Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 310: All beings in the forest of spines (middle)

"Nice to meet you here, my friend." A sudden greeting passed into Barrett's soul fire, the content of which was exactly the same as that engraved on the tombstone.

He looked around subconsciously, "Well... I don't know if you want to say 'meet' or 'peep' in a corner." Barrett put his hand on his waist. On the rune weapon, he said loudly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my fault." The voice that suddenly broke in said apologetically, "It's been a long time since customers have visited my store, so I'm a little rusty with the most basic hospitality."

shop? Where are the shops? The upside-down pyramid nearby? Then again, why didn't the mummy I met at the beginning live in the pyramid? Is it because this is not his home, or is the guy kicked out by his wife? The barbarian thought without bounds.

When he was young, his neighbor's Uncle Bancroft was always kicked out of his home. Then Bancroft would turn around and go to Barrett's house to get a few drinks from his father.

The two men would hold wine glasses, while loudly berating women for their badness, while coveting their beauty, which made Barrett despise these two guys when he was a child.

"My previous guest was Gallagher who came here thirty years ago. Do you know him? Gallagher bought me a very nice mandible with three gold teeth. Makes him the most handsome skeleton in the third district." The voice continued to ring in Barrett's skull, "I admit, for undead creatures like us with only skeletons left, it's not very good to judge handsome or not. But that mandible is definitely a good thing, I even want to keep it for myself. To be honest, I have a lot of good things like that in my store, you can come in and browse.”

"Well, I'm just wandering around, not going to buy anything." Barrett declined.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed, friends from afar. The business itself is not important to me. It is the happiest thing to see a new face in a long time." The voice said, "Please wait a moment, this door handle is a little difficult to use, I have to try it with a thicker arm."

"Don't bother, I'm going to leave now." Barrett turned to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly. Immediately afterwards, the large tombstone behind him moved slowly back a short distance as the ground trembled, revealing a hidden staircase underneath.

"It's good to come in and have a look." The voice continued to persuade, "My shop used to be quite famous in the entire 'Eternal Body'. Eugene the Great Lich visited me and bought one. The skull of a hydra."

Well, since the other party has opened this so-called door for himself, let's go in and have a look, anyway, it's the same wherever you go. Barrett put his hands on his waist and stepped down the stairs.

A skeleton with a slightly disproportionate figure stood at the end of the stairs and bowed to meet Barrett, "Welcome to 'Elegant Clavicle', friends from afar, I'm 'Glacman', the owner of this shop."

The center of the skull's forehead is plated with a golden concentric double-ring pattern, and a golden necklace with a shell-shaped pendant hangs around his neck. The bones of his left arm are extra thick and long, and he can even bend down without bending over. , easily touch the ground with the palm bone.

"Hello, I didn't expect you to open your store so hidden." Barrett said to the owner of the shop, Glacman, "If you didn't take the initiative to greet me, I wouldn't even see that there is still something to sell here."

"Tombstones are of special importance to all undead creatures. And I hope my shop will do the same." The fire of the soul in Glacman's skull jumped, and the words were transmitted to Barrett's consciousness. " As for why it is opened underground, it is very simple, because I have too many products, and many of them are extra large and take up more space. Please come with me." He used his right arm to guide Barrett.

In this shop called 'Elegant Clavicle', there are a large number of strangely shaped bones and various bone products displayed in a dazzling array. The burial garden' feeling.

However, the bones here seem to have been carefully selected, not the kind of 'Garden of Bone Burial' that welcomes visitors. All the bones are well maintained and rarely cracked or deformed.

"Wait a minute, my friend, let me replace the left arm," Glacman said. "It originally belonged to a frost giant, and it wouldn't fit on me. But use it to screw The rusty doorknob is very good." After speaking, the shop owner took off his left arm, picked up another normal-sized arm from the wall next to him, and put it on.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the remains of the giant on the ground with both hands and placed it on another large shelf.

After the dressing was finished, the shop owner looked at Barrett with his head with golden concentric double rings, "If you don't mind, please allow me to introduce you to these items in the shop."

"This is the hand bone of the great writer Garcia." He pointed to a bone palm holding a quill on display in a glass counter and said, "After Garcia died, Julius, who liked his works, was killed. The mage was dragged out of the coffin and reincarnated as a zombie. To be honest, this is more or less But what can we do? Many times, we can't Truly control your own destiny, even after death."

"Then why is this writer's hand bone with you?" Barrett asked curiously. Garcia? He had never heard the name. As a Nord barbarian, he had good reason not to know this man.

"He himself is now in the 'Spine Forest', in the sixth district. The exact location is not easy to find. If you like his work and want to visit, I can draw the location."

"No, no, I don't plan to do this, I'm just curious." Barrett waved his hand hurriedly. "Then he's missing a hand now? Or replace that hand with something else?"

"Garcia, who became an undead, was very happy at first, and wrote two new works with enthusiasm. However, these two works did not have the opportunity to be published and let the world read, because they were exclusively collected by Master Juliers. Now." The shop owner introduced, "You know, many powerful mages disappeared before and after the fall of the empire, and Juliers was one of them, so those two works also disappeared with the latter's disappearance."

"and after?"

"Later, Garcia gradually felt that his consciousness was getting slower and slower. Although the fire of the soul was still very strong, it could not inspire new inspiration - he could no longer conceive any works." Gluckman said softly, " So one day, when he couldn't write half a word no matter how hard he tried, he chose to chop off the hand holding the pen."


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