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Chapter 278: Cave roaming (below)

While the group of people ran in the direction of Barrett, they kept waving and shouting at him, signaling him to hurry up and climb the ladder to leave.

And as the group of people kept getting closer, Barrett felt that the ground beneath his feet began to tremble faintly. The tremor was getting stronger and stronger, and it was accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds, as if something was about to rush out of the corridor.

I'm going, it's a big guy!

Because the situation was not clear, Barrett decided to be safe. He put away his knives and prepared to follow the instructions of those few people and turn around to climb the ladder. After all, these people knew the situation better than him.

The barbarian left the luminous stones to the few people to help them light up the area, then he turned and ran towards the wooden ladder, arriving here after a few breaths. And when he turned back to look at the group of people, he happened to see a huge purple worm rushing out violently from the corner of the corridor.

The huge body of the purple worm almost occupied the entire passage, and after it appeared, it did not turn around the corner of the passage like the group of people, but rushed forward recklessly, digging through the opposite rock wall. , and knocked out a new passage from the soil not far from the corridor.

"My God, is the effect of the paralyzing potion gone so quickly?" the short-legged dwarf said while running.

"What's the use of talking about this now?" The human at the back pushed the dwarf hard, "Hurry up, hurry up, it's catching up!"

"But after my leg was injured last time, it can only be at this speed!" The dwarf shouted helplessly.

"Shit, I should have left yourself here!" The rearmost human picked up the dwarf's collar. "Burton, come and help!" he called to the one in front.

The other party hesitated for a while, but chose to stop for two steps, and flew forward with the human on the dwarf.

The soil and rocks smashed by the purple worms splattered in all directions, and the scene was quite shocking. After it came out, it stopped in the crystal cave after mining, then turned around to find the target, and rushed towards the group of people again.

The running speed of the crowd is already fast, but it is still not as good as the purple worm. Barrett found that the group of people could not reach the ladder at all, and they would be overtaken by the giant purple worm that was nearly 20 meters long.

The fact is as he expected. When the group of people was still a short distance away from the ladder, the purple worm had already caught up with them. It opened its big mouth, which was covered with circles of sharp teeth, trying to swallow the group of people whole.

They fled in all directions, flying to the left and right, barely surviving under the first blow of the purple worm. One of them was knocked to the ground by the long body of the purple worm, unconscious, while the dwarf was holding his left leg, baring his teeth in pain.

The broken human held a long sword and a shield and shouted at the purple insect. The other human also clenched the long sword with both hands, but the whole person was trembling uncontrollably.

Barrett hesitated for two heartbeats, then jumped off the ladder, pulled out the two knives from his waist, and attacked the purple worm.

The double knives are extremely sharp, and because of the 'defense penetration' and 'hatred of the living', their attack power is extremely terrifying. However, these two weapons are not without drawbacks when dealing with purple worms. The barbarian is very worried that the skill "severe pain attack" attached to them will make this purple worm more violent and crazy.

In fact, to deal with such monsters that are much bigger than the frost worm, the thick long swords that can be used with both hands such as 'Tyrant Touch' are more effective than the one-handed weapons like the machete.

However, Barrett's plan was to use his dual knives to deal enough damage before switching to 'Touch of Tyranny'. In this way, the 'Heart of Tyranny' attached to it (the worse the opponent's state, the higher the damage), will make the attack power of this weapon reach a considerable level, plus the 'Guardian Domain of the Fallen' 'The armor reduction halo makes the barbarian confident to try the fineness of this purple worm.

Moreover, a monster like the purple worm is not a magical beast, it does not have a strong frost breath, and there is no sarcoid that can emit a shocking vibrato on its head. It only has two relatively simple attack methods.

To deal with small creatures, directly swallow or crush them; to deal with large creatures, use poisonous thorns at the end of their tails to poison the opponent, and then swallow or crush them alive...

The purple worm swallowed the sword and shield human who boldly challenged it, and the huge body swayed sideways, hitting the dwarf sitting on the ground and another standing human against the rock wall.

Sword and Shield Human flew and avoided the attack. He got up and threw away the shield in his hand (because this thing can't prevent you from being swallowed alive), and slashed hard at the purple worm with his sword in both hands.

The weapon swiped across the monster's body, leaving a deep sword mark, but for such a large monster, this kind of injury is only about the level of itching.

Taking advantage of that person to attract the attention of the purple worm, Barrett strode to the front of the purple worm. He held the machete in his left hand and stabbed the purple worm fiercely. The right hand slammed the end of the knife handle violently, and the blade of the left hand machete was fully inserted into the body.

The barbarian roared loudly, pushing the sharp machete forward with his powerful strength. The thick skin of the purple worm was cut all the way with a machete, and the stench of blood kept flowing from the wound.

It straightened its upper body and raised its big mouth, roared angrily towards the top of the cave, and then swayed its body violently, trying to escape the rather painful "bite" of the barbarian.

Barrett also stabbed his right hand machete into the monster's body, trying to fix his body, but was still thrown out by the monster. He rolled twice to release the force that was thrown away, and before he could get up, he heard the human remind him loudly, "Hey, be careful!"

The barbarian knew without thinking that this purple worm was attracted by his attack.

However, he wasn't worried about it. Barritt squatted half-squatting and saw the purple worm attacking him with a huge force, and the mouth full of sharp teeth exuded the stench and stench of corruption. He found the opportunity and jumped slightly to the left, just dodging the big mouth of the purple worm.

The monster still ran forward with great inertia. The barbarian arched his body and stabbed the machete in his left hand into the purple worm's body again. His body was slightly staggered by the monster, but he still held on with his strong physical fitness.

The sharp machete once again opened a deep mouth several meters long from the body of the purple worm, and the monster began to roll in pain, trying to crush Barret into a patty.

The machete in his left hand was pulled out in time by Barrett, and the monster's huge body nearly 20 meters long rolled towards him sideways, forcing him to start running in the opposite direction.

If he wants to run left and right out of the crushing distance of the purple worm, I am afraid it is too late, but his diagonal front is just the passage newly opened by the purple worm, so he can go in and avoid it, avoiding the danger of being crushed.

Barrett jumped off a few broken rocks and mounds and entered the passage in time. After he entered, he immediately turned back to face the purple worm, and turned the two scimitars in his hands up and, turned the blade up, and stabbed straight forward, waiting for the approach of the huge body.

The purple worm's body slammed into the rock wall sideways, but Barrett, who had already hid in the passage, couldn't help it. The latter half of its thin tail was stabbed straight by the machete, and in the subsequent tumbling and rotation, the two machetes cut most of it apart, leaving only a small piece of skin and bones connected. .

The purple worm screamed again in pain, and it slowly turned its body, trying to turn its head towards Barritt. The huge body trembled from time to time because of the pain.

Barritt ran out of the corridor, put away the two knives, and held the 'touch of tyranny' in his hands, confronting this huge monster with a cold face.

This huge monster bent its body slightly, facing the barbarian that was dozens of times smaller than it, but did not rush to attack, but hesitated for a while, seeming to be a little scared, and then charged towards the barbarian with a scream.

Barrett jumped to the side, dodging the attack quite easily. Immediately afterwards, he found the right time, jumped up his body high, raised his hands vigorously, and then chopped it down suddenly.

At this time, most of the tail of the purple worm had been cut off, and it happened to be under the sword of the barbarian. The 'Touch of Tyranny' raged all the way, brutally cutting off all the flesh and bones of the purple worm's tail.

The monster screamed in pain again, and the high voice resounded throughout the cave. Afterwards, it burrowed into the rock wall, dug out a new tunnel, and fled into the distance, leaving only the tail with thorns in place.


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