Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 326: Lich Custer's Diary (Part 1)

When Barrett opened the diary on the desk, he finally knew that the tower he broke into was not the confinement castle that sealed treasures as he had thought, but a private mansion in the dark realm. .

According to what the Bone Naga said, the owner of this mansion, for some reason, never came back after going out, so he gave him an opportunity for this uninvited guest.

The thief, Barritt, who broke into the house without permission, picked up the diary on the table and looked around again. He didn't find anything unusual, so he read it curiously.

The diary is quite heavy, and there are three iron chains on the brass metal cover, but the chains are not locked, but are tangled in a mess.

The entire diary has been recorded for most of it, but the language used in the first half of the diary is 'ancient common language'. This language is grammatically similar to the 'lingua franca' used today, but there are many differences in terms of vocabulary and meaning.

More than 80% of the ancient words are no longer in use, and only some of the most commonly used words, such as: man, woman, something indescribable, child, etc., remain.

So when Barrett opened the first page of his diary, in addition to recognizing the above date 'Unknown Era (that word Barrett did not know) March 2, 56', as well as 'I became', 'come here' , 'record some', 'my life' and other sporadic phrases, they do not know anything.

However, when he flipped back casually, the language behind the diary became the common language again.

"King Seist 863", the content of the first page of the common language diary only records the age, but does not have the numbers of the month and day. It seems that for the owner of the diary, the passage of time to the extent of the month and day has become Meaningless.

"Today is another day worth recording. When I opened the diary, I found that thirty years have passed since the last record! Is it thirty years? Maybe, if the pendulum in the laboratory is not broken. How good, then I don't need to arrange a silly skeleton to keep flipping the hourglass, and then engrave the number of times the hourglass has been flipped on the bone.

Fortunately, there are not many other things in this barren space, but there are as many bones as I want. I hope that the bones I prepared can always be used when I am asleep, otherwise the skeleton can only be carved on its own body. Maybe I should give it a name..."

There is a heavy drop of ink here, which wets a small piece of the paper. It seems that the owner of the diary subconsciously parked the bone pen here and pondered for a long time.

"Forget it, what name do you want for a skeleton servant, I don't even know the bones of the Naga. The 40 Naga corpses cost me a lot of money, but unfortunately only three were successfully transformed in the end. , If I could keep them in this plane and transform them, maybe the success would be greatly enhanced, but who can tell the world clearly, I never thought that I would one day embark on the road of magic, and finally Transform yourself into a lich.

That's actually not bad, at least my brother doesn't have to worry about me coveting his throne. He was the great King of Sester as people called him, and I was always described as a scumbag, a sorcerer.

Of course, this guy who 'plays witchcraft' still exists. Although it can't be called alive, at least he has his own consciousness. And my brother, the exalted King of Sester, may have already rested in the belly of a swarm of maggots. People always say that he is great and noble, but a great man should not occupy both of his mother's breast (harmonious) rooms, nor should his brother's head be used as a chair.

Look, look at what I've written, hundreds of years have passed, the kingdom may have been destroyed, and I'm still entangled in these long-term things, no wonder my magic has not grown much, and even faintly step back.

However, the reason for the setback actually has little to do with me. When I found out the reason, I felt a little better inexplicably. If I still had lips, it would have gone up considerably at this point.

Then again, I really should have found a servant who can repair such delicate things as clocks. It's a pity that watchmakers were an extremely rare profession before I came to a plane. After all, most people don't care much about time. Of course, it is also possible that they can't afford a clock at all. After all, being able to fill your stomach and stay away from wars and alien aggression is already quite a happy life..."

Afterwards, there was a long, miscellaneous trivia, most of which were memories of previous lives and some small complaints arising from the memories. Only after this did the diary owner write down the reasons for today's "worth recording".

"At the just-concluded Lich Rally, I learned from a Lich named Kierwent that the outside world seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes. We magicians have unified the entire continent, which is amazing. It's such a crazy thing, I initially thought that the lich named Kielwinter was crazy because his behavior was really suspicious, but the other lich confirmed his claim~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and they all already knew about it.

This new language was invented by the empire established by the magician. I plan to use this language to record in the future. After all, all humans in the main material plane, and even many aliens, have begun to use this language.

Could it be that there will be no more continuous wars in the future? This is really a good thing for ordinary people. I am very longing and longing for this magician empire, but Kierwent does not think so. He said that the mages of those empires actually tore apart the great magic net. No wonder I always felt a little obscure when using magic. I originally thought it was because my magic skills had regressed after I woke up from a deep sleep. Luckily it wasn't because of me..."

Barrett turned the page and read on.

"If the magic net is gone, it will be gone. Anyway, being in this plane of death doesn't have much impact. And after I came in, I didn't plan to go back to the main material plane, so I didn't care at all. Erwint was very angry about this. He wanted to call on everyone to boycott those new mages who did not need the magic net, but how should they resist? We will definitely lose our spellcasting ability when we return to the main material plane. As for those new mages, Can they still enter this plane of death?"

"Even if they enter this plane, I don't think it's a big deal. If we do meet, I think we can get along very well. I'll start with the common language 'hello', and I hope I still Can make a sound."


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