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Chapter 306: gold coins of the dead

"Go to the 'Spine Forest' area of ​​the Eternal Body and find a undead blacksmith named 'Calvin', he may agree to make a pair of special weapons for you. Of course, he may not Agree, it depends on your luck. Anyway, this weapon of mine was made by Calvin, and it is quite easy to use." Mage Cyril said to Barrett.

"Spine Forest, Calvin. Okay, I remember. Thank you, Your Excellency Mage Cyril." Barrett said thanks, but he still kept dividing the spoils in his hands, ready to take them away The one you deserve.

Although the dragon slaying is successful, there are not too many useful things on the dragons (doubtful) like zombie dragons.

Its dragon scales have long since fallen off, the dragon skin is rotten and useless, and there is no such thing as dragon blood. The heart and other organs inside the body have also lost their original functions, so it can't even use the most powerful weapon of dragons - dragon breath.

The only thing of value for this gigantic trophy is the keel on its body. Among the dragon skeletons, the value of the dragon tooth is undoubtedly the most prominent.

As for the rotten flesh of the zombie dragon, other than the ghoul who had been eating a happy ghoul and the giant zombie who joined later, no one else was interested in it at all.

The hardness of dragon teeth is quite terrifying. That's why dragons can easily crush rock, metal, well-crafted body armor, and even extremely hard gems (many dragons like to devour gems, but they are often reluctant to do so).

Mage Cyril's promise to give Barrett two rare primordial dragon fangs among his loot certainly makes our kindly helpful death knight very happy.

So he was standing by the mouth of the zombie dragon at this time, digging up the carrion desperately with two rune weapons.

It is not an easy task to take away the two dragon teeth that belonged to him. The dragon tooth of the ancient dragon could not be broken by violent means, so Barret could only choose to dig the dragon's gums, and then try to find a way to get out of the root of the dragon tooth, which is the alveolar bone of the lower jaw of the zombie dragon, Take this pair of dragon teeth that resembles a human 'canine' position.

His fellow Death Rider did something similar. Rodney is holding a giant axe, and according to the request of Mage Cyril, he slashes at a certain connection of the neck vertebrae of the zombie dragon - the Mage is ready to pack the whole dragon head away.

This is also not an easy task, even more difficult than cutting off a zombie dragon's ankle. At this point, the "ding ding ding" slashing has been going on for a while, and Rodney's job is going on even longer without the aid of the zombie dragon's own weight.

So, which is more labor-saving, chopping bones or pulling teeth? It's very simple, the person who stands by the side watching the play saves the most effort.

"If you're really going to go to Calvin and ask him to make weapons for you, you have to flatter him," said the mage Cyril. If you are in a good mood, maybe you will agree. You have to know that not everyone can build a dragon tooth weapon."

"Is the price for him to build weapons high? I wonder if I can afford it." Barrett asked, but the work in his hand was not slow at all.

"Price? No, no, it's completely free for Calvin to make equipment for others." Mage Cyril suddenly stretched out his left hand in front of the female vampire, "Ophelia, dear, help me polish my nails. I The nail on my little finger was accidentally broken by the night shadow in the previous battle, which made me feel very uncomfortable."

The female vampire glared at the mage, but still took out a small file and helped the mage Cyril carefully polish it.

free? That's not bad. Although in many cases, free things are often more expensive to get, but Barrett still likes these two words very much.

"Besides, what do the undead want money for? Especially in an almost closed place like the Eternal Body." Mage Cyril looked at the figure working between the dragon's neck, "Am I right, Luo Denis?"

"What do the undead want money for? That's a really good question." Death Knight Rodney threw down his weapon and sat on the carrion, "Before I answer this question, you can ask you Miss Ophelia next to her."

"What do you think, dear?" The mage looked at the female vampire.

"I like gems, beautiful clothes, and wine mixed with blood." The female vampire said casually while sharpening her nails for the mage, "Mixing the blood of elves into the golden wine of Qingting Island is the most delicious taste. People are addicted, but the price of elf blood is high, and it is very rare, and it is often impossible to buy. If I have money, I will buy a farm and raise some elves to drink casually. Also, my skin is too white, but I want wheat-colored skin more, but I can't tan myself in the sun like other women, so I need to use magic jewelry that can change shape. You promised me one last time. I still need a lot of cosmetics to take care of my delicate skin, the ones produced by the Holy Arathor Kingdom are all very good, but they are also the most expensive, and…”

"Stop, stop, stop, my good Ophelia. I know, money is very important to you!" The mage said helplessly, "By the way, can't you just **** the blood of goblins like me? Goblins , elf, the names are similar, and those little guys are also very cute, green, and they can scream. Oh, I remembered here, Barrett, where is the little angel next to you? We won. , someone needs to cheer and scream."


In fact, the undead do not need money very much, and Ophelia is only extremely Barrett discovered through a short stay in the eternal body that there is no so-called 'economic system' there. First of all, although there are some means of transaction, it is also quite confusing.

Because the two metals silver and copper cannot resist the slow invasion of negative energy in the dark realm, silver and copper coins are completely useless here.

Gold is very strong in all planes, and it is the same in the dark realm. It is also the main currency of the eternal body. But its own value is not as high as that of the main material plane, which leads to Barrett who wants to buy things in the eternal body, and often has to pay a higher price.

Just like the two rune weapons made of stainless steel in his hand, the price was more than double that of the blacksmiths outside, which made Barrett heartache when he bought the long sword and armor.

And most of the time, people actually prefer barter transactions. And because there is no way to accurately measure the value of many things, it generally only depends on the attitude of the two parties to the transaction.

More importantly, the guys who can trade in the Eternal Body are actually extremely rare, because most of the undead have no need to buy or sell at all, and they do not have such ability, because most of the undead have no work. remuneration.

Only high-level undead like Ais Renee have certain rewards based on magic stones and gold coins, but they don't value this.

The gold coins of the deceased, more often than not, are just a good yearning for the life.


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