Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 333: return

Barrett stood on the edge of the cliff, looking into the unreachable distance.

There is no edge on the left and right sides of the cliff, and it stretches into the darkness where not even the fire of the soul can see through. The bottom is as deep as hell, if you accidentally fall, you don't know where you will get.

The undead form makes Barrett's sense of smell very weak, so weak that it can even be said to disappear. This allows our death knights to go all out and focus on fighting stinking undead creatures like Rotten Harbingers, Zombie Dragons, and more.

But Barrett swears that he did smell a very strange breath at this time. The breath seemed to spread from the bottom of the cliff and from a distance. It was difficult to describe in words. .

"I don't like it here, big uncle." The little ghost floated not far away, and refused to approach the edge of the cliff, "Let's finish the stone and leave quickly."

"No problem, listen to you." Barrett withdrew his gaze from the rolling darkness in the distance, and walked cautiously towards the fifth void stone.

At this moment, Barrett suddenly felt a slight movement behind him. He quickly turned around with his sword, and vaguely saw that a small piece of soil seemed to slip off the edge of the cliff he had just stood on.

And just as he frowned and stared fixedly there, a little bit of broken soil fell and slid into the bottomless abyss below the cliff.

You should leave now! Barritt thought subconsciously as he looked at the small, untraceable landslide.

Cover the orange-sized Void Stone with a hexagonal crystal box, and then use the purple eye ring on the little finger to shine on the crystal box. The whole collection process is quite smooth, and there are no accidents.

When this void stone also disappeared, the surging negative energy instantly filled it like the previous few times. But this time is slightly different from usual. There are a lot of negative energies that seem to be consciously pouring into Barrett's body frantically, making his soul fire more vigorous, making the two blue fluorescent lights uncontrollably spread. Out of the eye socket.

Barrett didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he found that he was in a particularly good state at this time, and he seemed to be more in line with the dark realm.

Is this some kind of reward from the plane to himself? Barrett shook his head wryly. But he didn't want to be an undead, not even after death.


Eternal body, peak tooth fortress.

After passing through the two tauren death knights who were always guarding the gate, Barret entered the fortress that seemed to be much busier than usual.

Before arriving here, Barrett also went to Spine Forest and met Calvin, the storm dwarf blacksmith. It is a pity that his two dragon tooth weapons have not been forged yet. According to the time given by Calvin, it will take about ten days to complete the main material plane.

Barrett couldn't wait for such a long time, and the favor and reward of the suspected dark realm did not make him extinguish the idea of ​​returning to the main material plane. He planned to go to Calvin's blacksmith shop to pick up the pair of weapons the next time he came here again.

Anyway, after returning to the main material plane, he is not short of weapons. Whether it's the pair of scimitars 'Unoyun's Poison Fang', 'Touch of Tyranny' and 'Resonance Battle Axe', he has used them quite smoothly. Moreover, the weapons of the death knight are not suitable for living people to use, even if the pair of dragon teeth weapons have been forged, Barrett, who has returned to the living state, cannot control it.

Not to mention the "Iron Bride", Barrett hopes to restore this beloved sword as soon as possible. He plans to go back to the main material plane this time, and then go to Kris and ask how long it will take for the little mage to escape from the underground world.

At this time, there were a lot of death knights gathered in the super-large training ground of Fengya Fortress, and Barrett could feel that his mentor, Ace Renee, was also in this training ground.

This is the new ability acquired by his soul fire after strengthening - for familiar undead creatures, he can vaguely detect the opponent's position within a certain range.

To be honest, this ability is actually not strong, and many high-level undead are born with it. But Barrett didn't care, it was for nothing, and it didn't hurt.

In the third field of the training field, Ais Renee was sitting on a high platform far away at this time, looking at the battle in the middle of the field with her legs crossed.

A death knight holding a sword and a shield was fighting with a skeleton warrior with two scythes and agile skills.

Barrett walked over to Ace Renee and sat down.

"Where have you been during this time?" his mentor asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Where else can I go, run around and do missions," Barrett explained, "I'm here to complete those missions."

"The mission can be done at any time, but you have missed a once-in-a-century good show." Ace Renee said excitedly, "This is not an exaggeration, even in the dark realm, rarely A big war on that scale. It's a rare funny thing that happens in this boring place."

"War? What war?" Barrett was puzzled.

"Attack the Great Lich Kilwent's castle!" Ais Renee punched Barrett in the chest, although she didn't use much force, Barritt still felt a little uncomfortable, "Many forces have sent reinforcements in advance. Support Kierwent, we fought them quite fiercely. Of course, the final result must be that we won. I originally wanted to take you to the battlefield to see the world, but you were not in the fortress at the time."

"Kilwent? Well... I actually contributed a bit." Barrett touched his slightly sunken armor, "Did you know that he has a large zombie dragon mount, that zombie The dragon was killed by me and a mage named Cyril. To be honest, the zombie dragon was quite huge, and I..." Barrett wanted to boast of his irreplaceable role in that battle.

"Big? Hehe." The female death knight made a disdainful voice, "Then you didn't see a undead Beamon that was released from the castle's magical barrier after we breached, our The Death Titan, which is more than ten meters high, only reaches the shoulder of the undead Beamon, like a child."

"Then it must have caused a lot of trouble for you." Barrett imagined the huge figure of the undead Beamon in his mind.

"Is it troublesome, it's not really that big." Ace Renee said in a relaxed tone, "After all, Kilwent was wiped out before escaping back to her castle. And he, who returned to the Lich's phylactery, could not at all. Then completely control the undead Beamon. And although his castle stewards can release the giant beast, they can't control it. Therefore, the undead Beamon was finally controlled by our mages. Well, maybe it was Mage Dominic personally, maybe it was another Mage, who knows, anyway, the undead Beamon is now ours."

"That's good news!" Barrett echoed. Although he is not affiliated with the Magic Association, he is happy to see the strength of the association increase.

"By the way, how did your tasks go?" Ace Renee asked.

"Basically, it's almost the same." Barrett replied, "This time I'm asking you to say goodbye, and I'm going to go back for the time being."

"Returning to the main material plane? It's not bad! Are you coming back?" His mentor looked at the competition in the field. The skeleton warrior with dual scythes has gradually gained the upper hand, pressing down on the death knight holding the sword and shield. This skeleton warrior should have been quite a powerful guy before his death.

"Of course he'll be back, just not sure when."


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