Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 276: Abandoned crystal mine

From Old Samuel's farm to Jingyao Town, it would take at least three or four days to make a carriage, but Barrett only took most of the day to get here.

The barbarian rested in the town for a good night and adjusted his state to the best. He easily found out the location of the abandoned crystal mine, and went directly to the mission location here the next morning.

The location of the abandoned mine is a little far from the town, but for Barrett, it only takes a meal to reach it. He heard from the residents of the town that at first the mine was actually a small iron mine. When the miners were mining iron ore, there was an accident and a large landslide occurred inside the mine.

Many people died in that landslide, but when the debris in the mine was cleaned up, people were pleasantly surprised to find that a large natural crystal cave appeared at the site of the landslide!

The cave is filled with giant natural crystals more than ten meters long and weighing several tons or even dozens of tons. According to the residents of the town, this is the largest natural crystal cave discovered by human beings on record.

Later, people excavated another slightly smaller crystal cave next to the big cave. With these two huge crystals buried in abundance, Jingyao Town has grown from a small gathering place where miners lived for a short time to one of the largest towns near Muya city-state.

The giant crystals were mined as early as a hundred years ago, and after that, people dug in the cave for a long time, but they did not find the existence of the third crystal cave.

But even so, there are still people who want to try their luck in the mine, even if they pick up one or two small crystals, it is not bad. When Barrett first arrived at the abandoned mine, he found five ponies tied to a dead tree outside the mine, and a young man in his twenties was leaning against the trunk with his eyes closed and his mouth shut. He also had a foxtail in his mouth, humming a song boredly.

When the young man was awakened by the hooves of the nightmare warhorse, he suddenly got up from the ground. His expression was a little flustered, but he was barely able to keep his composure.

"Hey, the mount is not bad." The young man put on the long dagger around his waist in his right hand and said to Barrett with a smile.

"Thank you." Manzi rolled over and dismounted, and nodded politely at the other party.

"And, if I'm not mistaken, you still have a construct?" The young man looked curiously at the raven on Barrett's shoulder, "Is this expensive? I've always wanted to have a construct since I was a child. Dressed creatures."

"I don't know if it's expensive or not. I just gave it to me when I was doing a mission." Barrett replied casually, and then continued to walk towards the entrance of the mine.

"Hey, are you here to try your luck too?" the young man asked, "You also heard that the townsman named Bowen found a large crystal?"

"No, I'm here to kill monsters." Barret stopped and looked at the young man, "Crystalscale lizard, I need the skin of this thing, and I need a lot of it. If you have it, you can sell it to me. , the price is negotiable, but the skin must be complete!" This kind of thing does not need to be concealed.

"Oh, you're here to find those monsters." The young man was a little surprised, and his tone was much more relaxed, "Is it used to make leather armor? Although their leather defense performance is good, the scales on them are exposed to sunlight. It's too dazzling, and it's a bit ostentatious, I don't like it very much."

"It's just for this mission," said Barrett. "You know where this crystalscale lizard is in the mine?"

"There are large and small crystal caves, and there may also be passages dug out around the caves. If you keep walking along the track, you can easily see the big cave, and the largest passage in the north of the big cave can reach Small cave." The young man introduced.

He threw the foxtail grass in his hand on the ground and continued, "I heard that when those giant crystals were dug up, such annoying monsters hadn't appeared yet. After the crystals were dug up, several kinds of monsters appeared. In the cave." He frowned, "Those crystal-scale lizards are very troublesome, we usually walk around them. If you can kill, try to kill as many as possible, the more the better, it's good for everyone ,hey-hey."

"No problem, I'm actually better at that than mediating neighborhood conflicts," Barrett responded.

The young man's expression was confused, and he didn't seem to understand the meaning of the barbarian's words, but he still kindly warned, "But you have to be careful, the eyes of those crystal-scale lizards can emit a very bright light. Light, and the scales on your body will flash with it. This intense light can temporarily blind and stun you, and then they will rush to bite you. The point is, you don't know when the monster is It will emit nasty light, there is no sign at all, and it is difficult to prevent it. After all, we can't be faster than the light."

"Don't worry, I was prepared before I came." Barrett took out a pair of obsidian-ground single-piece lenses and put it on his left eye, "That way it won't be a big problem."

The young man gave a thumbs up convincingly, "You are really well prepared. When I followed our boss to the cave a few months ago, I was almost blinded by those lizards! Several people were bitten, Mo Ray was also bitten by a lizard from a large piece of meat from his It took a long time for him to move."

"Are you here to find crystals?" Barrett asked casually, "Isn't this place dug up long ago?"

"Although they have been dug up, people are still able to find crystals in the caves, and they are all high-quality crystals." The young man explained, "Many people believe that there will be a third place. Crystal caves exist, it's just that people haven't dug them before. Morey is a staunch proponent of that. He's a geologist, or so he says. And we're his bodyguards, plus miners. . If you want to discover a mine, you have to dig around to see it." He smiled.

Barry nodded in understanding. "Um..., do you need me to bring a message to those companions in you? If we can meet."

"It's not necessary." The young man shook his head. "However, if you find that they are in trouble, I hope you can help them. Of course, they will certainly help you."

After the barbarian gave the young man a 'no problem' gesture, he stepped into the abandoned mine.

With glowing stones in his hand, he strolled along the track paved on the ground. The inside of the cave was a bit sultry, and the temperature was much higher than Barrett imagined. It was very different from the last time he went to the Underdark, but it was a bit like the journey to the crater to collect magma in the Nameless Space.

The depth of this mine is likely to rely on a magma chamber, Barrett speculated in his heart, but fortunately people at the time did not dig it through.


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