Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 330: looting

The entire third floor of the tower was as the female zombie embedded at the head of the bed said, a large-scale mage laboratory.

A pair of concentric rings are drawn in the center of the ground of the laboratory, and inside the pair of concentric rings is a magic hexagram formed by overlapping two triangles.

Barrett knew that before the Magic Empire, the mages used the hexagram as the basis to draw the magic circle and guide the magic power, which was also the most fundamental sign to distinguish the old and new generations of mages.

There is also a magic hexagram and a pair of concentric rings on the ceiling of the laboratory, but the magic hexagram at the top is particularly huge, occupying almost the entire top, and wrapping the concentric rings inside.

In addition, there are countless magical symbols of various shapes that are engraved on the inside and outside of the magic hexagram. They flicker and disappear slowly like breathing, and even if the owner here has disappeared long ago, they still continue.

'Magic belongs to no one, and mages are only their spokespersons. ' Barret suddenly thought of what the little mage Chris once said...

One of the three walls of the laboratory is a long alchemy counter. There are many glassware, metal supports, crucibles, balances, grinding pestles and other miscellaneous things. There were even three candles, one long, two short, burning quietly in the center of the alchemy counter. One of the candles glowed light blue, while the flames of the other two were deep purple.

Above the alchemy counter hangs an old pendulum and five portraits in a silver picture frame. In the center of the portrait, a pair of luxuriously dressed men and women are sitting on chairs, and behind them stand three young men of roughly the same size.

Only one of the five had clear facial features, while the faces of the other four were just shaded. The only young man with a face stood on the far right side of the crowd. He put his right hand on the back of the chair in front of him, and the other hand seemed to be holding something, but it was not drawn because of the obstruction of the chair.

Although the young man's face was still green, Barrett could still tell that he should be the owner of the tower.

At the left end of the alchemy counter, there is also a normal skeleton with a carving knife in its hand. The skeleton has been staring at the medium-sized hourglass at the end of the counter. When the yellow sand in the hourglass has completely dripped, the skeleton will immediately turn the hourglass over and carve a knife on its thigh bone. At other times, it just stood there motionless.

The skeleton didn't seem to notice Barrett's entry, or did notice it and didn't care at all. It just concentrates on its own business and is not disturbed by any foreign objects.

On the other two walls of the laboratory, there are rows of cabinets of different heights and heights. The cabinets contain many bottles and jars of different colors, as well as some peculiar magic materials.

After seeing the skeleton and ignoring him, Barrett told Little Ghost to wait at the entrance of the laboratory and entered the interior of the laboratory alone.

He moved slowly along the wall like a gecko, as far as possible from the circle in the center. He's not a mage, and he doesn't know any of those magic symbols. God knows what the consequences will be if he accidentally steps on them.

Fortunately, this high tower is not a mage tower in the traditional sense, but just a residence for a spellcaster inhabited by a lich. Otherwise, Barritt would probably have been bombed to pieces before entering the interior.

The first cupboard he approached was filled with large and small bottles and cans. The inside of one of the pale cyan bottles contained an apple that shimmered in bright gold.

The golden apple is suspended in the center of the bottle, and the veins of the peel are clearly visible. The apple is much larger than the mouth of the bottle, and Barrett doesn't know how it got in in the first place.

For adventurers, golden things have a natural and irresistible temptation. Barrett first took the bottle out of the cupboard and scrutinized it in his hand.

No matter how he shook the bottle, the golden apple inside was always suspended in the center, as if pinned there by some invisible force. But at this moment, the stopper at the mouth of the bottle suddenly fell off for some reason. Immediately afterwards, the golden apples in the bottle began to rapidly shrink, wither, and rot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a few seconds after Barrett hurriedly picked up the cork and put it in again, the golden apple had become a pile of black powder at the bottom of the loose bottle.

Omg, **** it! Barrett was secretly annoyed. Who knows why the tower owner didn't cork the bottle properly? Wasn't he worried at all about what was happening in front of him?

After cursing a few words, Barrett put the bottle in his hand into the space ring. Maybe that pile of black powder will be very valuable, maybe that golden apple is just like this before it can be used. Magic is something, who can say for sure.

After this lesson, when Barrett took other bottles and jars, he was very careful and handled with care, for fear that something would go wrong and the gold coins he had won would be lost.

There are many things in the two rows of cabinets on this wall. Several bottles of unknown liquid, whether it was potion or poison, one of which was still frothy like rye beer; an empty bottle that seemed to have nothing in it, but when Barrett hesitated to take it , the shadow of something suddenly flashed in the bottle; the dry heart of a half-jar of small creatures, the size of the heart is about the same as that of a pigeon; a whole bottle of seeds of an unknown plant, the pattern on the shell of the seeds is like The eyes are the Of course, it may also be the eyeballs of some strange creature...

There are petals of many colors in a jar, which looks like scented tea, but Barrett never dares to taste it; a small box of dark blue scales, the luster on the scales is no different from that of high-quality magic spar , Barrett was looking forward to the value of this thing; a roll of leather of some unknown creature, wrapped tightly in cotton, and placed in a small bucket at the bottom of the cupboard; a rather ordinary-looking moustache lying on The bottom of the jar, this thing is also a magic material? Barrett is a little skeptical...

After scavenging all the things on this wall, Barrett took a short rest and continued to move forward along the wall.

When he walked past the skeleton, the other party still ignored him, just staring at the hourglass in front of him. Barrett wanted to kill the skeleton and take away the hourglass (he suspected that the hourglass would be more valuable), but after thinking about it, he didn't do it.

Sympathy, pity, or something else? He didn't say it well himself.

There were also some things on the alchemy counter, but Barrett dared not touch them casually. Unlike magic materials, many semi-finished alchemy items are extremely dangerous, and Barrett can't guarantee that the lich will still leave it there after halfway through a certain experiment.

Past the alchemy counter, Barrett walked to another row of cabinets that contained magic materials. The magic materials here are basically placed directly on the shelves in the cabinet, and there is no container package outside.

The first thing that caught Barrett's eyes made him feel vaguely familiar.


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