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Chapter 316: war between the dead

From Calvin's blacksmith shop, Barrett's waist is equipped with two rune swords of 'Pain' and 'Despair'.

This is also impossible. The storm dwarves said that it takes about a month to complete the main material plane to create a new weapon, so Barret can only use the dragon teeth, dragon tail, crystal bone pieces, purple worm tail, and manticore tail of the zombie dragon. The materials that may be used are kept in Calvin's blacksmith shop for emergencies.

Then he took the little ghost, mounted the nightmare beast, and continued his mission with the old weapon.

At the same time, on the boundless frontier of the Dark Realm, a considerable-scale battle is going on in full swing.

When Ais Renee took her team and rode a skeleton griffin to the battlefield, the ground below was already full of fighting, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The endless undead swarmed against each other on the dark horizon, fighting and mingling. Countless undead fell every moment, but it didn't take long for a large number of them to rise back up and join the fight again.

Even if their bodies are broken and the fire of the soul in their skulls will be extinguished long ago, they will still be re-pulled by powerful necromantic magic and aggregated into an unconscious creature that only knows to obey orders to kill. deformed undead monster.

Some of these undead are well-equipped, while others are just naked (harmonious) attacking with teeth and claws. Some undead were still facing each other's swords a moment ago, but after a wave of black-gray magic passed by, they stopped fighting at the same time, holding their weapons together to find other targets.

Somewhere on the battlefield, an extremely large Soul Prisoner fiercely smashed many zombies and skeletons, but it was accidentally jumped by several ghouls and climbed onto its body. The ghoul grabbed one ghoul with its sharp bone claws, devoured it with its mouth open, then grabbed the other two and threw them violently to the ground.

The rest of the ghouls crawled to the Soul Prisoner's chest, constantly tearing at the prisoner's body locked inside through the sternum, but were slapped on his chest by the Soul Prisoner, crushing most of them.

At this moment, a death titan strode towards the slaughtering Soul Prisoner in the distance. The Death Titan is the tallest on the battlefield, and it also attracts a lot of firepower.

A rain of bone arrows shot out at it, and many necromantic magics such as weakening rays, withering spells, and the return of the dead were also constantly attacking it, but they were all flickering on this dead Titan. Various protective magics Blocked most of it. The remaining damage, after hitting the Death Titan's decent resistance, is not a threat to it at all.

The Death Titan was a little taller than this elite Soul Prisoner. It blocked the Soul Prisoner's two bone claw attacks with the black bracers on its arms, and then punched the opponent's chest.

After the heavy punch easily shattered the countless ribs of the Soul Prisoner, it also smashed the Soul Prisoner itself into pieces. Immediately afterwards, the Death Titan ignored the scars left by the opponent's claws and clasped the Soul Prisoner's neck tightly with two big hands. Then it used both hands up and down to directly pull out the Soul Prisoner's head and part of its spine.

The victorious death titan let out a roar of fury, using its head with its spine as a weapon, frantically hammering nearby enemies and allies.

"Those forces really did a lot to keep Kilwent! Many old guys even took out the capital." Ace Renee said excitedly when she heard her teammate 'Little Locke'.

"There is no way. After we found two forces, they were completely wiped out." Another team member 'Grove' said, "If even Kilwent, who took advantage of the fall of the empire, jumped out and organized a coalition of all parties. The advocates and linkers who attacked the 'Eternal Body' together have also been eliminated by us, and the remaining old guys can only hide themselves deeper and never dare to show their faces again."

"It all deserves it!" Wilder said disdainfully after throwing a frost spear from the air and shattering a piece of skeleton.

"Hey, have you seen a group of skeleton mammoth cavalry running rampant over there? There must be at least hundreds of them depending on the posture." Little Locke pointed to a battlefield in the distance and said, "Where did those old guys find them? With so many mammoth remains, wasn't this creature killed by goblins in the Fifth Era?"

"Some forces here have been hiding in this boundless negative energy plane even before the Fifth Era. Anyway, time has already lost its meaning here." 'Grove' replied.

"Really or not? How long ago?" Little Locke didn't believe it.

"Of course, the 'Nosferatu blood clan' belongs to this category. Each of their members is a primitive blood clan in ancient times, and UU reading is also the predecessor of these vampires today." Grove Reply.

"No wonder the individuals of the 'Nosferatu Blood Race' are so ugly and savage, far from the beautiful appearance and noble temperament of the current vampires." Little Locke was a little surprised, "To be honest, I actually want to Be a vampire, not a death knight. I've heard that undead vampires can taste the sweetness of blood, and I've long since forgotten the taste of rye beer."

"You all give me some attention!" Ace Renee's eyes filled with fire of soul, preventing the chat among the team members.

"Captain, we'd better go around the Death Titan." The Seventh Fang's deputy Rachel suggested, "Although the mages of the 'Death Skull' have already controlled this big man, this guy is on the battlefield. I still get mad from time to time.”

"I heard that when this death titan was under the control of Gilwent before, when it attacked a fortress of our 'Eternal Body', it suddenly attacked their multi-party coalition uncontrollably." , "I thought those necromancers had wiped his consciousness long after capturing this death titan."

"It was erased," said Grove, who had a wide range of information, "but this death titan should have been quite a powerful guy before his death. Even though his consciousness has been erased several times by Kirwinter and the mages of our association, But still tenaciously left a little residue, this kind of obsession can hardly be eliminated."

"Stop talking, take out your weapons and prepare to enter the battle." Ais Renee instructed.


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