard-boiled egg from his plate, smashed it lightly, and slowly peeled it off.

"Did I say it? Why don't I remember?" the little boy responded slowly, "Although the fried sausage is delicious, the turnip soup made by my mother is also delicious. I don't care what I eat, as long as it is made by my mother. it is good."

"It's so good!" The hostess smiled and patted the little boy's head, "much better than your ignorant father! The family's money should not be spent indiscriminately in the past two months. After this period of time has passed, my mother will I will make a variety of delicious food for you, just for you."

"Okay." The little boy smiled sweetly and took another bite of the boiled egg.

"You bastard..., you are a complete flatterer!" The host shouted angrily at his son, then sighed, and said in a persuasive manner, "Lane, you are a man, and I am also a man. Look, We are all men, so we should be united. Why do you always turn to your mother?"

"Do you know how to cook?" the little boy asked, tilting his head.

"..." The male host was speechless.

"So, most of the rebels who have no strength will not end well." The little boy ate the remaining hard-boiled eggs in one bite, and then drank a mouthful of turnip soup, "And I like to stand on the side of the winner. "

"You!" The host's chest heaved up and down, but he didn't speak for a long time. At the end, he calmed down and said proudly, "Hmph, some people are cowardly and only know how to join forces; while some people stand up bravely to resist." After he finished speaking, he raised his head and stood up from the dining table. .

"Everyone, I'm sorry I can't accompany you!" The host turned around and walked to the door, picking up the gray coat and wide-brimmed hat from the hanger.

"Hey, you looking for death, where are you going so late?" the hostess asked loudly.

"Go to Joseph's house." The host replied triumphantly, "Joseph said that his family will make stewed pork ribs tonight. I'll go and see if what he said is true."

The host put on his shoes, twisted the door with his fingers crossed, turned his head and shouted to the kitchen, "The rebels have eaten the meat, and the submissives will stay and drink the soup." Then he hummed a song and walked away.

"Cut, it's useless!" The hostess said disdainfully in the house.


As night fell, the usual quarrels were gone, and everyone in the house fell asleep.

In the master bedroom, the hostess occupied most of the bed and fell asleep soundly. The male host, on the other hand, slept on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around the hostess' waist. He put his head on the hostess's chest, with a silly smile on his face, and muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

A little boy named 'Lane' slept alone in the second bedroom. He lay up straight, with his hands on his stomach, with a stuffed doll stuffed with cotton beside him. The doll wears a pointed hat, a dark purple robe in the style of a mage, and several seven-pointed stars are printed on the left cuff.

Zachley, the war lizard who hadn't heard the abnormal noise for a long time, released his stealth state and rummaged in the kitchen with a slight movement. He first took the rest of the turnip soup out of the cabinet, poured himself a full bowl, and then took out a few slices of rye bread.

The rye bread is now extremely dry and hard. It doesn't feel good to eat when it's hot, but when it cools down, the coarse fiber feels very hard to swallow, and even a small amount of wheat and oatmeal does not improve much.

The soup was also cold, but at least it softened the bread. Zachley soaked the hard bread in the cold soup, reached out and pulled out a chair, sat at the dining table, mashed the bread little by little with a spoon, and ate slowly.

"Most of those who have no strength will not end well." The little boy's words still lingered in his ears. The content of the words was as if he were speaking himself.

If I had another chance, would I still do it? Will they still kill those guys? Zachary the Reptilian asked himself. Yes, I will still kill those people. Because, they killed my wife and children! He subconsciously clenched the spoon in his hand.

Wife and children.

Thinking of such a title, Zachary smiled wryly. Or, it should be more precisely called offspring and spouse. The saurians never call their mates wives, which is what human society calls them.

However, Zachley knew that he was very different from before, and he sometimes even wondered if he was really a war lizard?

Although he still has the appearance of a war lizard - scaly skin, slender tail. But he no longer had the stench of the same kind, and he no longer liked to eat all kinds of **** humanoids as before. When he saw those **** things now, he would even feel a wave of disgust in his heart. So he never kills anything alive in restaurants has that right because he's the head chef.

In fact, his favorite thing to eat is the roasted foie gras that he makes himself.

The foie gras is marinated with red wine, pepper, salt and several spices for 8 hours before being baked in the oven. The key to making this dish is the ratio of marinade ingredients, as well as the baking time and temperature.

That's Zachley's favorite dish, but he only cooks it once a day, at the request of the restaurateur. Zachley vaguely remembers that the guests who ordered the dish were already lined up for next spring. Zachley is quite proud of it.

Seemingly disappointing the restaurateur and the guests, Zachley sighed. And disappointed, maybe not just those people, but also the beautiful 'Hessel'.

If he hadn't killed those people at that time, he might have been lying on the bed in the apartment at this time, loving Hesel sweetly.

He stuffed the unpalatable mushy food into his mouth and shook his head again with a wry smile.

What will Hessel do when he hears the news? Crying bitterly, or panicking? Zachley reckons that the city-state's vigilantes probably won't tell her the truth.

They might say I left, went somewhere else, or was called back by the mage. Hessel would believe it, she's just a simple silly girl. But that's fine, Hether is a half-goat, and he is a war lizard, and there is no future between us. Zachary thought sadly.

Just when he was thinking about Hesel, a young voice suddenly sounded from outside the kitchen, "Are you hungry?"


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